Prayers for Your Anniversary: 15 Inspirational

Anniversaries are special occasions to recount God’s goodness and faithful in our lives.

They are great times to look back and appreciate how far you have come in your life’s journey, especially in marriage.

In this article, I want to share prayers for your anniversary.

You will find those suitable for wedding anniversaries, marriage anniversaries, relationship anniversaries, anniversary dinners, anniversary celebrations, work anniversaries, and more.

Find the one that suits your need, and express your thoughts and gratitude to God with these prayers.

How to Pray for Your Anniversary.

Praying for your anniversary is a beautiful way to express gratitude for the time you’ve spent together and to seek blessings for your future as a couple. Here’s a guide on how to pray for your anniversary:

  • Find a Quiet Space:

Choose a quiet and comfortable place where you can focus without distractions.

  • Start with Gratitude:

Begin your prayer by thanking God for bringing you together and sustaining your relationship throughout the years. Reflect on the journey you’ve taken as a couple.

  • Reflect on Your Marriage:

Take a moment to reflect on the challenges you’ve overcome, the joys you’ve shared, and the growth you’ve experienced as a couple.

  • Express Love and Commitment:

Share your love and commitment to one another with God. Thank Him for the gift of your spouse and the love you share.

  • Seek God’s Blessings:

Ask for God’s continued blessings on your marriage. Pray for His guidance, wisdom, and strength as you navigate the journey ahead.

  • Protection and Unity:

Pray for protection against any challenges that may come your way. Ask for unity and understanding, especially in times of disagreement.

  • Forgiveness:

If there are any past hurts or conflicts, bring them before God. Seek His help in forgiving and healing any wounds.

  • Growth and Fulfillment:

Pray for personal and relational growth. Ask God to help you both continue to grow individually and as a couple.

  • Family and Friends:

Lift up your families and friends in prayer, asking for their support and well-being. Pray for healthy relationships with those around you.

  • Quality Time:

Pray for the ability to spend quality time together, nurturing your bond and creating lasting memories.

  • Laughter and Joy:

Ask for moments of laughter and joy to fill your days together.

  • Intimacy and Communication:

Pray for deepening intimacy and effective communication in your relationship.

  • Shared Dreams:

Bring your hopes, dreams, and plans for the future before God. Ask for His guidance in fulfilling your shared aspirations.

  • Surrender to God’s Will:

Ultimately, surrender your marriage and anniversary celebration to God’s will. Trust that He knows what is best for you.

  • Closing:

Conclude your prayer by expressing your gratitude once again and closing in Jesus’ name.

Remember, your anniversary prayer is personal and should reflect your unique relationship. Feel free to use these points as a guide and customize them to fit your thoughts and feelings. The key is to approach the prayer with sincerity and an open heart.

Below are 15 Inspirational Prayers for Your Anniversary.


  1. Prayer for Your Anniversary.

Psalm 95:1 (NIV) – Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

Dear Lord, thank you for being good and for your steadfast love that has endured in my marriage until now.

I’m most grateful for love and life, for sustenance, protection, and provision since you brought us together.

On the occasion of our anniversary, from the depth of my heart, I say thank you, dear Father.

I pray that you continue to preserve my spouse, me, and my family for years to come.

Fill our home with joy and laughter; bless our kids and let them grow into accomplished adults who will always bring glory and honor to you throughout their lives.

Thank you, Precious Lord, for all you have done and will still do for us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Anniversary Prayer for My Husband.

Romans 12:10 (NIV) – Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Gracious God, thank you for my loving husband. I couldn’t have asked for a better man than him.

I’m grateful you paired me to do life with a man who compliments me in several ways.

I pray for him today as we mark our anniversary; please make him a bigger bundle of sweetness to our children and me. Strengthen him daily as he works hard to keep the family going.

Above all, keep him healthy and satisfy him with long life so we can enjoy many more years today.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Anniversary Prayer for Us.

Psalm 9:1 (NIV) –  I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Almighty God, thank you for adding another year to our blissful union.

Although we have had our fair share of ups and downs, we remain very grateful to you for your loving-kindness toward us.

We pray that as we continue to work toward building our home and relationship, you will imbue us with the required wisdom and strength.

Above all, please assist us in loving and caring for each other as you love and care for the church.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Blessing Prayer for Wedding Anniversary.

James 1:12 (NIV) – Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because,

having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

Father Lord, thank you for our ___ wedding anniversary. If it hadn’t been you on our side, there wouldn’t be us today.

Thank you so much for all the beautiful things you have blessed us with; our relationship has waxed stronger. And our kids are growing in your wisdom and admonition.

And even for divine provisions and supplies in these financially harsh times. Despite the casting down, you have given us all-around lifting, and we are indeed grateful for this.

We pray that you continue being the third person in our relationship so we don’t wander away from the right path.

Above all, satisfy us with health and long life so we may live to see more of your goodness in the land of the living.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for 25th Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

Psalm 95:2-3 (NIV) – Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. 3: For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.

Everlasting God, today is our silver jubilee, and we can’t stay calm about your goodness in our lives.

You have been with us since these 25 long years of marriage, filling our lives with love, bliss, and abundant grace. Thank you for your extraordinary wonders in our lives and family.

We pray that your abiding grace and mercy remain with us as we continue to do life together. Keep us together until death does us part in very ripe old age. As we celebrate this anniversary, may your name be lifted.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for Your Company’s Anniversary.

2 Corinthians 4:15 (NIV) – All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

Gracious God, thank you for the vision you gave me several years ago, for your grace that birthed it and has prospered it since its establishment.

Today, it is ____ years in existence, and I pray that you who gave the vision will keep flourishing it and taking it to greater heights yearly.

Dear Holy Spirit, you have been my senior partner from inception till now.

I ask that you imbue me with more wealth-generating ideas to take this company to greater heights until it goes public and becomes a global name and a massive employer of labor.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for 50th Wedding Anniversary Dinner.

1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIV) – But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, thank you for 50 whole years in marriage. Golden Jubilee is the desire of every couple, and you have brought us to this point only by your grace.

Thank you for our children, their spouses, and the adorable grandchildren you have graciously blessed us with.

We have reminisced and seen that there’s nothing we have that wasn’t given by you. There’s also nothing that we have accomplished within these 50 years that we did without your grace.

Therefore, we return all the glory, honor, and adoration to you on this special day because you are more than deserving of them. Even in our anniversary dinner, we ask that you make it a memorable one for us.

Lastly, we will not fail to request that you bless us with more years to live in health and plenty.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen!

Also Related: Happy Birthday Prayers: 15 Inspirational.

  1. Prayer for My Marriage Anniversary.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIV) – Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

Dear Lord, you see my heart’s content, and you know how overwhelmed I am with gratitude to you for your loving care toward me, my spouse, kids, and our home.

Today, you have added one more year to our relationship. Even though we have had many challenges,

bgvI choose not to consider them because your good deeds outweigh all the challenges we have encountered as a couple.

Thank you for all the times you have been there with us, even when we went through the fire and deep waters.

You didn’t allow the fire to consume us or the water to drown us. Indeed you have proved times and times again that you are a faithful God. Even in our failings and shortcomings, you have remained faithful.

May your steadfast love never cease in our relationship and marriage.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for One Year Anniversary.

Psalm107:8 (NIV) – Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds.

Great God, thank you for the best year of my life. It has been nothing but bliss and sweetness. Thank you also for blessing me with the best partner to fulfill my purpose with.

I pray that your grace that has been sufficient for us for the last twelve months will abound even more to take us through many more years together.

I also ask that you grant the desires of our hearts, so we may have your praise on our lips all the days of our lives.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for Work Anniversary.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV) – Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

Awesome God, I appreciate the excellent job you blessed me with. Today, I’m ____ years in it, and it’s all thanks to you.

Thank you for all you have helped me achieve; I pray that you continue strengthening me daily and filling me with wisdom to continue doing much better with each passing day.

Lord, use me to exemplify great work ethics, discipline, commitment, and diligence daily.

Above all, bless the works of my hands; crown my efforts so they would begin yielding massive results.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for Our Relationship Anniversary.

Ephesians 4:2 (NIV) – Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.

Lord Jesus, today marks ____ years of my relationship with ____.

You have filled it with love and understanding, and I ask that it even becomes better. Give us the grace to love and respect each other the more.

May we show forth your praise continually in this relationship, dear Lord. Above all, help us to always put you first in our relationship.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for Wedding Anniversary.

 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) – Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Loving God, we thank you with all our hearts; we will tell of your wonderful deeds in our marriage as long as we live.

Thank you for the love that has kept us together until now.

Despite the ploys of the enemy, you have always disappointed their devices so that their hands have been unable to accomplish their enterprise.

We ask that you continue to uphold us in grace, love, wisdom, and understanding.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

Colossians 3:14 (NIV) – And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Almighty God, we appreciate you for always giving us victory through Christ, especially in our marriage that’s ____ years today.

Thank you for all the amazing things you do for us daily. Even though we may not fully deserve this goodness, you have never stopped dishing out your blessings to us.

I pray, especially for my spouse and me, please make us bigger bundles of testimonies as we continue to hold your hands in this marriage.

Take afflictions and calamities far away from us, our kids, our home, and the works of our hands. May your presence overshadow us daily in our going out and coming in.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  1. Prayers for Anniversary Celebration with Your Spouse.

Psalm 100:4 (NIV) – Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

Heavenly Father, today is our ____th anniversary, and my spouse and I intend to celebrate it to the glory of your name.

As we mark your goodness upon our lives with our anniversary celebration, may other couples struggling in their relationships be encouraged to work things out.

Lord, may this celebration be all about you and no one else. May it be about your faithfulness and goodness so that men will see and glorify you in our lives.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Prayers for Peace and Restoration.

Isaiah 61:7 (NIV) – Instead of your shame, you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace, you will rejoice in your inheritance.

And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.

Faithful God, the Bible says that you will keep those whose minds are steadfast in perfect peace because they trust in you.

On the occasion of our anniversary, I ask for your peace and restoration in my marriage.

Root out everything planted by the enemy in our relationship, causing a rift and robbing us of our peace. Also, restore any lost blessing or opportunity.

Above all, may your grace abound in our relationship from now on.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen!


Whatever the anniversary occasion is, I am sure God has heard your petitions with these prayers for your anniversary.

And there’s no doubt He has accepted your thanks and will grant your requests.

15 inspirational prayers for your enemies-2

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