10 Practical Ways To Develop A Stronger Prayer Life.

Prayer has always been an important part of the Christian life. To get everything done in the spiritual, prayer is needed.

It doesn’t matter the level of exposure one has now or how strong one’s ability in solving problems.

Prayer is still needed in everyone’s life because it is one of the weapons we need to fight our battles in this life.

The Bible implores us to pray non-stop. 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Many people want to have a stable prayer life and make it grow but they don’t know how to.

It is not something to worry much about because you can build a strong and effective prayer life by taking a few steps.

  1. Have a renewed heart.

There is nothing as important as this when you are trying to have a stronger prayer life. Talking or making decisions start from the heart.

Proverbs 4:23. When you want to pray, your stand with God matters – this is why the renewal of the heart is important.

The renewal of the heart starts by asking God for forgiveness. When you ask for forgiveness, it goes down to the depth of your spirit and recreates it – it then affects your thoughts, your heart and it reflects in your prayer.

This when your spirit is aligned with the spirit of God for the day.

Andrew Wommack in his book, Spirit, Soul, and Body said, “When you were born again, your old spirit died, was instantly removed, and replaced (according to Rom. 6).

Your spirit and His Spirit intermarried, merged, and became one to create a new person. That’s why God’s mirror reflects you as righteous, holy, and pure.

The makeup of your born-again spirit is identical to Jesus Himself!” This makes your prayer life grow stronger.

  1. Befriend Jesus.

The way you talk to people you don’t know will be different from the way you talk with your friends. When you take Jesus to be your friend, you will find it easy to talk to him – establishing a conversation won’t be a hard thing.

Go to Jesus in the morning or anytime and talk to him as a friend. Jesus already took us as friends and we must take him to be our friend. John 15:15 “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business.

Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

  1. Pray with the Bible.

The word of God is important. It should be part of our lives and this must be used in getting the right path of prayer.

Most of the time, the reason why most prayers are not effective is that it lacks the basis of the word of God.

Every morning, a Bible verse should be used to brighten up the day. An example is Psalm 121.

In building a strong prayer life, the word of God must be the foundation, it is like building in rock – it will surely be strong – the word is Jesus when it is not built on the Word, it comes crashing down. (Matthew 7:24-27).

Also Related: 7 Benefits Of Meditating On The Word Of God.

  1. Pray with meaning.

Talking gibberish in prayer is one of the reasons why many find it hard to continue with their prayer life, thus becoming weak.

Praying without meaning brings a lack of conviction about the prayer and there is no positivity.

When you talk to your friends or people and they find it meaningless, they stop you from talking or if they can’t, they stop listening instead.

What God wants to see or sense in the words of the prayer is faith – this is what pleases God. Hebrew 11:6.

  1. Build a schedule.

What Christianity or the Christians are known for is their zero tolerance for indiscipline.

Many times it showed in the scripture where Christians are being advised to be disciplined.

Discipline makes things easier for you – when you get used to some things, they become part of you.

You can teach yourself what to accept or what not to. Daniel did this when he was in Babylon. Daniel 1:8.

In this same manner, having a schedule or having a praying time built for yourself makes you get used to praying and it helps to have a stronger prayer life. Have a dedicated prayer time.

  1. Pray with the Bible-believing Christians.

I could have said “move with prayerful people” but know that not all the people who pray use the Bible or believe in the word of God.

Don’t be surprised when you see people tagged as “Christians” but don’t deeply believe in the Word of God.

This is why it is important to find those who truly believe in the Word of God and pray with them.

What these people do is to remind you of prayer, they get in touch with you at prayer times.

Whenever you feel you’re going down or you’re getting weak, they stay and encourage you. Hebrews 10:25.

Prayer Life
Photo by Rosie Fraser on Unsplash
  1. Fast and pray.

You must have been hearing the word fasting and you were told it means no food. It is true about fasting.

Fasting did not just start in the time of the New Testament, it has always been a way of building a stronger prayer life and making a prayer effective right from the time of the Old Testament.

Nehemiah 1:4; Daniel 9:3; Ezra 8:21. Fasting is a way of preparing one’s self to pray an effective prayer.

Fasting is also one of the ways one can discipline him or herself to put flesh under submission.

When fasting is looked at Biblically, in the Old Testament, it was used as a way or a means of humbling one’s self before God either for the forgiveness of sin or to request for a thing.

Also Related: How to Manifest Miracles by Use of Prayer.

  1. Spread the love by praying for others.

Deriving pleasure in praying for others is an act of love and this will give you joy and excitement about prayer.

When you love praying for people, you’ll find yourself not missing any praying time you have scheduled for yourself.

Jesus gave two new commandments to follow in the New Testament. One of these is about love. Matthew 22:39 “And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

This act of showing love is not just about forgiving people who wronged us or giving people things that they need – this also has to do with prayer – praying for people is an act of love, it means you are selfless and it builds your prayer life.

  1. Have dedication.

Put your effort into prayer, build yourself up by dedicating all including your time. Pray with all your heart and don’t get carried away or get distracted by things around.

Focus on God, make him first of all. 1 Chronicles 16:11 “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”

Let God see that you are putting in all your effort and he will give you strength. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.”

  1. Thank him always.

If you had ever tried thanking God truthfully, you’ll discover there is always joy in doing that.

Thanking God will always want you to keep thanking him. This is why we need to reflect on what God has done for us.

We may get a note and write all the things that we have gotten from God – this is because we’ll have a direct reason for thanking him.

Thanking him for what he has done will push you to thank him for what he has not done. Psalm 100:4-5.


It profits the Christian nothing if he or she has a weak prayer life.

In recent times, there is a huge need to have a stronger prayer life because we need the whole army of God to stand strong against the vices of the wicked.

1 Peter 5:8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

The enemy, Satan, will never stop looking for his prey and this is why we must act and have a strong prayer life.

Ephesians 6:10-11 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”





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