Scripture commands us to commit our works and plans to God’s hands so that He will bless them.
I guess that’s what you want to do; that’s why you are currently reading this article. When you pray for success at work, you’re simply calling on God to help you succeed.
As believers, we know that our help is from God because the Bible makes it clear that the arm of flesh will fail us.
Especially, as God’s Word puts it, the race is neither to the swift nor the battle to the strong; rather, it’s the Lord that shows mercy.
This implies that one can actually work hard at work and still not be successful.
So, we need the favor of God in our work in order to be successful. I have provided prayers for success at work so you can excel at the workplace.
Here are 15 Powerful Prayers for Success at Work.
Prayer for Success at Work.
Psalm 121: (NIV) – I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
Heavenly Father, by your word, I know that I can do all things because you are my strength.
I also know that I can succeed in my work because you are my help. Therefore, I ask that you help me put in the effort that will bring me success.
Lord, I ask that you bless me at work for your name’s sake. Help me to work harder than my colleagues, and make your grace available for me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Successful Outcome.
Psalm 20:7 (NIV) – Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God.
Dear God, many base their success on the number of executives they know at the top.
Others offer material favors in hopes of gaining favor from their bosses. But I refuse to be one of those. I will rather put my trust and hope in you.
Lord, I know that men can fail, but you will never fail me. Hence, I depend on you as I work my way to the top in my place of work. I ask that you bless my effort and cause me to succeed in my line of work.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Christian Prayer for Success in Work.
Daniel 1:17 (NIV) – To those four young men, God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.
Holy Father, I understand that on my own, I can do nothing. You are my source and sustainer. In you, I move, live, and have my being.
Outside of you, I’m like a branch detached from the vine. You are the one who blesses me and causes me to be fruitful.
Therefore, I come before you this day, asking you to bless the work of my hands and give me success in it.
I ask that you imbue me with wisdom and understanding so I can do outstanding jobs. Give me the grace to execute my tasks excellently such that my work will always speak for me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Daily Effective Prayer for Success at Work.
Daniel 1:20 (NIV) – In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.
Awesome God, you know my career goals and aspirations. You also know that I can’t achieve them in my current position at work. So I ask that you will give me success at work and cause my bosses to notice my hard work.
I ask that you anoint my head with excellence. May I be ten times better than my colleagues at work. Help me to align my plans with your will. I pray that my ears are attentive to your voice as you give me wisdom for my success.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Morning Prayer for Success at Work.
Isaiah 11:2 (NIV) – The spirit of the Lord will rest on him- the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and power, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
Faithful Father, I know that success is not found in the world but in you alone.
Therefore, this morning I ask that you grant me success in my place of work. I ask that you fill me with your spirit and inspire me into greatness.
Lord, I pray that by your spirit, I will be a valuable asset to my organization. Give me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to provide solutions to difficult problems within my organization.
Lastly, I pray that your hands will rest upon me for my good and for Your glory.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Powerful Prayer for Success at Work.
Daniel 6:3 (NIV) – Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.
Heavenly Father, I ask that you distinguish me from my colleagues at work.
I also request that you bless me with wisdom and skills that will set me apart from them. Bless me with exceptional qualities that will bring about my success.
Dear Lord, make me succeed in all that I do for my organization. Order my steps and guide every decision I make for my success within my place of work. Lastly, I ask that you favor me before my bosses.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Accuracy and Success at Work.
Hebrews 12: 11 (NIV) – No discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Faithful God, I know that in order to succeed, I will need to put in the work and effort. So I ask that you gird me with the strength I need to do my work diligently.
Help me to be attentive to details as I carry out my responsibilities so that they will be accurate at all times.
Father God, I also ask for the grace to discipline myself to always do the needful. Encourage me when I feel too discouraged to continue.
Inspire me when I feel less motivated to give in my best. Above all, I ask that you keep me focused on career goals, and may it be my motivation always.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Doing Better at Work.
2 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) – But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Almighty God, I pray that your grace will be available to me at work. It’s my desire to succeed in my field of endeavor.
I even dream of climbing the corporate ladder very fast. But I know that the human effort I’m putting in now will not get me there fast enough.
So, Lord, I ask that you help me to put in the effort that will make my dreams come true speedily.
I also pray for the grace and the strength to do better than Im6 doing now. Lastly, I ask that you encourage me with success every step of the way.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Husband’s Success at Work.
Proverbs 22:29 (NIV) – Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.
Everlasting Father, I present my husband into your hands. And I ask that you bless him in his place of work and cause him to succeed there. I ask that you make all things work together for good for him at work.
Also, Lord, I ask that you give him the strength and zeal to be diligent at work. Finally, may his diligence and gifts make way for him and set him amongst kings.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Success at New Job.
2 Peter 1:3 (NIV) – His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
Gracious Father, thank you for this new job. It’s indeed an upgrade from my old job. But I’m petrified by the amount of work that needs to be done daily. Sometimes, I fear that I will not be able to measure up to their standards.
Lord, I pray that you calm my fears. Help me to know that I am good enough and that I can do all things.
Remind me always that you have given me everything I need to succeed in this job. Lastly, it may enable me to look inwards so I can tap from every resource you have deposited in me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Success in Work for my Boyfriend.
Proverbs 16:3 (NIV) – Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Lord Jesus Christ, you have commanded us to commit our work into your hands so that you will prosper it. So, I commit my boyfriend’s job to your hands; I ask that you bless and establish him.
I also request that you be gracious to him and favor him at work. Bless the plans of his heart and give him the wisdom to take his business to the next level.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Success in Work Place.
Psalm 75:6 -7 (NIV) – No one from the east or west or from the desert can exalt a man. But it is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another.
Dear God, my help comes from you, and no one can help me if you don’t help me, especially if my exaltation does not come from the east or west but from above. So, I ask that you lift me to my place of work.
Imbue me daily with wisdom. Help me to come up with ideas that will help build the organization. Also, I also that you cause my career to grow just as you grow as a body. Above all, may the success of the organization be my success also.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Successful Work Day.
Psalm 90:17 – May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the works of our hands for us- yes, establish the works of our hands.
Great God, as I step out this day for work, I pray that I will have a good day at work. I request that today will be stress-free.
Give me the grace and wisdom to do my work today with ease. I ask that you go ahead of me to work and make every crooked way straight.
Father, I ask that your favor and blessings will rest upon me today. May all my activities today bring me success. Finally, I declare in the name of Chris that my work is established this day and always.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Supernatural Success at Work.
1 John 5:14 – This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
Dear Father, today I seek your supernatural favor and success. I ask that you bless me and enlarge my territory. Lord, I also pray that your hand will be with me and cause me to succeed in all my endeavors.
Your word says that you will give me anything I ask of you. Hence, I ask that you give me prosperity and success at work and in life. I ask that you anoint my head and give me unusual grace success.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Short Prayer for Work Success.
1 Samuel 2:8 (NIV) – He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.
Awesome Father; thank you because I know that you have the capacity to bless me.
Thank you because you are the one who lifts the poor from their lowly state and sets them amongst princes. Likewise, I request that you give me a breakthrough at work.
Lord, I also ask that you give me the strength I need for my success. Help me to be dedicated to work and bless all my endeavors.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.
No one receives anything unless it’s given to him from above. Likewise, we can’t attain success even in the workplace without God’s help.
This is why these prayers for success at work are so important for everyone who wish to succeed.