16 Powerful Prayer for Saving a Marriage

God cares about marriage! He formed the first relationship when He used a rib from Adam to create Eve (Genesis 2:22-24, Matthew 19:4-6).

A covenant between a man and a woman, marriage serves as a symbol of the sacred tie between God and humanity (Ephesians 5:22-33). The pledge made by the two parties is serious business and should not be taken lightly.

God does not intend for a man and woman to divorce after they have made a holy vow to God and each other (1 Corinthians 7:10). Are you facing any challenges in your marriage and do you need God’s miracle?

The prayers you pray with faith, trusting that God can work miracles, are the ones that have the power to strengthen your marriage.These prayers ask God or his representatives (angels) to help you with the difficult situation you are going through with your spouse.

You can ask God to assist you and your spouse take efforts to strengthen your marriage by saying the prayer below. While you could be concentrating on a particular issue, the marriage relationship has to be strengthened and healed in all areas.

Here are 15 powerful Prayer for Saving a Marriage, starting today.


1. Prayer for a Miracle in Marriage.

And his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength Ephesians 1:19

“Dear God, so much has happened (for better and for worse) since I got married. Please grant my marriage a miracle. I appreciate you being there for my spouse and me through everything. We rely on you, the source of all love, to assist us in mending the relationship’s problems.

Right now, our marriage needs a miracle. I’m angry and upset over what happened, and I will admit that sometimes I wonder if our marriage can really be saved. Please offer my spouse and I a fresh dose of hope that will encourage us to think that our marriage can get better.

To receive the blessings, you intend to send our way, please help us by opening our hearts to you, to one another, and to your holy angels. Help us learn how to modify our behaviors and attitudes toward one another so that our connection grows stronger by guiding us step by step.

Encourage us to choose to treat each other with love, respect, and compassion on each new day by giving us the strength to do so via your Spirit. Give us the insight we need to understand one another better and to speak with one another clearly.

So that our emotional connection won’t be neglected, please help us continuously put time and effort into our marriage. Surround us with kind, dependable individuals who will uplift and support us as we strive to improve our marriage.

Help us both to maintain daily attention on you as our first priority. Together, point us in the same direction. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

2. Prayer to Prevent Divorce in a Marriage.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.1 Corinthians 13:7-8

Lord Jesus, we need your assistance. As our marriage breaks down, we keep running into the word “divorce.” Both of us have been listening to other “voices” that advise us to give up since the struggle is not worthwhile.

We don’t want to end our bond or renege on our agreements to stay together until death do us part. And we are aware that You also desire to heal. But we are at a loss on what to do. Show us how to begin closing the holes and exits we have made out of self-interest, passivity, or arrogance.

Show us what we are unable to see for ourselves. The Truth, the Way, and the Life are all in you. We need assistance in order to return to our initial affection for one another because we have abandoned it. Restore in us a willing attitude, and aid us in resisting the need to criticize or speak in a defensive manner.

You are a wise Counselor, and You are aware of everything we require. We put all of our faith and trust in you. Please point us in the direction of people who can actually assist if outside Christian guidance is required to bring us back and “start over.” Lord, you are the solution. We do not want to get divorced. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

3. Prayer for the Restoration of a Failing Marriage.

The man who hates and divorces his wife,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect, says the Lord Almighty. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful. Malachi 2:16

Lord Jesus, it seems like nothing in our marriage is going well. We have been arguing a lot lately. Or we leave in quiet or with fury, unable to address the situation.  Teach us how to communicate so that we can once more interact civilly and kindly.

Again, Lord, demonstrate to us what it means to honor and submit to one another in the spirit of a man and a woman in love with You. All the fundamentals have been forgotten. And we have a feeling that if we don’t address even little issues now, we will eventually run into a much bigger obstacle.

Perhaps we have lost sight of what true love is like. Or perhaps we didn’t truly know. However, Lord, our union is in peril. We require you. No matter how challenging the situation, we want to confront it with You by our side.

You have warned us that we will face difficulties while living on earth, but that You are the great Overcome. We can patch up the tears and correct the mistakes with You, Lord. Together, we can create a happy marriage. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

4. Warfare Prayer for Marriage Restoration.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

Lord God, our marriage cannot continue to stagnate. However, we are unable to advance and will not reverse the course. We feel as though our relationship is broken, like a vintage phonograph needle that is stuck in the same groove.

We fight against our enemy, who seeks to dissolve this union, in the name and through the blood of Jesus Christ. Lord, we pray You to chastise the enemy who is attempting to destroy the lovely covenant that was started in us as a marriage.

We turn to You in times of adversity as our defender, protector, refuge, and haven. We declare in the name of Jesus that You live in us and are bigger than the one who prowls around looking for victims to destroy.

We are willing to put forth joint effort since we are aware that it is Your will that we pray and hope for the restoration of our marriage. We stake our lives on Your promise, Lord, that You will guide our footsteps when we put our complete confidence in You.

With the help of Your Holy Spirit, You have united our two spirits and joined them together. We don’t allow our opponent to sow discord to what God has already united together.

We will battle for our marriage with You as our Supreme Warrior and Commander because Your Word contains the truth and because it is the third thread in our relationship with one another.

We will do this while wearing the spiritual armor You have given us. We ask in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Related: 15 Best Prayers to Save Marriage from Divorce.

5. Prayer for Mercy and Marriage Restoration.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Lord, I am aware of my mistakes in my marriage. Sin has prevented me from being devoted to loving my partner well throughout the various stages of our relationship. I repent of my crimes before you and ask for your forgiveness.

Would you please open my spouse’s heart so they can also fully forgive me? Jesus, please provide us with a new beginning in our marriage through your grace. I enlist the aid of your restorative and healing skills in our relationship. Heal the damaged areas that can only be repaired by you.

Assist me by performing a new task in our house that only you are capable of doing. I thank you for bestowing upon me the blessing of marriage. Bless our commitment to one another and aid us in reflecting your honor in the way we treat one another. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Saving a Marriage
Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

6. Prayer for Marriage to Regain Connection.

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Father God, please assist my marriage to regain the intimacy and connection that was once there. Give me the understanding of my husband that I require to fairly share his burdens. Remove any constraints, barriers, deadlines, exhaustion, selfishness, or pride that prevents us from staying in touch as a pair.

Help me to make time for my relationship a priority and not let our obligations steal away every chance we have to talk during the day. Give me the skill to respond to them with warmth when they need it. Rebuild our relationship’s trust so that we can confide in each other about our worries and cares.

Please encourage me to be open to hearing my spouse out even when we don’t agree. Let my words and deeds convey to him my love, safety, and esteem. Even though I have experienced hurt or disappointment in the past, please help me to keep my heart open to him. Reconnect us in a way that only you can. In Jesus name.

7. Prayer for Unity And Strength in Marriage.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Oh God, our father, we ask you, for harmony in our marriage. We pray that we will stay together and get near to You in the areas where the enemy tries to divide us about our resources, time, and priorities. Lord, unite us in every way and in every choice.

As a sign of Your constancy, let us grow together and feel Your presence. And we surrender our marriage to You. It is getting harder and harder for us to handle the difficulties because we are both emotionally and psychologically spent. But Lord, we are aware that You have dominion over our union. Everything is possible in You.

So Lord, please answer our prayer. Strengthen us so that we can soothe and support one another. We can endure the trying seasons together while You are our rock and fortress. Give us the courage to stand up for our relationship and one another once more. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Related: Prayers for Marriages in Trouble: 15 Effective.

8. Prayer for Forgiveness and Intimacy in Marriage.

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

Father Lord! I come to You here humbly. You are a kind and merciful God, and You never run out of compassion. May we be able to reflect on You in everything we do and speak.

Teach us to be as merciful to one another as You have been to us. Let’s not harbor any grudges toward one another. May we support one another in forgiveness and love. And we ask that Your purpose for making us one flesh be fulfilled in every aspect of life.

We ask for purity beginning with our vows and promises to one another. We ask that we completely respect one another and put one another needs before our own. Lord, grow a trustworthy bond between us that would be unshakeable.

We ask that others recognize You in us and the depth of our relationship as something that is not of this world. Any phony closeness in our relationship should be exposed, and its place should be filled with the true intimacy You had in mind when You put us together. We praise your Holy name through Christ our Lord. Amen.

9. Prayer for Honesty and Love in Marriage.

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10

Father, You are the only path that leads to life and truth. There is no dishonesty in You. In the same vein, we beg that You guide us today in how to love and live in truth. Remind us to approach disagreements and talks with candor while remaining compassionate.

May we hold each other accountable and be open about our transgressions. Please allow us to stand before you as one flesh, upright. And help us to replace any preconceived ideas or societal notions of what love is with the truth of Your Word and the unconditional love that exists in our marriage.

We ask that our love be slow to give up and patient with one another. Help us to always be compassionate and kind to one another. We ask that our love be kind-hearted and perpetually modest before one another. Help us to always praise one another in front of others and in private. In the name of Jesus.

10. Prayer for a Happy and Healthy Marriage.

Our Father in Heaven, Thank You for giving us a living body through which we might exalt Your name. We pray that You will reveal to us the bad behaviors that desecrate Your sacred temple.

Remove from us everything that is bad for our health and cure us of the ailments that afflict us, for You are the God who loves us. And we ask that You give us enough joy so that, despite our difficulties, we never stop offering thanks to You and one another. I pray that our relationship would lift up Your name forever. Amen.

11. Prayer for Trust and Understanding in Marriage.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.1 Corinthians 13:7-8

God, You have brought us together in this marriage for Your reason. I ask that You increase our mutual respect and trust so that we can uphold one another. I ask for guidance in our communication so that we can work together as partners who understand and support one another.

I ask that You grant us both the grace and mercy to continue to be devoted to You. Give us discernment to avoid any immoral sexual temptations, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we can withstand any temptations.

Remove any seeds of disloyalty from our hearts so that we can maintain our purity of spirit and the integrity of our bond with one another. Please provide us the ability to be happy and in love with one another forever. We work as a team. God, please help us to maintain love and peaceful marriage. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Saving a Marriage
Photo Photo by Shardayyy Photography on unsplash.com

12. Prayer for Better Communication in Marriage.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

Father, First of all, we are grateful that You have given us the capacity for speech and communication. Help us improve our communication skills so we can successfully discuss issues.

Help us to speak in a loving and caring manner to one another. May our interactions deepen our bonds with one another and with Your Lord. And We desire a union that exemplifies Your kind of eternal commitment, Lord.

Remind us to remember we pledged to be devoted to one another and to You for all time, especially during difficult times. Please, Holy Spirit, operate within me so that I will be the first to extend forgiveness and express regret. in the name of Jesus. Amen,

Related: 15 Best Prayers to Save Marriage from Divorce.

13. Prayer for the Healing and Restoration in Marriage.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1: 17

Lord Jesus, the enemy’s only goal is to gradually weaken the power of our unity. It wants to distance us from one another and separate us over our differences.

However, we grant You control over our union and request that Your mercy serves as a unifying force in the event of any conflict. We ask for perfect harmony to result from Your presence in our home, leading to a unity of purpose.

As we submit to Your plan for our marriage, may we be one with You and one another. And finally, we thank You in advance for our marriage’s eventual restoration and healing. Father, I thank You. Amen

14. Prayer for Protection in Marriage.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:7

Lord, Be our light, Brighten our days with the force of praise when the darkness creeps in. Be our light, Lord. Lord, protect us. Help us to hold a covering of money as the harmful arrows knock us to the ground.

Lord, protect us. Be the Lord our hope. Blow the sails of our hearts to keep us afloat when despair sets in. Be the Lord our hope. Lord have mercy on us. Give us the freedom to see and cling to our dreams when confusion ensnares us.

Lord have mercy on us. Come, Lord, and be our source of light, protection, hope, and sight. We trust in you, and we rise because of you. Amen.

15. Prayer for My Husband’s.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

Lord, I beseech You to give my husband the stamina to withstand any temptation that comes his way. Deliver him from vices like perversion, adultery, pornography, narcotics, and alcohol.

Eliminate temptation, especially where Where he is weak, make him strong. Assist him in overcoming everything that tries to establish a foothold in his life. Lord, You have declared that a person without control over their own spirits is like a wallless, broken-down city.

I ask that you help him develop self-discipline so that he can regulate his own soul and withstand any temptation from anyone or anything. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.

16. Prayer for My Wife’s.

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Proverbs 31:10

Lord, teach me how to truly pray for my wife So that my prayers are not impeded, grant me the ability to honor her and dwell in her with understanding. Renewal of our mutual love. Heal any wounds that have strained our relationship.

Give me compassion, patience, and understanding. Help me to treat her with kindness, compassion, and respect as You command in Your Word. Give me the ability to love her the way You do. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.


God is concerned about your marriage, no matter how challenging your circumstances or how distressed you may feel in your marriage.

He will provide you with the support and guidance you need to create a loving, hopeful married partnership if you are both prepared to ask for God’s help and pray for your marriage.

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