13 Prayers For Strength And Courage In Difficult Times

Do you need prayers for strength and courage for these difficult times? Who has never experienced difficult and challenging moments?

Indeed, to a greater or lesser extent, all of us have been through some bad situation. All of us need prayer for strength and courage in difficult times.

Sometimes life is quite challenging, complicated, and at times tough. The days seem darker than normal.

Times of uncertainty are looming, and stress is running high. Can there be any prayers for strength and courage for difficult times?

If we open the eyes of our hearts wide, we can realize that our faith is strengthened even more, not in the easy times of life, but in the most difficult, in those moments that it is most difficult for us to believe.


Why are we going through difficult times?

It is not the question we should ask ourselves in these cases. We should not focus on a “why” but on a “how”: “how to improve ourselves”, “how to get out of this”, “how to deal with it”.

It may be that God wants that, through these difficult moments in your life, you will achieve greater strength, a better character, increase your confidence and take your perseverance to the extreme.

God will not abandon you or sit idly by when you go through those dark, difficult times.

He will walk with you through them until you emerge entirely transformed, stronger, renewed, and with great purpose.

Remember his promise in his word “Do not fear, because I am with you, do not worry, because I am your God; I strengthen you and help you, I hold you with my victorious hand.” (Isaiah 41.10)

Here are 13 powerful prayers for strength and courage in difficult times.

Prayers to Overcome Difficult Times in Life.

Prayer #1.

Most Holy God, the omnipresence of strength and mercy, grant me today the immensity of Your love and the presence in every step of my life.

In this challenging moment that I face today, I know that I will overcome the barriers and continue to rise in the fight only with Your assistance.

Your sacred cloak covers me and takes away the fear of defeat and the doubt of victory. May the Holy Spirit shine within me, just as Your beloved son Jesus Christ on earth did.

Allow me to feel Your presence in me so that, through your greatness, I will be able to feed on the strength that I need so much in my life today.

What I ask you most in this prayer is to be able to hear Your voice through my heart, leading me to the best decisions I need to make in this difficult time. Your word is a weapon.

It is power and an instrument for the achievement of unimaginable miracles. I know that the faith that I have for You, beloved father, breaks barriers and makes me believe that the best is yet to come. Amen

Prayer #2.

My father, if I fall, supports me, lifts me, and strengthens me in this challenging moment. I entrust to you all my problems, and I will trust because only with the Lord I am capable of victory.

If I am dejected, give me the most significant dose of the power of the Holy Spirit. If I’m tired, hug me and carry me on the most challenging path.

I want to experience the divine grace that I so desire. You, my God, who has the power over all things, free me from all evil and renew my hopes every day.


Prayer #3.

Father in Heaven, You are the friend who does not fail. Come and transform me with the power of your love and your mercy.

Enter my life, take control of my worries, remove melancholy and sadness from me, all feelings of guilt and anger, failure and depression, phobias, fears that do not let me move forward.

My God, I trust that only You can lead me in the right direction and lead me out of these dark circumstances that surround my life and keep me stuck in empty and hopeless situations.

Lord, You are the one who can do everything, you are the God of blessings, and no situation, no matter how complicated, escape your control.

Nothing resists You, and nothing is too complicated for You.

You always come to the rescue of your children in times of greatest need. That is why I come to you today. Give me an inner peace that I need most at this moment.


Prayer for Strength and Courage for Difficult Times at Work.

Prayer #4.

My God, Lord, and King of my life, many difficulties and challenges appear in the window of my life. Many gray feelings emerge from the afflictions that I carry and which I find difficult to contain.

Come, Lord, help me with the strength of your truth. Illuminate every corner of my thought, and give clarity to my actions to be able to fight in the difficult moments of my life.

I put all my illusions in You. You are my true joy, the saving hope that enlivens faith and does not make me lose heart. You are my shield, my firm and saving rock, the eternal rest from all my burdens.

I want, at all times, to feel protected and loved by your side. Come and neutralize all evil, all difficulties, all situations, or difficult things that are disturbing my mind, my heart, and my soul.

Come and touch my heart, Lord, make it strong and capable for combat. Amen.

Also Related: Why Should We Trust God in Difficult Times.

Prayers for Strength and Courage for Someone going through a Hard Time.

Prayer #5.

Lord, hear my prayer, and my cry will come to you. Face in the day of my anguish. Incline your ear to me. When I summon you, come to me promptly”. (Psalm 101,1-3).

My God, I feel so powerless. It comes to be my Strength. Doubts and uncertainties inhabit my heart. Come, Lord, be my comfort and my security. My God, I feel so alone that no one could fill that void.

Come and pour on me the fire of the love of Your Holy Spirit. Only Your love can heal me at this moment, come, Lord, with Your Holy hands touch me, and I will be renewed. Amen

Prayer #6.

Lord, everything around me scares me, I feel enemies begin to appear and even thunder makes me nervous. Today, everything torments me. I do not find any peace.

Evil slowly approaches me and watches over my spirit that lives for you. Please take away this anguish that is killing me, these are challenging times, and I need shelter to continue.

Holy Spirit, come, send all your angels to take care of me. Do not abandon me in this moment of arduous struggle. Continue always by my side until the end of the road.

Lord, you are my strength, you are my calm, you are my light, my engine, thanks to you. Grant me the desire to be happy again, and put this anguish aside.

Before you, I kneel today to ask for my happiness again. Amen.

Prayer #7.

Lord, my God, you govern my life, and today many difficulties arise for me, many feelings bloom from my worst fears, and it is complicated for me to contain them.

Lord, come, enlighten my mind, my thinking, and help me clarify each of my fears so that I can fight them without any problem.

In your hands, I place all my illusions. Thanks to you, I live, and you are my daily joy, hope, and faith, which helps me never lose heart.

Lord, you are my strength, my shield, and on your shoulder, I rest from all those things that overwhelm me and cause me anguish. I want you to protect me and take care of my soul at all times;

Lord, calm and drive away all evil that wants to approach me and cause me difficulty, remove all problematic situations and make my mind and soul at peace.


Prayer for Difficult Financial Times.

Prayer #8.

Holy Spirit, you are the God of Love. Look at me in these difficult moments that my life is going through and have compassion for me.

I fully trust you, and I go to you because I know that you never abandon me. To you, I come and, accept your designs, and although I do not understand them, I acknowledge them.

I hug them in the hope that you will pity me if I accept your will. Humbly I ask you, give me grace and strength to overcome this difficult moment.

Clean, heal and heal my soul. Thy will be done; Amen.

Also Related: 34 Powerful Prayers for Strength During Difficult Times.

Prayers for Strength and Courage when Grieving

Prayer #9.

My Lord, I can’t stop crying, come and console my weeping. Collect my tears in a bottle so that none of them will be lost.

Please put me on your shoulders like the sheep found by the Good Shepherd. I want to hear your voice: “Son, why are you crying?”

Hearing Your voice like Mary Magdalene and realizing that I had not lost you, You were inside me, and I was looking for You outside.

At this moment I need You more than ever before. Please come to my rescue. Amen

Prayer #10.

Come to me, oh Father of goodness, come to my home, come to my heart.

Touch me with the light of the Holy Spirit and fill me with understanding and advice so that peace may dwell in me and that all restlessness and fear disappear.

Come, Lord, with your renewing power and as a healing balm, ease my burdens and make me a new creature in your Love.

My whole being now praises You and glorifies You. Lord, knowing that I was rescued from you and feeling the powerful presence of Your faithful company.

I give you now with this humble prayer, all my problems, these difficult times that I am going through, the unhealed traumas of my childhood, complexes, and discouragements.

Come with your light and your strength, illuminate my actions, and make me walk towards you, confident and protected.


 Prayer To Invoke Deliverance From Evil Virus.

Prayer #11.

Lord Jesus, Savior of the world, hope that will never disappoint us. Have mercy on us and deliver us from all evil.

We ask you with your strength to overcome the scourge of this virus, which is spreading, to heal the sick, to preserve the healthy, to support those who work for the health of all.

Show us your face of mercy, and save us in your great Love. We ask this of you through the intercession of Your son, Jesus Christ. Amen

Prayers for Strength and Courage during Illness.

Prayer #12.

I want to thank you for your passion for living and moving forward. When nothing is going well, I say, “what’s the point of fighting?” I can still turn to You, pray to You and ask You to help me.

You chose me to make life triumph. You cannot let me down. Lord, be my comfort, bring me this breath of hope that will sustain me all day.

You are my companion waiting for better days. With You, I will resume the road of life. And without end, I will proclaim your Love. Amen

Prayer #13.

Lord Jesus, how could I pray when evil crushes me, and I cannot take it any longer…

You who have known the hollow of suffering, You who have been there, today be with me. You who have stood up to the end help me to hold on.

I know you who are alive, come and pray in me through your Holy Spirit. And while I am going through the ordeal, let the breath of your Resurrection pass through me. Amen

In conclusion

Prayer is how we touch God’s heart. This is our primary vocation. In it, we elevate our essence of children and brothers to fullness.

We are creatures loved and protected by God. Difficult times reveal docile hearts, even more, attached to God.

Let us pray tirelessly, every day, that we will be attended to by the miraculous and merciful heart of the Lord our Father. He does not lack the prayer of his people. He does not close his heart to difficulties.

On the contrary, He stoops and hurries to save us. Let us put ourselves in that attitude, in that time, with faith, persistence, and courage. And God Himself will come to our aid.

Please share these prayers for strength and courage in difficult times with your loved ones.




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