Top 25 Powerful Healing Prayers for the Sick

Healing prayers for the sick have been used by millions of individuals down through the centuries.

We all agree that the Bible covers a wide array of things that we can conveniently sum up as “the human condition.

” Despite how much time has passed since the Bible’s events, there seem to be some things that never change.

Sicknesses and diseases are included in this unfortunate package.

Thankfully, when Jesus walked the earth, He caught more than just a glimpse of the suffering and did more than wish us well. Jesus was active in the medical ministry that was much needed in His time.

As people who profess to believe in Jesus, we should be actively involved in this ministry as well, don’t you think? We should make it our practice to offer healing prayers for the sick.

Healing Prayers for the Sick

Matthew 4:23 says, “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among people.” “But I’m not Jesus,” you may say.

True, but we have within us the very same spirit that Christ did. We saw him heal lepers, paralytics, and blind men. The Bible is instructive that we have a duty to pray healing prayers for the sick.

In Mark 16:17-18, it says, “And these signs will follow those who believe; in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;

they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

Jesus was telling his disciples that they can heal the sick.

He told them they could move mountains with faith the size of mustard seeds. Over and over, we see Christ encouraging us to trust him with all our concerns.

God wants us to lift each other up in prayer. He wants us to come boldly to the throne of grace and petition His healing power.

He wants us to acknowledge that He is the great physician, a sympathizing Father, and a forever friend.

Power in prayer

Choosing to rely on doctors instead of God in these times exposes our lack of faith.

In fact, we say that doctors have more power in our situation than God does.

This is dangerous. Sure, none of us think like that; we don’t mean to. We would never say that out loud… but our actions can’t possibly scream it out any louder.

No sickness is so unique or too serious for the power of God to heal. Whether you are battling migraines cancer, diabetes, infertility, hypertension, heart diseases, whatever it is, God’s power can heal you. Healing Prayers for the Sick

God’s power can heal anyone! It is our duty as believers to push our loved ones into the hospital of heaven, rolling on the wheels of prayer.

The importance and reason for prayer?

The Bible instructs us in Mark 16:17 that we can lay hands on the sick. However, James also teaches on the topic of praying for the sick.

In James 5:14-15, it instructs, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.”

What should be our instinctive response when we fall ill? We should alert the brethren.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not saying that you shouldn’t go to the hospital or visit the doctor. Luke himself was a doctor and an instrument of God’s healing powers.

However, we should be careful that our hope for healing is not tied up in the doctors’ coats. Modern medicine and the hands of men can only heal in so far as God allows.

We have no power except for what is given to us by God! With this being the truth, while we consult our earthly physicians, we should make sure that we go to our sovereign physician.

Before we pray healing prayers for the sick, we must ensure that we believe that God’s power can heal.

Praying with doubt in our hearts will lead to no result. God says that “we have not because we ask not.”

This goes beyond speaking the words. Many of us say the words, but do nothing in preparation for the blessing and miracle that we prayed for.

As a matter of fact, if we’re completely honest, sometimes we’re quite surprised when God answers our prayer! This kind of doubt gets in the way of healing.

25 Powerful Healing Prayers you can share.

  1. Prayer of total healing.

Dear Lord, thank you for your word that says that your stripes, I am healed. Thank you for dying for my sins and giving me eternal life.

Father, I ask that you make me whole again. I pray that I receive my wholeness today. I accept total healing from diseases and sickness in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus.

  1. Prayer for systems of the body.

Dear Lord, I confess that you are my creator. You are the one who created heaven and earth. You were also the one who created my body.

I ask that your power will work through every system in my body. From my nervous system, I declare that I am not weak and feeble. I declare that my heart is healthy.

My lungs are strong. I confess that my brain is healthy. No form of sickness, weakness, or disorder is permitted in any part of my body; in Jesus’ name, I pray.

  1. Prayer for a sound mind.

Dear Lord, I pray that I have a sound mind and body.

I ask for a sound mind because it is evidence of your spirit that lives within me. You said that you have not given me a spirit of fear.

Your word says that I should cast all my cares on you. Lord, you know my mind, and you see the burdens that I need to leave at your feet.

Lord, I need your yoke, which is light, and the sound mind promised to us. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

  1. Prayer for physical wounds and injury.

Father of glory, just the same way you healed the blind man, I ask that you heal me. I ask that you will grant unto me wholeness.

I pray that you will free me from the pain that has taken up residence in my body. You see this wound, Lord, and you see the medication that I have been given.

I ask that combined with your spirit, they will heal this wound completely; in Jesus’ name.

  1. Prayer of healing for family and friends.

Dear Lord, I ask that you heal my friend. I ask that you comfort him. Ease his pain, and make him see your healing power even as He is on the sickbed.

Where there is doubt that you can restore him, I pray that it will be removed. Lord, I ask that you cancel the plans of the enemy that he has or my friend.

I ask that the claim that the enemy wants to lay on him will be removed. Show yourself strong in his life Lord and reign supreme over his condition.

Restore full health to his body. Touch him, Lord. Cleanse his entire body. Purge him and make him new, and when all is said and done, may he glorify your name.

Thank you, Lord, for answering prayers.

  1. Prayer for terminal illnesses.

Father, thank you that your power is always available to heal us. I ask that this terminal illness disappears and this body is declared free in Jesus’ name.

Lord, I know how easy it is to get discouraged and to be afraid in moments like this when we receive these kinds of results, but Father, you are still in the business of working miracles.

The greater the test Lord, the bigger the testimony. I believe today that you can not only heal this terminal illness, but you can use it. Use it to draw others closer to you.

I thank you for this opportunity to be a part of your great work and stand ready for healing in Jesus’ name.

  1. Prayer of immunity against diseases.

Dear Lord, you said in your word that the disease of the Egyptian would not be our portion. You said we should not be a partaker of the plague in the world.

Father, I ask for immunity for myself, family, and friends. I ask that we are immune to diseases and illnesses. Your power in us can strengthen us and protect us.

I declare that no sickness, pandemic, epidemic, or illness can come near my family and me. He that dwells in the secret place of the Lord shall abide in the shadow of the almighty..

I claim this Lord. I am trusting in your promises, in Jesus’ name.

  1. Prayer of hope and comfort.

Dear Lord, you are the father of hope, joy, and comfort.

Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit and hope. Thank you for the hope that you have given to us through your death and resurrection.

I pray that you comfort every sick person in the world. I pray that you give hope to everyone that is sick. Lord, I pray for your presence that brings peace.

More than anything, Lord, we need your peace to get us through this difficult time. Lord, our mind is filled with grief, and you know that grief can make us sick.

So, Father, I ask that your divine presence will draw near unto us. Envelop us in your arms that we may lean on you and feel you here, in Jesus’ name.

  1. Prayer for surgery.

Father, I know that you are the father of light, and there is no darkness in you.

I acknowledge you as the giver of all wisdom. I pray for the surgeons and medical personnel that will operate on me.

Lord please guide them, and direct them. May your Holy Spirit direct and support them in every form. Be present through the surgery, and in the end, we will have a full course to glorify your name.

  1. Prayer of recovery and refreshing.

Dear Lord, thank you for your healing power.

Thank you for your words that have comforted me in time past. I pray that you hold my hands all through this recovery process.

May I never fail to acknowledge the source of my healing? I pray that even amid this recovery, I still learn to trust you and obey your word. I ask it all in your son’s name.

Also Related: 15 Mighty Prayers for Chronic Illness.

  1. Prayer for faith.

Father of faith, I pray that you strengthen my faith through this sickness. I pray for an outpouring of your spirit in my life even now.

Lord, I see this sickness as an opportunity to demonstrate faith. Help me to hold on to your unchanging hand and to glorify you at each stage of my journey.

May my walk with you is not in vain, Lord. May I do not lose faith in my prayer in Jesus’ precious name?

  1. Prayer for loved ones on their deathbed.

Father Lord, we ask for your comforting hands to surround us in this room even now. Lord, we thank you that we have this opportunity to gather and to give you praise.

Lord, even to the very end, you have been faithful. Your promises are sure, and they have proven to be a strong tower in her life.

Lord, we know because you said so that this farewell is not an everlasting farewell. We know that you have given us eternal life.

Father, we believe that we will all meet again in that great resurrection. We ask that you keep reassuring us with your love and peace.

I ask that the devil does not use their death as a way to lead us to disbelief; in Jesus’ name.

  1. Prayer for a broken heart.

Dear Lord, I pray today that you heal my broken heart. I ask that I am not forsaken.

Father, I know that my heart is broken due to many things, but you are bigger than all these. I ask that you will heal my mind, my spirit, and my heart. I ask that you console me.

My circumstances do not lead to disappointment and depression, despite the temptation to wallow in brokenness. I will stand for you and declare your goodness even now.

You will never leave me or forsake me. I claim this promise in Jesus’ name.

  1. Prayer for personal healing.

Father of Glory, I have come before you with my infirmities, just like the woman with the issue of blood.

I believe that you can heal me and make me whole. I declare healing on my body. Thank you, father, for the healing that has taken place in my body.

  1. Healing payer for addiction.

Lord Jesus, I agree that I have been walking in the flesh, and I have not been glorifying you.

Help me to subject my flesh and control my body. I ask that regardless of the temptations out there, I am strengthened against temptations.

I ask for the passion and desire to live by your word and live in the spirit.

Lord, I pray that I am healed totally from all forms of addictions, whether it is smoking, masturbation, pornography, or alcoholism. I pray that your spirit and power give me freedom in Jesus’ name.

  1. Prayer for healing from bad relationships and marriage.

Lord, I also pray that I do not dwell on my grief. I pray that I do not hate my partner or feel resentful towards them. I pray that I find it easy to resist any form of hatred towards them.

You know what I have endured, you know all that happened in that relationship. Lord, I thank you for being with me then, and I ask that you are with me now. I am hurting, Lord.

Father, I am angry, and the enemy is trying to take control of my mouth, my heart, and my mind. I declare that my body is your temple and ask that you will strengthen me.

Help me not to give in to the temptations of the devil. Help me to walk the path of forgiveness so that I may be restored, in Jesus’ name.

  1. Prayer for healing from offense.

Father, I know that you never desire to see me suffer pain or struggle. I also understand that even though I am in pain, you can heal me and comfort me.

Lord, I pray that you heal me from my past. I ask that you help me forgive those who hurt me. Help me to remain humble and not be overcome with pride.

Father, help me to remember your love and kindness. Help me to find the strength to share you with others even now, in your son’s name.

  1. Prayer for the depressed soul.

Dear Lord, my heart is shattered, and I feel depressed. I feel weak, confused, and alone.

Lord, fill my heart with your joy and the comfort of your presence. I ask that your joy continues to abound in my heart and life. Declare that I will be happy, and the joy of the Lord radiates around me.

Lord, I ask for your guidance. Help me to make sound decisions. Help me to stay away from things that will pull me back down into the pit of depression.

God, I believe that you are the God of everything and nothing too big for you. This is too big for me though, Father, so please take it from me.

Give me your light and your peace. Restore my heart in Jesus’ name, I pray.

  1. Prayer of deliverance from the generational disease.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of your son.

Thank you that through the death and resurrection of Jesus, I have deliverance from sin and curses. I declare that I am free from generational diseases.

I pray that I am free from the works of darkness. And I pray that any generational disease that exists in my family does not have any power over me.

  1. Prayer of confession of good health.

Dear Lord, thank you for your death and resurrection. I ask that, like Moses, my eyes will be strong and sharp till old age.

Like Joshua, my strength does not wear off as I age. I declare that there is no terminal illness allowed in this body. I declare that there is no old age sickness that is permitted in this body.

According to your will, I declare that I will live the rest of my life free from diseases. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

  1. Prayer to be a vessel for healing.

Father, I acknowledge you are the omnipotent God, and you can heal the world of diseases.

I ask that as you have used the disciples to heal the sick, I ask that you use me. Make me an instrument in your healing ministry.

I ask that you will use me to ease the sick of their pain and provide comfort and strength. I cannot do this on my own.

Strengthen me and give me boldness to be a vessel unto your glory as you see fit. Take control of my words and actions and strengthen my faith so that I can be an effective vessel.

  1. Prayer for healthcare providers.

Father in heaven, I pray for my healthcare givers to exhibit your wisdom as they treat my infirmities and others. I ask that you work through their hands.

I ask that you help them make the right decision to stay alive and regain their health. Lord, I ask that as they treat me, I begin to receive healing.

  1. Confessions for healing.

God is working in me right now. The Holy Spirit is at work in me right now, and there is no room for darkness. Jesus is my substitute. Jesus took away my sins and sickness so that I can be made whole.

I have the spirit of God and the power of God to be made healed forever. Sickness, disease, and infirmities are all in my past.

  1. Prayer for perfect health for family and loved ones.

Dear Lord, I believe that you have healed our infirmities, and I believe that I have authority over sickness in you. I declare that this freedom extends to every member of my family.

Decree that every member of my family is free from sickness and disease. I walk in this liberty and freedom, and I key my family members into this covenant in Immanuel’s name alone.

  1. Prayer of thanksgiving.

Thank you, Jesus, for saving my soul. Thank you, Jesus, for giving me eternal life.

Lord, thank you, for your comfort, hope, peace, joy that surpasses human understanding. Thank you for showing me your light.

Thank you for letting me experience the joy in your kingdom. Father Lord, I am grateful for the healing that you have granted to me. I am grateful that you showed your mercy on me and gave me joy and peace.

Help me to be more like you, and to draw others closer to you so that they too can join in the song of thanksgiving, is my prayer in Jesus’ name.


As we seek to offer these healing prayers for the sick, I pray that we will grow in faith.

If our ministry is founded in Christ, we can do great things for the kingdom. It is not the will of God that we should suffer, but sin has made it so.

In the moments when we feel powerless and helpless because of failing health let us turn to God. Not just for ourselves, but for those around us.

Praying healing prayers for those around us in an act of love. It is also a loud profession of our faith in the healing powers of God.

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