13 Powerful Prayers for Restoring A Broken Relationship

Do you want to restore broken relationships? Before trying anything, talk to God.

Only He can change the heart of the other, the disposition of your heart, or both at the same time! After prayer, you will be surprised to see how things will change.

Instead of clinging to God, some cling to men, and when they fail and disappoint, these people are deeply hurt. God said to you, “Why don’t you come to me first?”

The most important thing is to speak to the Eternal and pour yourself out before Him. Even if others have hurt you, God wants you to take the first step in restoring broken relationships.

The following are powerful prayers for restoring a broken relationship.


1. Prayer for Restoring a Broken Relationship.

Eternal Father. I confidently come before your throne of grace. I place before you my broken relationship. The disagreements, the problems we have, the pain that we have caused each other.

I put in front of you our past situation that perhaps we have not been able to overcome until today. Today, Holy Father, I pray you to intervene in our relationship, change us, and transform us.

In this hour, I speak to every spirit of violence. Spirit of violence I hold you now, I bind you and cast you out, in Jesus’ name. You are leaving my home, my relationship, my marriage.

I submit you to the power and authority of Jesus Christ. You do not advance or prosper anymore in my relationship. You will never again influence or have a right in my relationship. Amen

2. Prayer for Marriage Restoration.

Dear Heavenly Father, my marriage is falling apart, and I feel helpless and hopeless, and I don’t know what to do.

Lord, I feel powerless and ask You to please restore my marriage. Take us back to a loving relationship with each other and with you.

Lord, I confess that I have stayed so far from how I should have behaved, and I do not deserve a second chance.

But I ask the Lord that in your grace, restore the joy we had at the beginning and help us both to move forward in our marriage. Help us to live in a way that is pleasant for You.

Heal the wounds that we have both received from each other. Revive and restore our marriage so that we can move forward in our lives and life together. Amen

3. Prayer to Restore Peace in a Broken Relationship.

Lord, I entrust you with my relationship that until now has seemed impossible to restore. I will do what you tell me to do, and I know that your Word gives me the strength to take the first step.

For from the beginning of the world, the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard and has not entered to the heart of man, what God has prepared for those who love and hope in Him.

Heavenly Father, may peace reign again in my home and my family. We love each other ardently, with a strong love, with the love of God. Love will be reborn as God wants and desire.

In the name of Jesus, I reject contempt in my family. I reject fights. I reject disputes, and I reject division. In my marriage, love will reign again.


4. Prayer for Spiritual Restoration.

Forgive me, Father God. I have realized that I am so absorbed in my affairs and interests that I have strayed far from You, and my life seems to be meaningless.

Thank you, Lord, that in Your grace You have sustained me until now, but I know Father that I need to take my life back to a spiritual level.

Thank You, and I praise You because, in Your grace, You have called my attention, and You have made me realize my need to return to a correct relationship with you.

Thank you for supporting me even when I have turned away from You. Thank you that Your mercy never ceases and that Your tender mercies are new every morning.

You are a great and faithful God. I ask you to restore the joy of my salvation and help me keep my eyes on Jesus. Amen

5. Prayer for the Restoration of the Family.

Heavenly Father, thank you for taking care of all of Your creation and all of Your children.

But Lord, there are so many areas in our home and family life that are wrong that it seems like our entire family is about to fall apart.

Father, I know we have all made mistakes. But Father, I know You are in the business of restoring those who are suffering and repairing those who are broken. I pray that You will restore our broken family right now.

Lord, I come to You to guide us and help us to restore our family relationships, to renew our love for one another. May the respect we show for one another return.

Restore the family unit that we once enjoyed and that we can all hope for You to guide us as we move forward in our relationship with each other and with You. Amen

6. Prayer for Healing Broken Relationships.

Father, your Word says anything we loose on earth will be loose in the heavens, and anything we bind on earth will be bind in the heavens.

I ask You, Heavenly Father, to rebuke and bind Satan troubling my relationship in the name and blood of Jesus Christ.

Abraham waited against hope, believed in hope. And he did not weaken in faith, nor did he doubt God’s promise through unbelief, but he was strong in faith, giving glory to God.

He was fully convinced that what You had promised, You were able to fulfill.

Also, give me the courage to face problems and difficulties and the humility to know how to recognize my mistakes and be willing to grow on the path of true love.

Lord, fill us with your love, touch our hearts, restore the homes that are separated today. Heal our wounds with your love.


Related: Broken Relationships: 15 Powerful Prayers.

7. Prayer for Restoration in Every Area of Life.

Heavenly Father, I feel that I have wasted many years pursuing the wrong things and engaging in worldly activities, sensual activities, and the various temporal things in life.

I have neglected important spiritual matters, which are eternal and lasting.

I ask your forgiveness, and I pray that in Your grace, you give me back the years that the locusts have eaten.

Lord, I want to be a good and faithful servant when I am before Your throne. Give me back the heavenly joy and inner peace that has been eluding me.

Help me focus on the eternal rather than the temporal. From this day on, I can begin to live my life in a way that you want me to live, in the name of Jesus. Amen

8. Prayer of Reconciliation.

Your eyes, Lord, travel all over the earth so that You can strongly support the one whose heart is Yours. Search my heart.

Although we walk in the flesh, we do not fight with the weapons of the flesh because our warfare weapons are not carnal but powerful in God to the pulling down of strongholds.

Destroying the councils and all the pride that rises against the knowledge of God and taking all understanding captive to the obedience of Christ.

Lord, I ask You to help us deal with any hidden sin that is hindering our relationship. I believe it is your will that we are reconciled to each other despite everything we’ve done to each other in the past.

I ask your forgiveness for my faults, just as I also forgive my partner for any wrong that I feel he has done to me. Amen

9. Relationship Restoration Prayer.

I took a stand before the blood of Jesus Christ.

Your Word tells us in 1 John 1: 7-9 that He cleanses us from all sin and all injustice. Therefore, in the face of that affirmation of Your Word, my Father, and my God, I take possession of my victory.

Help me to be a peacemaker in my home, to begin to believe that you can restore my family. Put the pieces back together, make me forget the past, and give us a future of blessing.

In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

10. Prayer of Love to Restore Broken Relationships.

Lord, I fully trust your love and mercy. Through your Word, I feel loved, forgiven, healed, and liberated.

I am willing to continue opening my heart so that you can express all the graces you have prepared for me in it.

Today, I beg you to give me the strength to know how to face and fight against all my temptations.

Also, open my mind. I want to have clear ideas in my head that result in my family, marriage, and children’s words and actions.

Keep showing me ways of solution and conciliation, which you accompany me with great joy.

O bring the wickedness of the wicked to an end in my home. I will not fear evil. My heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

My heart is steady. I will not fear until I see my desire complete against the enemy. Amen

11Prayer to Heal a Broken Relationship.

Thank you, my Lord, because you are there listening to my prayer.

Come into my life on this day, I ask for your strength, light, and guidance. I know that nothing is impossible for You.

I want to ask you for more firm faith that I will not be defeated when the trials appear in life.

Restore any hurt that hurtful words and impulsive and unloving actions may have left behind.

Heal our relationship and lead it to the infinite goodness of your sweet love.

Give me a love capable of understanding that life begins every day and that only You have the last Word.

Make me honest and honorable to fulfill my nuptial commitments, according to your perfect love plan. Amen

12. Conflict Resolution Prayer.

Beloved Heavenly Father, I enter my prayer room and, now that I have closed the door, I pray to You in secret.

As You see me in secret, You will reward me publicly. It is written that all things, whatever that we ask in prayer, believing, we will receive.

O God, You are my God, early in the morning I will seek You, my soul is thirsty for You, in a dry and desert land, where there is no water.

Lord, there is no one but You to help in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength. So, help me. O Lord, my God, heal and restore my broken relationship.

13. Prayer of Thanksgiving for Restoring a Broken Relationship.

My father and my God, I stand before you and thank you for saving me from anguish when trouble comes.

Thank you for being there for us always in good and bad times.

Dear God, we love you, and we recognize that we must seek you and that we need you.

Thank you, Lord, for your goodness, tolerance, and patience with us when we fall into sin.

We thank you for sending Christ to die for our sins and redeem us by the cross.

Now, I stand before you, Lord, in prayer to ask for your restoration in my broken relationship.

I pray for your mercy in our relationship so that we can unite in harmony, sympathy, compassion, humility, fidelity, honesty, respect, and above all, in love.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will come upon us never to forget your teachings and keep them in our hearts.

In conclusion

When we hurt someone with our words, we can turn to the Word of God. What we find there reminds us that repentance and forgiveness are necessary.

When we sincerely repent, God helps us face our problems, even those we cause to ourselves.

Repairing broken relationships is not easy. But remembering God’s promises – and seeing them fulfilled in the lives of his people in the Bible – gives us hope.

Our relationships can be restored because God is with us in the whole process and will guide us.

I pray that God will restore every broken relationship of everyone reading this prayer guideline in Jesus’s name. Amen.

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