15 Prayer Books Every Christian Should Read

Prayer books will help you to develop a deeper relationship with God. Every relationship needs consistent communication to thrive. For believers, prayer is how we commune with God.

Essentially, it is something we simply cannot do without. Undoubtedly, it can draw us nearer to Him and equally unlock heaven’s riches upon us.

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In essence, I discovered that making prayers the right way can be quite challenging. This is because life is full of so many troubles and distractions.

Fortunately, they can all be overcome. I carried out thorough research on some powerful guides that will show you exactly how.

Here are the 15 Best Prayer books Every Christian Should Read:


  1. Pocket Prayers: 40 Simple Prayers that Bring Peace and Rest by Max Lucado.

So many of us get distracted when we pray. Our thoughts tend to run all over the place with activities of the day.

Moreover, it can hamper our vision for quality time with God. Thankfully, there is hope.

Max Lucado knows exactly what it feels like to struggle with prayer.

If you can relate, never fear! Even the first followers of Jesus needed some prayer guidance too.

In this brief book, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will help you direct your prayers to the Source of all hope and strength.

In all, it contains 40 guided prayers and complementary scriptures for any situation.

It also serves as an outreach tool and source of encouragement for you. With this, the conversation with God can begin, ASAP.

  1. The Book On Prayer: An Invitation to an Awakening by Ken Gurley.

knowing how to pray or to pray more effectively can be a real struggle.

If you’re anything like me, this can be somewhat frustrating for you. Generally, this book soundly addresses how to end that struggle.

Furthermore, you can be instrumental in bringing God’s healing touch to a sick world.

Ken Gurley invites you to take part in the spiritual Awakening that will cause this.

Prayer does not have to be complex or tedious. The point is, when we pray, we absorb God’s Life and share this with those around us.

Within this book are 21 daily devotions designed to encourage you to become a person of prayer.

Afterward, see how your prayer life would transform from good, or even broken, to something beautiful.

God surely responds to the prayers of His people and reveals Himself to them.

  1. Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone by James Martin.

I found this to be a really profound and practical handbook. Learning to Pray explains what prayer is and what to expect from praying.

Additionally, it shows how to do it, and how it can transform us when we make it a regular practice in our lives.

Father Martin makes clear there is no one secret formula for praying.

Prayer, he teaches us, is open and accessible to anyone willing to open their heart. Building intimacy with our Creator is the main goal.

Martin lays out the different styles and traditions of prayer throughout Christian history.

He invites us to experiment and discover which works best to feed our souls. This way, we can flourish for His glory.

Also Related: Top 8 Best Women’s Devotional Bibles.

  1. Sacred Space: The Prayer Book 2021 by the Irish Jesuits.

This is one of the many  Prayer Books that invite you to develop a closer, firmer relationship with God.

I especially love how it skillfully inspires new expressions and depths of faith in the place of prayer.

More so, it will inspire you to a richer daily spiritual experience throughout the year.

It includes a daily Scripture reading and points of reflection, as well as sound weekly topics.

The Prayer Book is designed to help you stay true to your intention to deepen your spiritual journey. ​

  1. Prayers to Calm Your Anxious Heart: 100 Reassuring Devotions by Julie Gillies.

Anxiety can sometimes be an intrusive reality that steals our peace, brings fear, and disrupts our calm.

There is a sure solution. The God of all comfort invites you to turn your gaze toward heaven.

Prayers to Calm Your Anxious Heart offers 100 reassuring devotions.

Particularly, I love that each one offers inspiring teachings and provides space to write out your own thoughts and reflections.

Its Scripture-based prayers will shift your focus toward truth, restore your hope, and fill your soul with peace. You don’t have to dwell in anxiety.

Instead, pray. Allow your heart to rest in God’s calming presence.

Prayer: Communing with God in Everything–Collected Insight by A. W. Tozer. 

Tozer’s wisdom is indeed timeless. He understood prayer as few do: as a way of life. Now, we can all share that same grand and rewarding vision.

As a matter of fact, Prayer combines the best of Tozer’s revelations about prayer into one volume.

He regarded prayer as the primary means of coming into God’s presence.

Significantly too, his profound writing style will draw your gaze to great possibilities with God.

Hence, he encourages connecting with God’s wondrous power through prayer, regardless of our many activities.

Prayer is doable. God is accessible. And Tozer provides the wisdom and encouragement to help us encounter Him daily.

Its commentary and reflection questions are deep sources of insight.

Tozer takes our understanding of prayer to new depths and helps us have a life that prays effectively.

  1. Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Timothy Keller.

Many of us know that prayer is the most powerful way to experience God.

Only a few receive instruction or guidance on how to make prayer genuinely meaningful. Mostly, this book will give us these.

Keller offers biblical guidance as well as specific prayers for dealing with overwhelming life situations.

Broadly speaking, he also discusses ways to make prayers more personal and powerful.

No doubt, you will discover how to establish a practice of prayer that works perfectly for you.

And with this book, he’ll show you how to find a deeper connection with God.

  1. Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado.

Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night? Is irrational anxiety your constant companion?

Thus, let God help you win the war on worry and receive the long-lasting peace of Christ.

Largely, we all encounter anxiety, but we don’t have to let worry and fear to control our lives.

Anxious for Nothing, by New York Times bestselling author, Max Lucado, provides a roadmap for battling with and healing from anxiety.

He invites readers to delve into the realm of absolute trust and peace in God.

In this book, Max teaches you how to ask God for help and celebrate His awesome goodness.

In fact, it will encourage you to stop worrying and start meditating on good things.

Secondly, to experience true joy, clarity, physical renewal, and contentment by the power of the Holy Spirit!

  1. The 28-Day Prayer Journey: A Daily Guide to Conversations with God by Chrystal Evans Hurst.

If you long for a consistent prayer life and yet struggle with distractions, doubts, or knowing where to start, this book is for you.

Specifically, Chrystal Evans Hurst offers a simple and heartfelt method to meaningful conversations with God.

Stories and Scripture, this prayer journey offers three prompts each day to guide you through an easy yet intimate prayer experience.

Most importantly, this book will strengthen your faith and transform your life. All with the profound experience of communicating with a loving God.

Significantly, you can experience God’s presence in ways you never have before through the practice of meaningful prayer.

  1. The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur: 31 Days to Building Your Business with Less Stress by Kim Avery.

Here, Christian business coach Kim Avery helps entrepreneurs ditch the hurry and worry lifestyle.

First, she presents the more wholesome alternative of building a business powered by God.

Many Christian entrepreneurs start their days with prayer.

Yet the bustle of running their own businesses quickly takes focus away from their vital partnership with God.

Consequently, prayers for business are often too broad and strictly tied to the entrepreneur’s vision of ideal results.

Basically, this model walks entrepreneurs through 31 days of recognizing God as CEO.

Kim Avery encourages entrepreneurs to keep God at the center of everything.

In a nutshell, she stresses the need to pray in alignment with His promises and anticipate His daily activity in their lives.

This is the way to true business success.

Also Related: The Top 15 Best Bible Covers for 2021.

  1. 365 Prayers and Activations for Entering the Courts of Heaven by Robert Henderson.

This collection of short, powerful devotions covers you all year long.

First, each entry includes revelatory Scriptures, prayers of Petition, and decrees of breakthrough and victory.

Basically, it will empower you to make the most out of your daily devotional prayer time.

More than a devotional, this book​ is your daily guide to answered prayers, prophetic visions, heavenly encounters, and more.

Therefore, if you are seeking a breakthrough in your life, this is your chance.

Take your request into the very Courts of Heaven! Encounter God today and start thanking Him for answered prayers.

Ultimately, these are the suggestions made by Robert Henderson in this terrific book that you need to get a copy of ASAP.

  1. Biblical Dream Interpretations With Warfare Prayers by Joshua Orekhie.

Dreams can be so mysterious and bothersome.

Strikingly, this unique book gives us the opportunity to understand our dreams and overcome nightmares.

Secondly, it offers comprehensive analyses of the most common dream signs that affect God’s children.

Thirdly, it covers where they come from and the things that trigger them.

Fourthly, it provides a step-by-step guide on how to tackle each dream with powerful prayer points.

Furthermore, the Author has put together Bible verses to nullify nightmares. We don’t have to be confused by them anymore.

In sum, this book is an awesome tool for engaging in and winning spiritual warfare.

  1. The Light of His Presence: Prayers to Draw You Near to the Heart of God by Anne Graham Lotz.

Why is it that as soon as we bow our heads to pray, we start thinking of other things we need to do?

How do we make time to pray in the middle of our busy lives? And how do we know what to say and how to say it?

Mostly, this book answers these questions. Like many of us, Anne Graham Lotz has struggled with prayer.

However, over the years, she discovered the power of writing out her prayers.

It draws her into deeper, more intimate conversations with God. She shows us exactly how.

Deepen your own prayer life through worship, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession.

Generally, you’ll be encouraged to learn more fully about God’s promises through this power-packed devotional resource.

More so, it includes inspiring quotes from Christians across the ages.

In addition to this, journal spaces are provided to pen down your own words to God. In the end, experience a fresher prayer life with this amazing book.

  1. Prayer: The Ultimate Conversation by Charles F. Stanley.

Get to know God by engaging with Him in Prayer, The Ultimate Conversation.

No matter what seemingly insurmountable dilemmas you are facing today, the solution to them is absolutely obvious to God. And He longs to share His answers with you.

Dr. Stanley will teach you to recognize the sound of the Father’s voice. Through effective prayer, you can win all your battles.

Secondly, he will show you how your perception of God shapes your prayer life.

Most importantly, Dr. Stanley helps us find true peace and joy through intimacy with the Lord.

Eventually, drawing closer to the Father will finally become easier and sweeter.

  1. You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times by Max Lucado.

You may be in the pit of a financial downturn, job loss, health crisis, or relationship stresses.

Rather than worry or complain, God wants you to pray about them. Altogether, He has a plan and a pathway forward for you.

In all, Max reminds us here that God doesn’t promise that getting through trials will be quick or painless.

Secondly, he stresses the need to focus on God’s greater plan.

Meanwhile, we can find comfort that God cares very deeply for us and is always near.

Through the story of Joseph, Max helps us find hope and courage.

God will restore even the most painful circumstances and use them for good.


Prayer is very relevant and rewarding to every believer’s life. However, connecting to God in this way is not always easy.

Consequently, these great men and women have written these materials to help us overcome our struggles with prayer.

The truth is, in our chaotic world, we need the peace of God to steady our minds.

Overall, I believe that combining these with a willing heart will revolutionize your prayer life.

You can finally have a deeper and fresher relationship with the Almighty God.

Now is an excellent time to start! Hence, take advantage of as many as you can from the Prayer Books mentioned.

Unquestionably, this will get your prayer life fired up

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