15 Awesome Prayers for Marriage Preparation

Preparation for any occasion or event is somewhat a guarantee of success.  In the same vein, it is important for us as individuals to prepare ourselves for marriage.

In preparing for marriage, it is important you lay a prayer foundation, to build your marriage on prayer and the word of God.

Here are 15 Awesome Prayers for Marriage Preparation you can say whilst you are preparing for your special day.


  1. Prayers for Marriage Preparation.

Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank. -Proverbs 22:29

Lord Jesus, thank you for this face of my life you are ushering me into. Thank you, dear Lord, for my partner whom I am about to embark on this Journey with.

Father, I ask that as I am about to enter into marriage, cause me to excel and succeed and make you proud. Make me a diligent partner that will quickly notice the needs and concerns of my partner.

Help me to prepare adequately for this journey, with all the knowledge and skills I will need. May my marriage bring glory and honor to your name, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

  1. Prayer for Wisdom in My Marriage.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. -James 1:5

Heavenly Father, I ask for wisdom as I go into marriage.

Your word encourages us to come to you for wisdom. This is a journey I do not know about, but you O God know the end of a thing right from its beginning.

So, I have come before you today to ask for wisdom, to be able to handle situations and to know how to act, how to respond to difficult situations, and most importantly, how to treat my partner in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

  1. Prayer for the Spirit of Discernment in My Future Marriage.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world. -1 John 4:1

Dear God, I have come before you today to commit my marital home to your hands.

As I step into this new level you are ushering me into. Lord, I know being married and being a partner to another is a great responsibility.

So, I ask for the spirit of discernment, to be able to tell when the enemy is attacking my home, discernment so that my home does not fall apart.

Let me be spirit-led and let me know when to address a situation and when not to, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

  1. Prayer for Oneness in My Marriage.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! -Psalm 133:1

Lord Jesus, you are the God of peace, unity, and love.

I know that it is a pleasant thing for you to see your children dwell together in unity, so I ask Lord, that my husband and I will be one just as the Lord Jesus Christ prayed that the church will be.

I pray confusion out of my home in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, I know you are not an author of confusion, and you would not want confusion for my marriage, so help my partner and me to walk in all that you have purposed for this marriage, in Jesus’ mighty name.

I lay the foundation of unity for my marriage through prayer, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

  1. Prayer for Understanding in My Marriage. 

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

Father, I appear before your throne of grace today to raise prayers for my marriage. Even as I take this exciting step in my life, I ask for understanding.

Father, your word says that in all our getting, we should get understanding. I ask for the grace to understand my partner; my partner’s emotions, silence, and his/her way of communicating.

I ask dear Lord so that through your wisdom and understanding, I will be able to build a home that is united and not divided in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

  1. Prayer for A Love-filled Marriage.

And now these three remain faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Corinthians 13:13

Lord Jesus, you are the great lover, you know how to love every one of your children in a way that no one feels left out.

That is why you are called the many-breasted ones. I come before you today and ask for genuine and pure love in my marriage.

I know Lord, that sometimes it gets hard and loving becomes difficult, but I ask for your help to continue walking in love and understanding regardless of the situation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let genuine love rule in our hearts towards each other, and for each other.

Help us to honor the vow, for better or worse, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

  1. Prayer for A Joy-filled Marriage.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. -Romans 15:13

Most high and everlasting Father, the one whose joy is my strength, I approach your throne of grace today, to ask for your joy.

I ask Lord, that you will fill my marriage with joy. Joy from heaven will fill my heart and that of my partner.

I come against every form of sorrow that will try to rule in my marriage in Jesus’ name.

The journey may not be smooth, but I ask Abba that sorrow will not rule over my home regardless of the situation we find ourselves in, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Also See: Prayers for My Marriage: 15 Powerful Effective.

  1. Prayer for Strength Through My Marital Journey.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. -Ephesians 6:10

Dear Lord, I pray for strength from heaven as I go into the marital face of my life.

Lord, the journey may get tough, and life may have its challenges thrown at us, but give me strength to continue on the right path, and strength to keep coming back to you even at my lowest in Jesus’ mighty name.

Strength to be a good, faithful, and loyal partner; to be there for my partner when he/she needs me the most. Help me to be the best I can be in Jesus’ name, Amen!

  1. Prayer for Grace in My Marriage.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. -Hebrews 4:16

Father, I come before you today to ask for your grace o dear Lord. Your word encourages me to approach your throne for grace whenever I need help.

Lord, I need your grace, to sustain me on the marital journey I will be embarking on. Your grace gives me the strength to continue and your grace keeps me together.

Your grace also helps me to do the right thing even when it is difficult. So, I ask Lord, that your grace will be sufficient for my partner and me in our marriage, to the glory of your name, Amen!

  1. Prayer for A Happy Marriage.

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. -John 16:24

Lord, I commit my upcoming marriage to your mighty hand. Father, your word says, we should ask that our joy may be complete, so I come to you today to ask for a happy marriage.

I pray father for your joy, peace, and blessings over my marriage. Let my marriage be a happy one, that our hearts will be filled with contentment for each other.

May my marriage, be one that will give much hope, that happy homes and happy marriages do exist in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father, for answered prayers in Jesus’ name, Amen!

  1. Prayer Against the Enemy in My Marriage.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. -John 10:10

Lord Jesus, I come before your throne of grace today, to pray against the works of the enemy aimed against my marriage. Father, the enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.

His main plan has always been to frustrate your children and interfere with the good work you have started in us.

Lord, I pray into my marriage, and I stand on your word to declare that no weapon fashioned against my union with my partner will stand in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Every tongue also that will rise against me, my partner, our union, and our home I condemn in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

None will stand in Jesus’ name. You have said in your, that we will walk on snakes and scorpions and nothing shall by any means harm us, so I declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that no plan of the enemy will harm me, and my partner or ruin our union in Jesus name, Amen!

  1. Prayer Against Divorce or Separation in My Future Marriage.

But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. -Matthew 5:32

Father, I thank you for an institution like a marriage that is sacred and holy. I know Father, that you do not like divorce and separation so, I have come before your throne to pray into my marriage.

I come against any form of divorce and separation that lurks around the corner. Lord, I will not walk into my marriage with divorce as an option, and I pray today to bind it out of my way and out of my home, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

  1. Prayer for My Marriage Ceremony.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. -Proverbs 16:3

Lord, I pray to commit my marriage ceremony into your precious hands, I pray in the name of Jesus against any hindrance whatsoever that will fight the ceremony.

I pray and ask Lord that things will fall into place in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I commit everyone who will play a key role in the ceremony into your hands, granting them good health and strength to perform their roles.

I pray also for myself, my partner, and the entire bridal team, that we will all be in good health and strength to be able to enjoy this ceremony you have orchestrated in Jesus’ name, Amen!

  1. Declarative Prayer for My Marriage.

What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways. -Job 22:28

Father in the name of Jesus, I stand on the authority you have given me as a child of God and I speak into my upcoming marriage;

I declare that my marriage will symbolize what God had ordained marriage to be right from the foundation of the earth. There will be peace, joy, and love in my home in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

My marriage will flourish, and God will use my marriage to achieve and fulfill the purpose for which it was ordained.

Misunderstanding, sorrow, sadness, and anything not of the spirit of God will not find a way into my marriage and home in the name of the Lord Jesus.

My marriage is blessed beyond measure, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

  1. Prayer for A Godly Marriage.

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. –Hebrews 13:4

Lord Jesus, I ask today for a godly marriage and a godly home. Let my marriage please you and let it live out the truth of your word and the expectations that you have laid out in your word for me.

Let my marriage honor you, and most importantly, if you ever look down from heaven and wish to use any marital union for your glory, may you find my marriage worthy, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you, Father, for answered prayers in Jesus’ name, Amen!


Marriage preparations require a lot of prayers. We cannot start anything or lay any foundation without God. He is the beginning and the end.

Sending prayers into your marriage is a very great way to prepare yourself adequately for it. The almighty God will respond to every prayer that is said and lifted in Jesus’ name, Amen!


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