Prayers for Your Children: 17 Powerful

One of the best ways to show you care for your children is to pray for their protection in the face of varying life challenges.

You may not always be there to train, help, protect, teach, encourage, and care for your children.

Praying for your children put them under God’s protection. It also stops you from overly worrying about their welfare.

If you have no idea where to start, this article contains 17 prayers for your children to help you easily intercede for them before the LORD. Keep reading to learn more.

Below are 15 Powerful Prayers for your Children that I want to share.

1. Prayer for Your Children’s Protection.

As a Christian, you should be encouraged by the fact that God is entirely in control of your life and your children’s lives.

When in doubt, read Romans 8:28, KJV says, “we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him,

who have been called according to his purpose.” That will help grow your faith. Say the following prayer:

LORD God, we know that you have total control over everything. I praise you for always watching over my children, hubby and me.

I pray that you protect my child (children) in everything. Keep them healthy and help them prosper.

I thank you that you can number the hair on their head and that You can anticipate their rising and falling.

Watch over my children in all areas of their lives and protect them, I pray, Amen.

2. Prayer for Your Children’s Future.

It’s normal for parents to expect their children to have a great future.

However, life can be uncertain, making a parent’s expectations look unrealistic. Thank God that He has good plans for your children.

According to Jeremiah 29:11, KJV, God has a plan to give your children hope and a future. Confident that God follows upon His word, say the following prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are the source of all good gifts. I thank you that I can have absolute trust in you for my children’s future.

Please, guide my children in every step and stage of their lives. I pray that you will provide for and protect them. Make steady and direct their efforts, I pray. Amen.

3. Prayer for Your Children’s Education.

Are your children in school? Praise God for the schooling opportunities He’s given them. Pray that they would grow in curiosity and hunger to learn about the world around them.

Ask that, as they interact with the education system, the love for learning would grow in them.

Remember, all wisdom is from God, “For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Say the following prayer:

God, thank you for you give wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. I praise you for giving my children great brains to think and question the world around them.

LORD, help my children learn well and flourish in their education. Give them passion and curiosity to discover the world around them. Grant them patience to seek and find knowledge. Amen.

4. Prayer for Your Children’s Friendships.

God treats friendships as a gift that can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Please don’t take for granted the kinds of friends your children have.

Instead of worrying, pray for your child to get support from great friends around them. You may petition God using the following prayer:

LORD God, I thank you for creating and sanctioning relationships between your children. I pray for my children to get boundless care and support from those they relate.

May they receive encouragement from their friends at school, college, and university. May they shower those within their friendship circles with your love and care.

5. Prayer for Baby and Newborn.

Babies are a gift from God. Thank God for being the author, giver, and sustainer of life.

In Psalms 139:13, KJV says, “For you created inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Remember that God has a purpose for your baby as you say the following prayer:

LORD God, thank you for authoring and giving new life. Thank you for bringing this baby safely into the world.

I pray that you keep the baby away from harm and help them sleep peacefully.

We pray you to bless this child to grow and serve your purpose. Keep them safe throughout their life.

Grant us the strength to care for this baby through the highs and lows. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

6. Prayer for your Children’s Discernment.

The spirit of discernment is essential for children as well as adults. Understanding is more profound and goes beyond physical knowledge.

In Philippians 1:9, KJV says, “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment.” For your children, say the following prayer:

LORD God, help my child to see life as you see it. Help them understand that challenges are usual and have no reason to fear.

I pray that you help them be rooted in Your love. Help them know that your love surpasses all other knowledge. That they may seek and find you. Amen.

7. Prayer for Your Wisdom.

In James 1:5, KJV says, “If anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”

As a parent, you need the wisdom to take good care of your children and give them direction in life. You can say the following prayer:

LORD God, I need the wisdom from you to know what to say to my son/daughter. Could you help me understand when to be silent? I pray that I am quick to listen to my child.

LORD help me to overcome anger and choose to understand. Please give me the wisdom to raise my child according to your ways. I pray that in the end, your name shall be glorified. Amen.

Also See: Prayer to God for Help: 15 Powerful Prayers.

8. Prayer for Teens.

Teenage is one of the most challenging periods in human life. The conflicting emotions can create confusion in any teenager’s life.

However, God can help your teenage child find peace amidst their joys and challenges with the proper prayer. You can say the following prayer for your teenage son or daughter:

LORD God, I thank you for my teenage child. I pray that they may know your provision and goodness.

LORD, help them place their identity in you. I pray that the pressures of teenagers may direct them to know You as their rock and salvation.

As they go through the challenges of life in school, exams, and decisions for the future, I pray that you may lead them. Bring them comfort through it all. Amen.

9. Prayer for a Child Turned from God.

When your child turns from God, only He can bring him back. So, don’t hesitate to say the following prayer:

LORD God, thank you that you know our burdens. I pray that you reach out to my child and draw them to you.

God, I pray you to extend your love, hope, mercy, and forgiveness to my child. Thank You for that; to you, nothing is impossible.

Thank you that your arms are open towards my child. I believe that you can reach out to them in any pit. LORD God, halt the enemy’s plans and restore my child to you. Amen.

10. Prayer on Your Child’s Birthday.

A child is a gift from God. The reason you celebrate a child’s birthday is to thank God for what He has done.

Let the special day be one when you’ll remember what God has done for you. Therefore, one of the prayers you can say is the following:

LORD God, thank you for this special day when we celebrate our child’s birthday. Thank you that you knew them before they were formed in the womb.

We glorify your name for the beautiful plans you have for them. Grant them confidence for the year ahead.

We pray that they may grow in wisdom. I thank you for loving him. Amen.

11. Prayer for Your Son.

As a parent, you desire your son to grow in wisdom and understanding. Pray for your son as he grows using the following prayer:

Father God, I thank you for blessing me with my son. I pray that as he grows, my son will follow you. May he grow up to know his role in building your kingdom.

LORD, teach him to hear and follow you. Make my son a good example to other believers. Give him great speech, purity, faith, love, and conduct. Amen.

12. Prayer for Your Daughter.

Just like your sons, your daughter is a gift from God. Remember, only God can grant her a great future. Change your daughter’s life by saying the following prayer:

LORD God, I thank you for my daughter. She is a precious gift from you; thank you, LORD. I pray that you protect her as she grows up.

May she grow to develop extraordinary character and seek after your heart.

I pray that she finds her confidence in you through life’s challenges. LORD, may your joy be her strength. Amen.

13. Prayer for Your Child’s Spiritual Strength.

As children grow, they face challenges that can make them doubt God. That’s because it takes time for them to develop a true spiritual identity in God.

One of the prayers for your children should be for God to give them spiritual strength. Use the following prayer:

Father God, thank you for my child. Thank you that they are a gift from you.

Behold, my child has limp hands and a silent tongue. Teach them to seek and know what the scriptures say about their life.

I pray that you raise a standard against the enemy. Build a hedge of protection around my child. LORD God, I pray that you strengthen them spiritually. Amen.

14. Prayer for Your Child’s Purity.

Whether a daughter or a son, your child needs to grow up with the purity of heart.

In Psalm 51:10, KJV says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” When praying for your child, say the following prayer:

Father God, thank you for my child. Thank you that you are always watching over them. I pray that you keep their thoughts and actions pure.

May their sole motivation be motivated by love. Guard my child against temptation. I pray that you let him know how faithful you are. Amen.

15. Prayer for Your Child’s Courage.

Your child would have to face several things on their own. During that time, they would need courage that only God can provide. Say the following prayer for your child:

LORD God, thank you that all courage comes from you. I pray that you give my child the courage to make difficult decisions.

Build their faith to not falter in the face of sickness and disappointments. Help her and fill her life with Love and Courage Amen.

16. Prayer for Your Children’s Discipline.

It takes humility and wisdom for a child to accept instruction and correction.

When children remain in God’s will, they’re likely to maintain discipline at the highest level. Say the following prayer for your child:

Father God, thank you for my child. I thank you for molding my child to be disciplined. I pray that you’ll not bring stupidity anywhere near my child.

May they accept correction and use it to grow. I pray that you develop the good seed you have sown in them. LORD, remove my child from paths of wickedness. Amen.

17. Prayer for Your Child to Excel.

One of the prayers for your children is asking God to help them excel in life. Use the following prayer:

LORD God, I thank you that my children will prosper wherever you place them on the earth.

Thank you, God, that you watch over them in times of oppression and suppression. May you bring them to the appointed time of victory. Amen.


God, grant my family the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change, Courage to change the things we can and the Wisdom to know the difference.


There are many prayers for your children. Whether it is asking God to protect your children or give them knowledge and wisdom, you should take time to pray for your child.

If you make a habit of praying for your children, they will grow to serve God. So, why don’t you get started?

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