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15 Helpful Prayers for Your Marriage

15 Helpful Prayers for Your Marriage

Marriage is a God-ordained institution established by God Himself for a purpose. God has a purpose for every marital union. He did not create marriage to be bitter or a gruesome experience.

Rather, He established this union to show His glory and fulfill a purpose. We need to pray for our marriages, to emphasize that the will of God be done in our marriages and our unions as well.

When your marriage is facing challenges, prayer can be a powerful way to seek guidance, strength, and healing.

Here are some steps and tips on how to pray for a marriage that is falling apart:

1. Start with Gratitude

Begin your prayer by thanking God for the blessings in your life and your marriage. This helps to shift your focus to the positive aspects and opens your heart to receive God’s guidance.

2. Be Honest and Open

Speak to God honestly about your feelings, fears, and concerns. Share your pain and struggles openly, as God understands and cares about your situation.

3. Ask for Forgiveness

Seek forgiveness for any wrongs you may have committed in your marriage. This can help to cleanse your heart and mind, making it easier to move forward with a spirit of reconciliation.

4. Pray for Your Spouse

Lift your spouse in prayer, asking God to bless them, guide them, and heal any hurts they may be experiencing. Pray for their well-being and for God to work in their heart.

5. Seek Guidance and Wisdom

Ask God for wisdom and guidance on navigating the challenges in your marriage. Pray for clarity in your thoughts and actions and for the ability to communicate effectively with your spouse.

6. Pray for Strength and Patience

Request strength and patience to endure the difficult times. Marriage restoration can be a long process, and having the endurance to stay committed is crucial.

7. Pray for Unity and Love

Ask God to restore the love and unity in your marriage. Pray for a renewed sense of connection and intimacy with your spouse, and for the ability to rebuild trust and affection.

8. End with Trust and Faith

Conclude your prayer by expressing your trust in God’s plan and timing. Have faith that He is working in your marriage, even if you cannot see immediate results.

Sample Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You with a heavy heart, seeking Your divine intervention in my marriage.

Please heal the wounds that have caused us pain and bring us closer together. Grant us the strength to forgive each other and the wisdom to communicate with love and respect.

Lord, fill our hearts with renewed love and compassion. Help us to remember the joy and commitment we once shared. Guide us to rebuild our relationship on a foundation of trust and faith in You.

Protect our marriage from any forces that seek to divide us. Surround us with Your light and love, and help us to grow stronger together in Your grace.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Here are 15 Helpful Prayers for Your Marriage.

1. Prayer for Your Marriage.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. -Proverbs 16:3

Dear Lord Jesus,

I am so grateful for the Union you have blessed me with. I am so glad for the partner that I have, and for the joy he fills my heart with.

I pray to commit our marriage and our union into your precious hands, I ask the Lord, that my partner and I will enjoy our union in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let our union be a true example and reflection of how you, wants all marriages to look like in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

2. Prayer for Joy In Your Marriage.

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared.

This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. -Nehemiah 8:10

Lord Jesus,

I come before your throne of grace today with a heart of gratitude.

Thank you for my life and thank you so much Abba for the blessings that you have given me. I want to ask heavenly Father, that you will fill my union with so much Joy and laughter.

God, life always finds a way to throw challenges at us, your children, but I want to seize this opportunity, dear Lord, to pray that in difficulties and in hard times, my partner and I always be filled with Joy from heaven in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you, Father, for answered prayers in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

3. Prayer for Peace In Your Marriage.

Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. -John 14:27

Gracious Father,

I know you are a God of peace, and you are a God, that gives peace that is so much better than what the world gives.

Heavenly Father, I come before your throne of grace to pray for peace in my marriage, and peace between my partner and I.

Lord, I know the devils lurks around to steal the peace and Joy of my home, but I come against the woes and tricks of the enemy to steal the peace in my home, and I pray for your peace to continually and consistently reign in our marriage in Jesus mighty name, Amen!

4. Prayer for Love In Your Marriage.

And now these three remain faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. -1 Corinthians 13:13

Heavenly Father,

I thank you so much for the wonderful union you have blessed my partner and I with. Lord, I pray today and ask that you help us to love each other as a couple.

I ask that just as you require from us in your word, please help us to meet the standard of love in your word. Please fill my heart with so much love for my partner and vice versa.

May our home never run out of love in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank you so much Father, for answered prayers in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

5. Prayer for Understanding in Your Marriage.

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established. -Proverbs 24:3


I have come before you today with one special request in my heart, I want to ask you, heavenly Father, for understanding in my marriage.

Lord, I know you are aware, that my partner and I are from different backgrounds and our understanding or perspective on many issues may be different.

I want to take this opportunity, to pray and ask that understanding will reign between my partner and I in Jesus’ name. Help us to find it easy to adopt and adjust to each other, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

6. Prayer for Good Communication In Your Marriage.

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak , and slow to become angry. -James 1:19


I thank you that you are always there for me, and you always turn a listening ear when I call. Gracious Lord, I want to pray today for my marriage.

I want to ask dear Lord, that my partner and I will have good communication. Help us to know how to speak to each other, and please also help us to be very transparent with each other in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, help us to be able to communicate our deepest fears, failures, and concerns with each other peacefully, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

7. Prayer for Trust In Your Marriage.

Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? -Amos 3:3

Precious Lord Jesus,

I am before your throne of grace with a heart that is grateful. Thank you, Lord, that whenever I call on you, you hear me and you answer me.

Thank you that I can always come to you with my request. Father, today, the request I come before your throne of grace with is that you help my partner and I to develop deeper trust for each other.

Lord, your word says, that two cannot walk together unless they are agreed, and I know this union will not go far if we don’t trust each other.

So please help us, so that with every passing day, we will develop deep trust for each other in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

8. Prayer for Wisdom In Your Marriage.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. -James 1:5

O gracious Father,

I approach your throne of grace today with this great request in my heart, please grant my partner and I wisdom. Wisdom to embark on this journey of marriage.

Lord, unless you grant us wisdom, we will not be able to work things out in our marriage. We need your wisdom every step of the way, to know how to handle all the situations that come our way, so please help us Abba, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thank you, Lord, for being gracious to us, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

9. Prayer for Discernment In Your Marriage.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. -1 John 4:1

Dear heavenly father,

God of all knowledge and God of all wisdom, I have come before you today, to pray for my marriage.

Lord, I want to ask, that as my partner and I embark on this beautiful journey, you will grant us the spirit of discernment. Please help us to be able to discern when there is evil lurking around us.

Help us to be able to tell bad associations from good ones. Help us to be able to discern decisions and happenings that will ruin our union in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We ask Lord, that we will be able to know evil from afar, before it gets close in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

10. Prayer for Your Friend’s Marriage.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. -Galatians 6:2

Lord Jesus,

We come before you today, as friends who truly love and care for each other. We say this prayer together to commit our marriages to your precious hands.

Lord, It is our humble request that you will bless our unions in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, we ask that our marriages will be able to stand the test of time in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Help us to love our partners, to love and respect them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We know Lord, that you are a prayer answering God and you will come through for us, and at the end of the day we will give you all the glory and honor in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

11. Prayer for Your Child’s Marriage.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. -Matthew 7:7


We come before you today as parents, to commit our child’s marriage into your precious hands. We ask dear Lord, that you will continue to keep your mighty hands over his/her marriage.

Let her union be peaceful and calm. Help herself (himself) to be able to know how to treat her partner in the name of the Lord Jesus. We pray Lord, that our child will enjoy a peaceful and beautiful marriage in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

12. Prayer for God-Centerness in Your Marriage.

She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it. -Proverbs 5:6

Dear Lord,

My partner and I are convinced, and know very well, that unless you build a house, the builder builds in vain.

We also know that as children of God, and as Christians, our marriage is supposed to honor you and bring you so much glory.

So, Lord, I pray today for my marriage, and I ask Lord, that you will be the center of my marriage. Influence our decisions and our choices, and guide us each and every single day, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please manifest your glory in our union, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

13. Prayer for Your Marriage to be long-Lasting.

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. -Matthew 7:25

O Lord,

You are the one who can tell the end of a thing right from the beginning. You are the one that sees my marriage right from the beginning and knows exactly how things will go.

You know the storms that can come our way or those that will certainly come. I want to pray and ask dear Lord, that through it all, my marriage will stand strong.

Through it all I pray and ask that you will grant my partner and I grace to face the many challenges that may arise, and at the end of it all my partner and I will give you all the glory in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

14. Prayer for Strength for Your Marriage.

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31

Dear Lord Jesus,

I come before your throne of grace today to pray for strength for my partner and I.

Lord, we for sure know, that this marital journey is not an easy one. So, I ask for strength for my partner and I. I ask for strength for us to love each other in the midst of the storm.

Strength to be there for each other regardless of how hard it gets and how tough the journey becomes, helps us to be there for each other.

Help us to share each other’s burdens, and give us the strength to love as we should in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

15. Declarative Prayers for Your Marriage.

What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways. –Job 22:28

Father in the name of Jesus,

I come before the throne of my King, under the authority of my Lord Jesus, and I declare that my marriage is blessed and fruitful.

I declare that my partner and I are crossing boundaries and overcoming the traps of the enemy in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I declare that my partner and I are submissive to God and are under the full authority and covering of the most high, and because of this, no weapon, formed or fashioned against us shall prosper in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank you, Father, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!


There is nothing you commit into God’s hands He cannot take care of, so your marriage is safer than it has ever been because you have committed it into the hands of the most high God.

Relax, and watch God, bring the answers to your prayers to light.

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