Prayer Apps: 15 Apps to Improve Your Prayer Life

Prayer apps are a perfect resource to encourage and build your prayer life.

They are preferred to regular or hard copy prayer books, manuals, or journals by many.

Obviously, because you can pray on the go with them. So, here is a list of the 15 Best Prayer Apps That Will Strengthen Your Prayer Life.

Basically, they are extremely easy to use; with any of them, you would have a variety of enormously powerful prayers at your fingertips.

Some of the powerful prayers you would find include gratitude, healing, love, deliverance, etc.

Significantly, the 15 best prayer apps that will strengthen your prayer life were selected.

To help you increase your prayer life as well as grow your faith.

  1. Daily Prayer Guide

Daily Prayer is a prayer and devotional guide based on Leaves of Life. Basically, it is a compilation of Bible verses, prayers, poems, and quotations from classic authors and poets.

The likes of Ralph W. Emerson, John Ruskin, Robert Brownie, James R. Lowell, etc, all compiled by Margaret Bird Steinmetz.

Some of the great features include classic and timeless devotional content. Daily reminders to read your devotion.

Audio devotional content is read by a built-in voice synthesizer. A special functionality lets you bookmark your favorite prayers, devotions, and notes.

Using this beautiful prayer app will encourage you to pray daily with God’s Word.

In sum, Daily Prayer Guide is one powerful prayer app that you should get as soon as possible.

  1. Prayers & Blessings Daily

Prayers and Blessings Daily is a wonderful Christian prayer app.

One thing I love about it is the fact that it delivers powerful and biblical prayers to you daily.

Also, this prayer app gives you a whole new source of inspiration on how to pray.

With the great features, you to choose between different versions of the text. As well as make use of the audio read which is also readily accessible.

  1. Powerful Prayers – Morning & Evening Prayers

Powerful Prayers for Morning and Evening comes with Bible verses and quotes.

Unarguably, it is one of the most top-rated Christian prayer apps.

The newly updated version comes with immensely powerful and inspirational prayers, Bible verses, daily Bible promises, and quotes.

Don’t forget that, it is the depth of our walk with God that determines how much the Holy Spirit will lead us in our prayer life.

Hence, this prayer app offers so much more than just prayers. It’s packed with incredible resources to help you grow your faith effortlessly.

Also Related: 10 Practical Ways to Develop a Stronger Prayer Life.

  1. Daily Prayer

Daily Prayer has meditative prayers. As well as Bible meditations that will not only help you develop Christian mindfulness; but would enable you to effectively tackle all your life’s challenges.

Some of the prayer topics include love, kindness, hope, happiness, overcoming anxiety, overcoming fear and anger, etc.

Meanwhile, there are new features everyone can benefit from such as inspiring new daily prayers. New night-time prayers, prayer plans, etc.

Certainly, with you can grow your faith. Develop a habit of prayer. Get support for your prayers. And embrace the love to Pray.

  1. PrayerMate

PrayerMate is a terrific app that will inspire you to pray by helping you to organize your prayer life.

First, the intuitive index card interface lets you swipe between the day’s prayer topics.

Secondly, it lets you set up your own personal categories and subjects to suit the way you pray.

Thirdly, you can subscribe to online prayer diaries, with content from some prominent Christian organizations.

Another beautiful thing about this app is, it has a daily alarm clock to remind you to pray. Unlike many other apps, PrayerMate is a straightforward and distraction-free app.

Indeed, prayer is one of the greatest privileges that we have as believers. Though many of us struggle with it, it does not have to be that way. With an app like PrayerMate, that struggle can be over.

In sum, this easy-to-use app makes fitting in prayer time amazingly simple.

  1. Powerful Bible Prayers

An appeal to God for help in times of crisis is right and proper. However, we have to keep in mind that this is not to be the prevalent form of prayer.

Nor is it right to pray only when we have a crisis. Prayer should be made without ceasing and not being dependent on the crisis.

Powerful Bible Prayers app has different prayers like protection health, strength, relationship, prosperity, children, thanksgiving, etc.

Also, it contains other powerful life-changing prayers that will transform your prayer life.

  1. Echo Prayer

Finding the perfect time to meditate and pray consistently may be difficult especially if you’re a busy person. With Echo, you get to choose what you would like to pray about. And optionally set a timer for how long you want to pray.

Secondly, you can add as many prayers as you would like to your list. You can categorize your prayers too, delete old ones. As well as mark the ones you have received answers for.

Thirdly, when enabled, Echo sends prayer time reminders to your email or phone. You can also easily set up other reminders for prayer by yourself.

The truth is reminders are actually very helpful when you plan to engage with God throughout the week; even when you find yourself very busy with life.

Summarily, Echo helps you keep track of your prayers as well as let’s you pray without distraction. And you can also share your favorite prayers with family and friends who also have the app.

  1. My Daily Prayer & Devotion

My daily prayer is basically a collection of powerful prayers filled with positive messages sent to you daily.

This lovely prayer app is a wonderful way to focus on seeking God’s plan in your life in the place of prayer.

Some persons find prayer tiring; however, this app brings out the amazing and enjoyable sides of prayer.

Meanwhile, while keeping your prayer life alive with this app, you will be able to maintain a strong relationship with God.

My Daily Prayer and Devotion will ultimately help you get closer to God through prayer.

It is also a great spiritual tool to increase your faith. So, if you are looking for one fabulous prayer app for vibrant prayer life, then this is it.

  1. Ora Prayer Network

Ora helps to strengthen your faith by simply reminding you of the beauty of prayer. As well as praying in a community of other believers.

Interestingly, Ora Prayer Network allows you to submit prayer requests anonymously as well as set daily reminders to pray.

Unquestionably, Ora Prayer Network is a big deal for prayer-loving Christians for several other reasons.

One is that it helps you cultivate a life of devotion. Two, it provides the perfect platform to connect with other prayer-loving Christians around the world.

Moreover, Ora has two primary goals: to give support to people struggling with burdens. And to encourage people to actively participate in the Body of Christ by taking time to pray for others.

In a nutshell, with Ora, your faith, devotional life, and prayers will be strengthened significantly.

  1. Christian Prayer Promoter

Prayer Prompter encourages Scripture-based prayers by providing you with a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Which will inspire you to pray effectively.

The prayers in Christian Promoter are organized according to the popular ‘ACTS.’ Which stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication method of prayer when making your requests known to God.

Significantly, this method of prayer offers a balanced and effective approach to communicating with God in prayer.

  1. Daily Prayer Book

Having the right words to pray especially in hard times can be difficult.

However, knowing that you have a selection of classical prayers on your device makes everything a whole lot easier. With Daily Prayer Book you can develop a natural love and hunger for prayer.

More so, the prayer app has been updated with more prayers. It now has new functionality that gives you the option to have your phone speak the prayer.

Also, the new update supports the latest android devices. Altogether, Daily Prayer Book is easy-to-use and powerfully packed with relevant prayers that are bound to produce results.

  1. Prayer Guide

Prayer Guide is unarguably one of the most popular prayer apps on all the app stores.

First, it’s not just a top-notch Christian prayer app, it has over two million prayers said through the app already by subscribers.

Secondly, the Prayer Guide provides you with daily prayers, even if they’re short, they have a high impact.

Thirdly, you can pray more often, reach out to God in need, in appreciation, or simply in praise.

More so, the app has a wide selection of the best prayers for you. Interestingly, you can use these Prayers for everyday inspiration.

As well as share them with your friends and family from within the App.

Hence, I urge you to reach out to God’s words and expand your knowledge. And understanding of your Christian faith with a Prayer Guide.

Join the community to enjoy endless prayers and answers from God.

  1. MyCBN Prayer & Devotional

With MyCBN Prayer and Devotional, you would recognize that you are not alone.

Rather, you can share your struggles with other believers to receive support.

In addition, you can take the first step by anonymously sharing anything on your mind.

You would receive genuine encouragement from MyCBN community members when you do.

Secondly, you are connected to a community where you can pray for others as well. And get your prayer life even more strengthened.

Meanwhile, the mobile app let’s you set a timer to have intentional quality time with God.

Additionally, you can even journal your thoughts while meditating on the devotions. As well as write down things as God makes known His mind to you in the place of prayer.

Significantly, this magnificent prayer app literally helps you navigate life’s challenges with prayers and biblical guidance. Its deep content will help aid your spiritual growth as you study and pray with the provided resources.

  1. Becoming A Prayer Warrior

Becoming a Prayer Warrior is a complete guide to the essentials of powerful prayers.

First, it lays out the basic principles of life-changing prayers.

Secondly, international prayer leader, Elizabeth Alves gives you a fresh look at the incredible mystery of prayer; and the benefits it can bring.

Thirdly, she equips both the beginner and the seasoned intercessor with clear. And practical guidance on how to pray with power and intense passion.

This extraordinary prayer app would literally move your perception of prayer as a ritual or duty; to learning how to truly communicate with God.

How to experience His power and joy as never before. Becoming A Prayer Warrior is one of those fabulous prayer apps that you need to explore.

That is if you are in dire need of a vibrant prayer life.

  1. Prayer Book

Prayer Book is a nicely designed Christian app for your prayers and daily devotional.

I appreciate the fact that it contains hundreds of prayers for different purposes and occasions.

In other words, you cannot be at a loss of words to pray; no matter the situation you’re trying to fix prayerfully.

Moreover, the prayers are categorized for easy navigation.

Categories include help which has prayers for marriage prayer, hope, and fertility. Prosperity: financial, business, employment.

Famous:  Lord’s prayer, benediction, and serenity. Additionally, the category for healing includes prayers for depression, sick children, miracles, forgiveness, etc.

Additionally, the app contains daily prayers for Strength, relationship, protection, etc.


‘The 15 best prayer apps that will strengthen your prayer life’ listed above with their features; and functionalities explained, are very incredible prayer apps that will undoubtedly transform your prayer life.

Perhaps, praying has always been a struggle for you like it used to be for me; you should download and start exploring some of these amazing prayer apps as soon as possible.

Sincerely, you would love every bit of the mind-blowing experience you’d get. These apps have you covered, no matter what you want to focus your prayer on.

Meanwhile, downloading a few of these prayer apps is enough to get your prayer life hot in no time.

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