Prayer for Financial Blessings and Restoration:13 Best

How has your financial life been lately? Is it in tune with the abundance of the universe? Do you know that the prayer for financial blessings and restoration in this article will turn around your financial life?

If you are not connected in this abundance, it is better to connect, as you are failing to attract financial blessing, restoration, and wealth to your personal and professional life.

When God created the universe, he placed a “constant source of wealth” in people’s lives. It is enough for each person to connect to this source and receive the abundance of wealth in his life.

But, the key is to connect and make your actions to attract wealth to your life. To facilitate the actions, you must pray a prayer for a financial blessing and restoration.

13 Powerful Prayer for Financial Blessings and Restoration.


Prayer for Financial Blessings and Restoration.

I declare in the name of Jesus that the blessings of Abraham reach me.

I declare according to God’s Word that my field is blessed, my house is blessed, and the blessing of my inheritance extends to my generations. Every work of my hands will prosper.

In the name of Jesus, I declare that the curse of indolence, negligence, laziness, and vices are ripped and cut off from my generations.

Father, in the name of Jesus, cover the doorposts and the lintel of our home with the Blood of Jesus.

This is my inheritance from God in the name of Jesus. Amen

Prayer of Wisdom for Financial Blessings and Restoration.

Thank you, Father, because you heal my finances. Thank you, Father, for enlightening my understanding with good judgment, reasoning, and wisdom to manage my money with great wisdom.

I declare in the name of Jesus that neither unemployment nor disengagement will enter my house. Although others are fired from their jobs, the blood of Christ covers me and my household.

The favor of God finds a place for me so that in my home, we do not get layoffs.

I confess before Heavenly Father that according to his Word, by his powerful blessing upon us, we will never beg all the days of our lives.

Prayer of Forgiveness for Financial Blessings and Restoration.

I ask your forgiveness, Jesus if I doubted that the Lord took care of my family and me! Forgiveness if I offended you with bad words.

If I blamed the Lord for this financial difficulty, forgive me oh Lord! Forgive me Lord if I have been ungrateful about my job and business.

Please, forgive me if I cursed my financial life saying that what I earn is misery. Forgive me if I said cursed words about my job, about my bosses. I also want to release my forgiveness to them.

If I thought that someday they were unfair to me when they delayed my salary or did not pay what my right was. I forgive them now in your Name Jesus!

Also Related: How to Break Generational Curses: A Comprehensive Guide.

 Prayers for Financial Blessings and Restoration to pay off all debts.

Lord Jesus, pour out the Holy Spirit on me. Help with my natural abilities, so that I find a way to pay off my debts. Give me wisdom, organization, and the ability to manage these debts.

I pray that as of today, I will learn to live free from heavy debts. Where I have not been wise, bring restoration, and guide me. Show me how to increase my incomes and not decrease them.

Remind me that everything I have belongs to you, and one day I will give an account of how I managed my finances.

Give me wisdom on what to use my money for, helping me make the right decisions. Show me how to plan for the future.

Multiply my earnings so that I can pay off all debts. I pray that I will not be anxious for money, but I will seek God’s kingdom to be blessed first. Amen

Prayer for restoration of finances.

Lord Jesus, I come to stand before Your presence at this moment. I offer you my life with everything I have inside my heart.

My anguish, sadness, loneliness, and especially Jesus, the concern that I bring about my financial life.

I want to ask now that you will shed Your Blood on me and on the whole reality surrounding my financial life.

I have been experiencing moments of great distress because my financial life is completely disorganized.

Today I bring a lot of debts, and I don’t know what else to do. I have bills to pay, rent arrears, I owe people, moneylenders, and compromising my family and our entire family harmony.

That is why today, at this moment, I ask for your restoration and financial blessings. If there is any spiritual problem connected directly to my financial life, cut them off by the power of Your Blood! Amen

Prayers for Financial Blessing and Restoration during the Covid-19.

Lord, you are well aware of the financial difficulties we have been through as a result of this pandemic, let it end now. Please help us out of this situation.

May we not lack what is necessary during this period to give our family members health, education, dignity in housing, wealth, and abundance.

Please help us to overcome every financial problem caused by this pandemic.

I decree and declare that everything we have lost during this period is restored in multiple folds. God, I give you our finances to take care of them according to Your Plans.


Financial Blessing and Restoration
Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash

Prayer to break every curse of financial failure.

I renounce in the name of Jesus Christ all spirit and the ancestral curse of poverty in my generations.

I renounce in the name of Jesus Christ all misery, debt, the curse of sorcery and witchcraft and idolatry upon my finances.

In the name of Jesus Christ that is above every name, I consecrate my life to You Lord.

I consecrate my finances to You Lord Jesus. You control all my life and finances. I seal this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and with the power of your Holy Spirit.

I receive a speedy answer because you hear the prayer of those who seek you. Amen.

Also Related: 25 Inspirational Bible Verses about Money and Stewardship.

Prayer #8

I claim the power of Jesus over my entire family tree and generations.

If in my ancestors there were fights over financial issues, thefts, or betrayals among our family, and as a result, words of Curses were cast, words were spoken with hatred, anger, envy; cut it all off in the power of your name Jesus! May none of this have any more power over me or my financial life.

If there were situations of people attached to money in my ancestors, situations of murders for the sake of money, ambition, family money spent on purchases of illicit things, drugs, prostitution, sex, adultery, lies…

I decree by the anointing of the Holy Spirit that none of this will have any more power over me or my financial life. Amen

Prayer #9

Any point of contact the devil uses to reach me is now exposed by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.

All mystical money with a scent of bewitchment to keep the spirit of debit and credit in my life is hereby nullified in the name of Jesus Christ. I release my work from the grip of Satan in the name of Jesus Christ.

I release my business and my activities from the devourers’ hands by paying my tithe in the name of Jesus.

Every spirit of the waters, of the earth, of the sky, of the air, and of the wind, you no longer have any legal rights on my blessings.

Jesus Christ has stripped you, be cast out of my life now in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Prayer to overcome the financial crisis and bad luck.

Prayer #10

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord, I ask for financial blessing and restoration to live well. Lord, take away the anxiety and fear of lack and want from my life.

Take care of me to make sure that I achieve balance in my financial life and discernment in business. Give me insight into the business that I will do to overcome all financial crises in my life.

Lord God, show your power to end this financial crisis and bad luck that I’m going through right now. Amen

Prayer #11

Your Word says: “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek.

For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Mathew 6:31-34)

That is why Jesus if until today, I have not lived according to your will, today I want to commit myself to live according to your will.

If until today, I have sought you only for what you could give me; today, I come to you because I understand that I need Your presence in everything.

But I ask you, Lord Jesus, free me from all the problems I bring to my financial life. I believe in your Word. I believe that you are also concerned with the financial reality that I live in today.

Therefore, let this financial crisis and bad luck end in my life today. Amen

Also Related: Prayers for Financial Prosperity: 15 Powerful Awesome.

Powerful Prayer for Financial Blessings.

Prayer #12

I am stepping into my financial breakthrough and claiming my blessings now in the name of Jesus Christ.

Yes, I proclaim that Grace and favor open in my life and that all doors of blessings that were closed on my life be unleashed now in the name of Jesus Christ.

I proclaim by the authority of Jesus that all promises on my life that were blocked and delayed by the enemy are fired in abundance now in the name of Jesus Christ.

On this day, Lord, we ask you for a powerful miracle that brings a definitive and total change in our financial situation.

May we be free from the bondage of debt, and may all tension and anxiety cease in our lives. Amen

Prayer #13

I now call on the angels for financial blessings to activate any unfulfilled promise in my life in the name of Jesus Christ. May every scale of poverty on my life be burnt in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let all veil of camouflage be removed from my face, my stuff, my business in the name of Jesus Christ. Your spirit of begging, of borrowing.

I drive you out of my life right now Any mystical hole in my hands that prevents me from realizing leading me to unnecessary expenses .. may they be closed now by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.

You are caught up in confusion, the confusion that loses my consciousness to confuse my secret hiding place, be struck down and destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

In conclusion

Prayers are a powerful way of communicating with God. He said in his word: “Call unto me and I will answer you, I will show you great and mighty things which thou knows not (Jeremiah 33:3).

As you pray these prayers for financial blessing and restoration, you need to align your financial life with the Word of God. Because we cannot allow it to take us out of the center of God’s will or even take away our salvation.

My God will give you a testimony. Amen

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