Prayers for Justice: 16 Powerful Uplifting

Christians are familiar with the justice system. There may be occasions in our earthly existence when we are forced into court or go to court on our own to resolve a dispute with another person. You may experience this, but don’t be afraid.

The Lord requires us to abide by the rules of our country as Christians. He wants us to be kind and submissive rather than rebellious. With a clear conscience and sincere, humble hearts, we should enter the courtroom.

The Lord has vowed to testify against those who oppress others and pervert the course of justice to suit themselves. Through influencing others on earth, some people have managed to rise to positions of authority.

Even though some of these individuals lack Jethro’s attributes, they nonetheless have the authority to judge God’s people. Do not be afraid when you come up against these leaders who were not selected by God; the Lord will be with you in judgment.

He will testify quickly in your behalf against those who try to use the legal system to their advantage and oppress the less fortunate.

Here are some prayers for justice you can say when you’re suffering and awaiting God’s justice:


1. Prayer For And Justice Peace.

Father in heaven, you made us in your own image and likeness, but sin has corrupted human nature, and there is much injustice, disregard for others’ rights, and lack of personal accountability everywhere in the world.

People always suffer when You are rejected by men’s hearts and consciences, and Lord, there is much injustice and corruption going on in our world right now not just in people’s personal lives, but also in the halls of power and the council chambers of many nations.

We ask the Lord to put an end to all injustices in the world and to stand up for individuals who are subjected to unfair treatment.

But Lord, in your grace and mercy, we pray that you would give justice and peace to all those who have been cruelly and unfairly treated by their fellow man, and may injustice and carelessness that they have had to endure be the means to draw them into Your saving arms of grace.

Keep us Father from trying to take matters into our own hands because vengeance is yours and You will repay. We ask this in the mighty name of the Jesus. Amen

2. Short Prayer For Justice In Court.

Heavenly Father Our hearts beg for restoration, justice, fairness, and equality. Join us as we enter this courtroom. Come Holy Spirit, be with us and dwell inside us as we seek comprehension.

To bring about justice, expose the truth and shed light on the murkiest corners. Guard our hearts against anything that instills fear in our lives and shield us from the lies of the enemy that want to bring us low.

We are on hallowed ground, O Lord. We appreciate being adopted into your family. We are grateful that your love and grace keep us safe and secure no matter what happens. Since you are beside us and will guide us through this time with your hand in ours, we can enter this court hearing with confidence. in Jesus’ name. Amen

3. Prayer For True Justice.

Father Lord, our emotions are burdened, Broken, kindly grant us the ability to see and hear where Your Spirit is at work. Please enable us to view everyone as You do. Break our hearts for what God is breaking in Yours.

Do not just declare our love for one another. Give us the courage to cry with those who cry and to mourn with those who mourn. Let justice flow from You like water. Let rivers of living water of your justice and love pour from us.

Lord, cleanse our hearts and give us a genuine hunger for kindness, justice, and lasting peace. Father in heaven, start with me and extend justice and mercy. In the name of Jesus. Amen

4. Prayer For Justice In Court.

Heavenly father, thank you, Father God in heaven, for bringing me thus far. I ask that you allow justice to be done in the end. I bind any organization trying to manipulate the truth in their advantage.

Let the law handle this situation. Please release and vindicate me. I am not at fault for anything. Let that come out at the very end. Let all legal procedures be followed to the letter. There should be no short cuts.

Please don’t use fabricated proof or other tricks to undermine me. Make me a spiritual winner, and the courts will follow. In the powerful name of Jesus. Amen

5. Prayer Against False Witnesses In Court.

Father, I make a prayer to protect us from any false witnesses. I bind everyone who has been persuaded to distribute false information. I thwart the enemy’s nefarious schemes to overturn the decision.

Let everyone who is seated in the witness box tell only the truth. Take control of their mouths so they don’t misuse words. Give them the courage and knowledge to speak the truth.

Take away their hearts’ terror. They shouldn’t feel pressured or threatened into telling lies. Let them serve as the witnesses you’ve selected, and justice will eventually prevail.  In the name of our lord Jesus Christ. Amen

6. Prayer For Justice.

Oh great God, It’s just you and your majesty. You alone are the nation’s judge. Oh Lord, go to work! Bring down your justice. Extend your powerful hand to destroy the enemy’s stronghold.

Send your Holy Spirit and many angelic legions to defend us. My God, bring justice! The martyrs’ blood cries out. heed their cries! Only your infinite mercy can measure your perfect justice.

Christ’s cross atoned for all of our sins in full. Let the truth about the crucified Christ, Call out, Lord! Let justice be served by the splendor of the Son’s resurrection. Oh Lord, come forth! Now step forward! In Jesus name. Amen

7. For Courage To Do Justice.

O Lord, open my eyes so I may see others’ needs; open my ears so I can hear others’ pleas; open my heart so they won’t have to go without assistance.

Let me not be scared to stand up for the weak because the strong are angry, nor let me be frightened to stand up for the poor because the affluent are angry.

Use me to provide love, hope, and faith to the places where they are most needed. Therefore, I’m going to open my eyes and ears so that I can work for peace for you today. In Jesus name. Amen

8. Intercessory Prayer For Justice.

Father, I offer prayers for those who are imprisoned behind physical and spiritual barriers the lost, the wounded, the lonely, the ill, the bereaved, and those who are incarcerated.

Send people without hope your consolation, your peace, and your calming presence. Hold the defenseless close to your heart and guard them. I ask God to send out workers to spread the good news of Jesus to people all throughout the world.

Jesus, also help the persecuted Christians on my heart. Make them bold, and provide them your mighty defense. I ask that you punish those who seek to harm the defenseless and those who uphold your name with fast punishment.

Bind Satan’s power, and bolster believers worldwide. Jesus, there are so many needs, but you can meet them all. Both your name and your strength are strong. So I am praying and believing in your name. Amen

Related: 15 Uplifting Prayers for Peace and Healing.

9. Prayer For Intersection In Justice.

Father in heaven, In the name of Jesus, I come before You. Father, I am grateful that You are aware of everything that occurs in my life. I appreciate how well you always look after me.

Because I love You and am called according to Your purpose, I know that You have a good plan for my life and that You have promised that everything will work together for my good.

Father, you understand how unfair this is. And Father, the pillars of Your throne are righteousness and justice. Father, I know that You are willing to act on my behalf because You are righteous and just.

According to Your Word, I think You are prepared to change the situation for me. Father, reassure me by your mercy. In the name of Jesus, I command your angels to minister to me right now.

I cast out of my life every lie, scheme, and deception the enemy has hatched, and I let healing, wholeness, life, truth, and holy vindication in. In the name of Jesus, I speak to the things that are hidden but that the Father longs to make known. I command that this problem be illuminated by the Holy Spirit immediately. the powerful name of Jesus. Amen

10. Prayer For The Strength And Courage To Lead.

Father, you did not bestow upon us a spirit of fear, but rather one of might, love, and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Encourage us, LORD, to seek and speak Your truth when we are tempted to tremble in dread.

Be our strength, Christ. Father, may Your knowledge permeate our veins and overcome any cowardly selfishness that could threaten to impair our ability to make wise decisions.

Please pardon us when we missed opportunities to reach out to folks who were experiencing injustice. Let us be known for the praise and glory we offer to You, and bless our lives to leave a trail of love and compassion for our neighbors, both nearby and far away.

Speaking up might be challenging when we anticipate being faced with stern rebuttals. May the Holy Spirit’s power within us help us advance into those difficult dialogues. Father, keep Your Truth in the forefront of our thoughts and on the tip of our lips. In the name of Jesus. Amen

11. Prayer For Mercy And Justice.

Father, while pursuing justice and standing up for the truth, we must also uphold peace. Let’s use our words carefully and embrace Your Truth with all of our hearts.

Remind the people to submit to rulers and authorities, to be submissive, to be willing to do what is right, to defame no one, to be peaceable and compassionate, and to constantly be polite toward everyone,

Paul wrote to Titus (Titus 3:1-2 NIV). God, assist us to practice mercy and justice in our daily lives by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Father, we ask that you help us to forgive others who disagree with us.

Lord, grant us courage, discernment, and humility. To make this world right, you don’t need our assistance. keep our egos under control. We are honored to take part in Your strategy. We appreciate you including us. And thanks be to Jesus, our Savior, who will come again to put everything right. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

12. Prayer For Justice For The Poor And Helpless.

Dear Lord, I appreciate You for Your magnificent example of a life lived in spirit and truth.

A life that showed both compassion and justice, a life that was concerned for everyone, especially the vulnerable, the hurt, the disenfranchised, or those who were falling into a pit of hopelessness or poverty.

Be near to everyone who is struggling with the negative effects of depression and lack in their lives, and support them with the reassuring air of Your love and grace.

Keep us, we beg you, from passing judgment on those who are afflicted or who have been overcome by the difficulties of poverty. Give us a broader outlook on life and a heart filled with kindness and compassion, especially for people who feel lonely, unwanted, or uncared for.

May Your love and grace flow through us to those who are in need, and may we serve as Your eyes and ears. Look down with compassion on everyone who is now going through loss, hardship, or unjust prejudice, and we hope that in Your best time, Your justice will triumph in each of their lives. I’m grateful, Lord. We make our request in the name of Jesus. Amen.

13. Prayer For Justice From False Accusations.

Father in heaven, You are my God and my Protector, and I ask that You aid me, protect me, and deliver me from those who would harm me.

Lord, I feel as though people trying to defame me are pursuing me like a pack of ravenous wolves and that I am the victim of false accusations. Oh Lord, I have made an effort to only do what is right in Your eyes.

They could be justified in their relentless pursuit if I had intentionally offended or hurt someone, but Father, I have tried to live my life according to Your standards, and still they want to hurt me and ruin my reputation.

I entrust this matter to Your omnipotent control, Lord, and ask that You uphold my honor. Lord, defend me and drive these individuals away who are acting so viciously and unjustly toward me. Bring all of us nearer to You, for in knowing You comes life, health, peace, and hope. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.

14. Prayer For Justice In High Places.

Love you, Jesus, You were the One who came to seek and to save the lost, and Lord, there are many lost and hurting individuals in our world today who are being forced to abide by unjust laws and rogue governors, whose actions frequently result in great suffering.

Be kind to everyone who has been subjected to unfair treatment, and I ask that you look down on them with compassion and mercy. Fulfill all of their needs in accordance with Your mercy’s abundance.

Turn the hearts of those leaders back to You who have abandoned godly values and have traveled the selfish and greedy route out of pride. And Father, in Your generosity, I beg You to step in and exercise mercy toward those whose rights are being violated and who are being affected by their policies. In Jesus name. Amen

15. Prayer To Live At Peace.

Dear Heavenly Father, I appreciate You showing me Your methods so I can become more and more like You. You are a just God, and You do not delight in doing evil.

I appreciate You for demonstrating to me that we can come together as a people and be on the same page. You are the one who judges, sits on the throne, and commands us to live in peace with everyone because it is Yours to avenge, not to punish evil for evil.

Thank You for sending Your Son to experience everything we would go through in this life while being sinless. Help us to reflect Him more in everything we say and do, in the name of Jesus. Amen

16. Prayer Of Lament.

Lord, you are the source of my joy. You are both my strength and my savior. You are my salvation and my delight no matter what my situation, my worries or fears, the darkness that looms over me, or what is going on in the world.

I ask that you would give me a tremendous amount of hope in your goodness, grace, and control over all things at times when the world around me appears perplexing and dismal. I need your help to keep looking at you every day of my life. in the name of Jesus.  Amen


Allow the Good Lord to walk alongside with you at all times if you have been wrongly accused and detained. As we witnessed with Paul and Silas, God is able to free his children from jail. Because the Lord is all-knowing and all-powerful, it is never too late.

Ask the Lord to be by your side during difficult and uncertain times. Know in your heart that you were already set free from the minute you began to pray. Go to court in trust and belief of justice and triumph, and be glad in your heart because he has already won it for you. You won’t regret putting him to the test.

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.. In Isaiah 54:17.

“When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say”. Luke 12:11

God Bless You!

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