20 Books About Prayer That Will Improve Your Prayer Life

I made an awesome list of 20 Books About Prayer That Will Improve Your Prayer Life.

Obviously, because I understand the fact that a good number of Christians consider prayer to be difficult.

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However, the point remains that prayer is a serious element of our faith.

In other words, it can’t be separated from our lives as Christians. No doubt, many struggles with it but it doesn’t have to be daunting.

Thus, these books will be of great help if you’ve been struggling to have or maintain an active prayer life.

So here are 20 Books About Prayer That Will Improve Your Prayer Life:

1. The Hidden Life of Prayer by David McIntyre.

In The Hidden Life of Prayer, David McIntyre draws on the experiences of classic Christian authors like Luther; Spurgeon, Muller, Whitefield, and Wesley.

In this magnificent book, the author presses the case for a greater commitment to prayer.

His advice in this book will not only transform your life; it would impact those around you.

2. Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill.

Why Revival Tarries is a no-compromise call to biblical revival and spiritual excellence.

Firstly, it explains the difference between today’s church and the church of Acts.

Secondly, it’s a great read for Christians who are really serious about prayer and the things of God.

Thirdly, it answers the question of why revival is barely seen in America.

More so, it’s interesting to note that, while this book was written in the late 1950s.

This was when church attendance was high and the church was considered much more focused; the problems we face today were also present then.

Nevertheless, the difference is that they are magnified today due to our slothfulness in prayer.

As well as our love for the world. In all, Why Revival Tarries has all it takes to change your prayer life.

3. Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Timothy Keller.

In this amazing book, the renowned pastor Timothy Keller examines the many aspects of prayer.

Additionally, with his insights and energy, Keller offers biblical guidance. As well as specific prayers for certain situations.

These include: dealing with grief, loss, love, and forgiveness. Furthermore, he discusses ways to make prayer more personal and powerful.

And how to establish a practice of prayer that works for everyone. Consequently, if you’re in dire need of a better prayer life then, this an incredible book to pick up.

4. The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer by E.M Bounds.

This extraordinary Christian classic by E. M Bounds unveils the secrets of effective prayer for every need.

Basically, The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer is the definitive Bounds collection in modern English.

Meanwhile, the book covers every aspect of prayer in a readable way.

Also included in this volume are 120 entries on what Bounds taught about the essentials, necessity; possibilities, power, purpose, reality, and weapon of prayer.

Altogether, Bounds was able to capture the essence of prayer and his call to today’s Christians to higher discipleship and more energetic prayer lives.

Also Related: Top 32 Spiritual Warfare Books that will Change Your Life.

5. Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation by D.A. Carson.

In Praying with Paul, Carson calls us to reject being shallow spiritually. But to inspire our lives by embracing a deep and God-guided approach to prayer.

According to him, God doesn’t demand hectic church programs and frenetic schedules; He just wants us to know Him more intimately.

Further, Carson stated that by following Paul’s life-shaping principles; we can hear God speak to us even today. Overall, you’ll simply be inspired by the content of Carson’s classic.

6. A Call to Prayer by J.C. Ryle.

In A Call to Prayer, J. C. Ryle was bold, encouraging, and affectionate. Indeed, this book is just as the title says. Generally, it’s an earnest invitation for every believer to come before God in prayer.

J.C. Ryle who is well known for his warm, plain-spoken candor, the kind which appeals to every soul did justice with the message he wanted to pass across.

In sum, get this book, read it, you’ll be edified, and be filled with hope. And without a doubt, you’ll have access to God’s throne room as you prayerfully practice the tips in this astonishing book.

7. A Praying Life by Paul Miller.

In a Praying Life, Paul Miller shares his insightful conclusions about how to connect the broken pieces of life. And how to allow prayer – even poorly delivered fill the gaps with meaning and substance.

Significantly, Miller’s down-to-earth approach and practical nature will help you see that your relationship with God can actually grow. And your communication with Him can get even better when prayer is taken seriously.

In addition, parents will find Miller’s family-life experiences very helpful. Certainly, this book will help you make prayer a more important part of your life.

8. Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney.

Broadly speaking, we know that we ought to pray as Christians, but sometimes we don’t know how to.

Brilliantly, Whitney outlines a simple, time-tested method that would transform our prayer lives.

Indeed, he tried to show how to pray through portions of the Scripture one line at a time.

Thereby, helping us to stay focused by allowing God’s Word to direct our thoughts and words.

No doubt, every believer who seeks to commune with God in prayer daily will find this awesome resource invaluable.

Ultimately, this book offers us hope, encouragement, and practical advice that we constantly seek.

9. Praying: Finding Our Way Through Duty to Delight by J.I. Packer.

The aim of Packer is not just to clarify Christian understanding but to foster Christian living.

Moreover, in his words, in real praying, head, heart, and hands go together. With wisdom, humility, and sincerity we’re led through different moods of praying.

These include: brooding, praising; asking, complaining, and hanging on.

Furthermore, the author tried to offer hope to those who daydream when trying to listen to God.

Additionally, he didn’t just talk about prayer; he challenged us to do it by pointing us to a clearer realization of the reality of God.

Summarily, Packer’s book will encourage and guide your prayer to move from mere duty to delight.

10. The Power of Prayer and Fasting by Ronnie Floyd.

In The Power of Prayer and Fasting, Ronnie Floyd explains prayer and fasting as a Scripture-ordained act of obedience.

Secondly, he described it as a means of humbling ourselves before God and drawing closer to Him.

As well as a way of making room for Him to speak and act in our lives.

Additionally, the newly revised edition offers fascinating firsthand stories on prayer and fasting.

Furthermore, Floyd gives a compelling explanation of how this discipline works in a Christian’s life.

Lastly, he provided practical guidance for those who have never fasted before and finally a stirring call to revival.

11. The Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett.

This book makes bare the strength of Puritan character and life in prayer and meditation.

According to the author, the practice of prayer is of utmost importance and that it’s a sign of genuine spirituality.

Overall, this inspiring book does not only have pre-written prayers but also prompts.

These prayers and prompts will encourage you as you tread on the path which others have gone before.

If you ask me, I’ll candidly tell you that this is one book that will definitely revamp your prayer life.

12. Worry Less, Pray More by Donna K. Maltese.

This purposeful devotional guide by Maltese features 180 readings and prayers designed to help reduce your worries.

Meanwhile, the aim of the author is to help us learn to live in God’s peace; which offers calmness for our anxiety-filled souls.

Inspired by Philippians 4:6-7, Worry Less, Pray More reinforces the truth that with God, you can live anxiety-free life; if you’re one who worries about job, relationships, bills, the turmoil of the world, etc.

13. When Women Pray by T. D Jakes.

This book explores the lives of 10 prayerful women in the Bible.

Meanwhile, Bishop Jakes emphasizes the life-changing power that women have when they find their identity; strength, healing, and their voices in Christ.

What Happens When a Woman Prays is a clarion call for women to continue their progressive March.

Also, In Jakes’ words, we need prayer to stand guard over our hearts and minds; and over the hearts and minds of our families.

Lastly, Jakes encourages women to keep dreaming like their daughters and praying like their grandmother’s.

Amazingly, you’ll find power in your prayer like never before with this inspiring guide.

14. Prayer: Communing with God in Everything by A. W Tozer.

In Prayer, Tozer captures God’s great wonder called prayer as the primary means of coming into His presence.

According to him, if our everyday life is filled with barrenness of busyness. And there is no serious urgency to pray, we forfeit the wonder of being conformed to the image of Christ.

As well as knowing God more intimately which is the true Christian life. In this awesome book, Tozer aims to help us understand prayer as a way of life.

Secondly, he tries to assist us to share the grand vision which is to have a vibrant prayer life.

In sum, prayer is totally doable. God is accessible. And Tozer provides the wisdom and encouragement to help us encounter Him daily.

Meanwhile, with commentary and reflection questions provided by compiler W.L. Seaver; this book takes our understanding of prayer to new depths and helps us have a life that prays.

15. The Battle Plan for Prayer by Stephen Kendrick.

First, the Battle Plan for Prayer begins with prayer’s core purpose; its biblical design; and its impact throughout history.

Further, we’re guided scriptural through the basics of how effective prayer is. And how it inspires us towards a closer, more intimate relationship with God.

More so, it shows us how to develop specific prayer strategies for every area of life.

This book teaches that prayer should be the first plan of attack; in all of life’s battles, not the last resort in a believer’s life.

Lastly, if you want to experience the joy of mightily answered prayer, then it’s time to engage with God in the place of prayer.

16. Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeschel.

This astonishing book will show you how to pray the prayers that search your soul; break bad habits, and help you find your calling.

However, if you’re fine with settling for what’s easy. Or you’re okay with staying on the sidelines, this book isn’t for you.

The truth is, you’ll be challenged. You’ll be tested. And you’ll be moved to take a long, hard look at your heart.

Nevertheless, you’ll be inspired to pray boldly. To pray powerfully with fire.

Moreover, you’ll see how you’ll be able to trade ineffective; and lukewarm prayers with faith for daring prayers that will push you to a new level of passion and fulfillment.

In all, you’ll discover the secret to overcome fears of loss, rejection, failure, and the unknown. As well as welcome the blessings God has for you.

Basically, this book will provide you with the courage it takes to pray dangerous prayers.

17. Prayers to Calm Your Anxious Heart by Julie Gillies.

Generally, Prayers to Calm Your Anxious Heart offers 100 reassuring devotions.

Scripture-based prayers that will shift your focus towards truth; restore your hope, and fill your soul with peace.

Interestingly, the devotion offers brief yet meaningful teachings to give you encouragement and inspiration.

Additionally, relevant Scripture verses have been provided to ground you in God’s promises and keep your heart focused on the truth.

Finally, with Gillies’ book, you’ll learn not to dwell in anxiety but to pray and let your heart rest in God’s calming presence.

18. Dear God: Honest Prayers to a God Who Listens by Bunmi Laditan.

Laditan journeys through common emotions that we all experience. These emotions include doubt, anger, joy, desperation, love, loneliness, and gratefulness.

Clearly, she names our fears, voices our painful questions. On a final note, Dear God is for those who find themselves thirsting for something more.

For those who seek to reconnect with God. And for those who really don’t know what they believe but appreciate God’s Word.

19. Smith-Wigglesworth on Prayer, Power, and Miracles: Compiled by Roberts Liardon.

This terrific piece takes a motivating and provocative look at the awesome potential trapped within you; waiting to be realized.

Interestingly, this book will cause you to be uncomfortable with your present state of accomplishment. And dissatisfied with resting on your past success.

Overall, the simple and easy-to-grasp nuggets on prayer will inspire, motivate and shed insight on the topic of prayer.

No doubt, you’ll be intrigued to find this read very refreshing.

20. God on Mute by Pete Greig.

Interestingly, God on Mute is a biblical insight for all who suffer in silence. Born out of Greig’s wife fight for her life and diagnosis with a debilitating brain tumor.

He asks the timeless questions of what it means to suffer; to pray and to suffer through the silence because your prayers seem unanswered.

According to Greig, this silence is one of the most difficult things to bear. In his words, the world collapses. Then all goes quiet. Words can’t explain, don’t fit, won’t work.

To top it, people avoid you because they don’t know what to say. So you turn to Him and you pray. You need Him more than ever before. But somehow, even God Himself seems to be on mute.

Further, in this heart-searching and very revealing book, Pete Greig looks at the hard side of prayer; how to respond when there seem to be no answers.

As well as how to cope with those who seek to interpret our experiences for us. Basically, this inspiring book is a story of faith, hope, and love beyond all understanding.


The truth is, in order to live Spirit-led lives as Christians, we need our prayer lives to be on fire.

Significantly, prayer remains one crucial requirement for effective godly living.

Hence, these 20 Books About Prayer That Will Improve Your Prayer Life come in handy.

They were all thoughtfully selected from a long list of great Christian classics.

Evidently, the idea is to provide you with the necessary resources; that will get your prayer life to the place it ought to be.

Therefore, grab as many as you can from these 20 Books About Prayer That Will Improve Your Prayer Life. And that too, as soon as possible if you need a total overhauling of your prayer life.

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