10 Steps To Pray To God For A Miracle

Are you in need of a miracle? the good news is you can pray to God for a miracle.  Most time pray seems like a daunting task.

This is because we often feel that God doesn’t answer or hear us when we pray.

Pray To God For A Miracle
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

We tend to give up because we see no manifestation or evidence of the miracles that we so long for and we feel that God is ignoring our Prayer.

The truth is, there is nothing too hard for God to do, (Jeremiah 32:27) God’s power is so big that he can do anything we ask through Prayer as long as we are truly faithful and follow the proper steps in Praying when asking for a Miracle.

What is a Miracle?

A Miracle is any unusual or wonderful event, a supernatural intervention that is believed to be caused by God which we all need as Christians in order to continually grow in faith.

The reason why we do not get these Miracles when we pray is that we do not know the proper steps to take when praying to God (James 4:3).

In (Mathew 7:7) we are promised thus by Jesus’

“Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you”

How then can we tap into these promises and bring them into fulfillment in our lives? What effective steps do we take as Christians when we pray to God for Miracles?

  • Ask For Forgiveness (Be Pure In Heart)

This is one of the most effective steps to take when praying to God for a Miracle.

The Book of Isaiah 59:2 tells us that our sins have created a barrier between us and God and that our sin has hidden his face from us so that he does not hear us.

This implies that Sin causes a barrier between us and God, and a barrier is an obstacle, a hindrance that does not allow our supplication to be heard. It needs to be crushed and this can only be done through the purity of heart.

Before you begin to pray to God for a Miracle, you need to ask for forgiveness and make sure that your heart aligns with that of God so that when you pray for Miracles, there would be no stumbling block.

Whatever that would serve as a hindrance to your prayers such as lies, fornication, stealing should be discarded so that nothing hinders you or acts as a barrier to your prayer.

Also Related: 10 Secrets For Praying With Power.

  • Pray With Praise And Worship (Thanksgiving)

Thanksgiving is gratitude to God. It implies a heart of unconditional worship to God (Psalm 100:4).

Kay Arthur said “God is in control and so, therefore, in everything, I can give thanks.

Our thanksgiving to God should not be based on evidence of his physical manifestation in our lives, but it should be unconditional even when we haven’t received our Miracles from him.

In Praying to God for a Miracle, Thanksgiving is a key factor because it pushes God to do more. A grateful heart stirs us as humans to want to do more, talk more of God, our heavenly father.

Waiting on God for a Miracle might be frustrating sometimes, but a grateful attitude, coupled with continuous prayer (Colossians 4:2), helps you to experience perfect peace and joy knowing that all will be well and this will, in turn, help you to wait on him patiently.

God draws closer to you when you offer praises unto him, and this gives you direct access to him. And when you have direct access to God and to his attention, it is guaranteed that he will attend to all of your requests

  • Pray Passionately

Another vital step to effectively pray to God for a Miracle is praying with passion. This involves getting emotionally involved whenever you pray. Praying passionately means devotion to prayer, praying in a heartfelt, earnest, and soulful manner.

When you pray passionately, God feels your pains and he is moved to perform Miracles in your life. This is because; you will connect with him on a higher level and communicate with Him better.

The prophet Elijah is a powerful example of this. He prayed passionately and fervently that it would not rain, and it did not rain in the land for three years and six months.

This is the power of Passionate prayer. When we want to pray to God for miracles we should always endeavor to pray passionately in order to foster answered prayers.

  • Pray With A Positive Mindset And Speak Positivity

Be cheerful and positive. Do not allow negativity and doubts to gain access into your life. When we pray to God for miracles, He needs to see it in us that we believe unconditionally in his powers, he needs to see that we trust in his ability to do all things and bring all of our wishes into reality.

Do not allow your past disappointments to weigh you down for with God, your Miracle is certain. Don’t fret and worry about the possibility of the actualization of your Prayer because God can do it all. Always confess positivity and believe in it.

Just trust, always, unconditionally, no matter the situation, that your miracles would be manifested through the strength and power of God. (Exodus 15:2).

  • Back-Up Your Prayers With The Word Of God

This is a powerful step to take when we pray to God for Miracles. The word of God which is the Bible has a powerful role to play in our prayer life (Hebrews 4:12). This is because the word of God is a means of communion with God.

Prayer and the word of God are inter-related. As we feed and digest the word of God, we gain a greater and deeper knowledge of the scripture, its meanings, and its implications in our lives (1Thessalonians 2:13), and this, in turn, nourishes our prayers and boosts our spiritual life.

Even as we continuously strive to pray passionately and positively to ensure that we receive our Miracles from God, we need the word of God to back up our prayers and give it more force.

According to Johann .A. BengelApply yourself wholly to the scriptures and apply the scriptures wholly to yourself”. This is a pointer to the common truth that the word of God boosts us spiritually.

Even Martin Luther went further to say this “The soul can do without everything but the word of God without which none of its wants are provided for”.

His words are contained in the Bible, and as we study and meditate on his word, our prayer life becomes richer and we are emboldened to challenge him when we pray for Miracles, with the promises embedded in his word.

  • Journal Your Quiet Time With God

This means keeping a careful record of your quiet time with God. God speaks to us during our quiet time, he reinforces his promises to us because we are solely focused on him, nothing else matters at this moment, a special peace is prevalent during this key moment.

As a Christian, every quality time you spend with God is a special experience and should be recorded by you, and as you review them, you are daily inspired to continuously trust in his abilities to do all things, and in turn, your faith is renewed because you hear from him daily.

Always write down your Thoughts, Feelings, and prayer request for the Miracles that you are believing Him for during your quiet time with him, and certainly, you would surely see his manifestation in your life.

  • Pray Precisely (Be Specific)

To be precise is to be accurate, comprehensive, exact, and specific and this is another vital and effective step to pray to God for a miracle.

When you pray to God for miracles, you must be specific. God needs to know that you are sure of what you want him to do for you and have confidence in his abilities to hear us (1John 5:14).

As we search through the scriptures, we find Bible passages that tally precisely with God’s will for our situation. And once we discover this, we have to make our requests known to him specifically.

Do not always pray in general terms, tell him exactly the Miracle that you need.

When you ask God specifically and challenge him with his word, you make him want to break boundaries to help you, no matter the Miracles you seek, be it.

Financial Breakthrough, a better job, a Spouse, or Children, you need to be specific when praying for them and believe that God will answer you at the appointed time (Mark 11:24).

  • Be Strong In Faith (Believe, Trust, And Hope) Hebrews 11:6

Many people find it hard to keep trusting and believing in the face of disappointments and unanswered prayers. They do not know how to have faith in the promises of God embedded in the Scriptures.

Pray To God
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

What is Faith?

Faith is a strong conviction, Belief, trust, assurance, and certainty in God. The book of (Hebrews 11:6), tells us that without faith, no man can please God.

In praying to God for Miracles, we need to cultivate the attitude of boldness in our prayers, we have to pray with assurance and certainty, knowing without a doubt, that in due season, he will satisfy us.

With the assurance of God’s promises, we are assured wholeheartedly of Grace and help in times of need (Hebrews 4:16). In praying to God for Miracles, have Faith that God will never let you down.

Also Related: 7 Major Prayers We Need To Pray As Believers.

  • Pray With Patience

Patience is the capacity to tolerate delay. It is the ability to remain calm when waiting for a positive outcome, longsuffering. Patience is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).

Patience is a crucial aspect of our prayer life that would enable us to receive our Miracles from God when we pray (Psalm 27:14). This is because when we are praying and receiving no answer from God.

God might be trying to bring to our understanding the knowledge that there are times when Faith waits and Patience keeps you going. In other words, as Christians, it is important for us to know, that God answers prayers in his own time but when he does, he makes it better and more glorious.

  • Be Persistent And Consistent In Prayers

Another step to follow when praying to God for a Miracle is persistence and consistency, never giving up on God until something happens.

We should understand that God answers prayers in different ways. Sometimes he answers immediately and at other times, the reverse is the case. This is where persistence and consistency come in.  It does not only hinge on continuous prayer but also on unshakable Faith.

God delays sometimes to test our faith and deepen our relationship with him. The parable of Jesus in (Luke 18:1-6) gives us a deeper insight into this.

The persistence of the widow made her triumph at the end and the judge finally granted her request.

Through persistence and consistency, our faith is strengthened and God helps us to mold our prayer in the right pattern. And, when our prayers are molded in the right pattern, our Miracles are certain.


All these steps are interrelated and dependent on each other that is why we have to strive and try our utmost best to key into them all.

When we pray to God for Miracles so that we can receive that which God has purposed for us, and for sure when God sees the zeal.

He will endow us with the needed strength and power to key into every single one of them.


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