Deliverance Prayers for My Child: 15 Helpful

The first and most remarkable deliverance for any believer is salvation. When you realize that you need a savior, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 (NIV) – If you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Through the deliverance prayers for my child that I have provided in this article, you can ask God to extend his saving grace to your child or even children. It’s not enough that you are saved and delivered as parents.

You are responsible for leading your children to Christ and bringing deliverance to them through prayers. I genuinely desire the Lord hears you as you lift your voice to Him with these deliverance prayers.

Here are Deliverance Prayers for My Child.


  1. Deliverance Prayer for my Child.

Romans 10:9 (NIV) – If you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Father in Heaven, I worship and thank you for your love and faithfulness towards my family. Thank you for safety and deliverance, for it is your mercy that has brought us this far. I commit my child into your hands, and I ask that you draw him closer to you.

Let him confess you as Lord and accept you as his savior with his mouth. Open his heart and make him believe in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for his sake. Show him the power of your resurrection and deliver his soul from destruction.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child from Evil.

Romans 10:13 (NIV) – For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Dear God, your word says that those who dwell in your secret place will find refuge in you. Therefore, I hide my child under your protective wings today. And I ask that you cover and shield him in your blanket of protection.

Let him bear on his body the mark of Christ Jesus that no man may trouble him. The Scripture says that anyone who calls upon your name will be saved. Therefore, I call upon your name this morning and ask that your name will deliver him from all evil, including satanic covenants.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for Mind Attack.

2 Corintians4:4 (NIV) – The God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of Christ.

Awesome God, it pleased you by the death of your son to give light to those in darkness. I ask that you will shine your light on my child’s mind. Let your light dispel every darkness in him that has kept his mind in bondage.

Cause him to know the truth and let the truth set him free. Also, set him free from the deceptive mind attack of the enemy; and deliver him from the enemy’s devices.

Lastly, I request that his mind be renewed and sanctified by the word of truth.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child’s Health.

Jeremiah 33:6 (NIV) – Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

Great Physician, you said you would bless our food and water and heal us from our infirmities. Hence, I commit my child’s health to your loving hands; I ask that you will preserve it. Please deliver him from the fowler’s snare and deadly pestilences.

Lord, I speak over his life and declare that the destroyer will not come close to him. In the name of Jesus, I decree that he will enjoy abundant peace and security in strength and good health. Never again shall it be said that any illness ravaged his body.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child from Evil Dedication.

Matthew 22:37 (NIV) – Jesus replied, love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

Mighty Redeemer, I have dedicated all my life as a parent to raising this child in godliness. But sometimes, I look at him, and I wonder where I went wrong with raising him. I am so exasperated by the evil report I get daily about this child.

Lord, don’t allow my son to continue on this path of destruction. Take him back to his first love because I know he once loved you. Forgive him. Show him the way back to you. Please don’t let him wander away from you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child Dying.

Psalm 118:17 (NIV) – I will not die but live and will proclaim what the Lord has done.

Merciful God, the Scripture says that you will answer us when we call upon you in trouble. I call to you this morning as a desperate parent trying to save her child. Please look upon my dying child, and show him mercy so he can live.

Lord, I speak life into him, and I declare that he will not die but live. I decree that this illness will not be unto death but to your glory. Therefore, I ask that you glorify yourself in his life today, snatch my child from the cold hands of death.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child’s Education.

Job 32:8 (NIV) – But there is a spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty; that gives him understanding.

Faithful God, I’m doing my best to ensure my child has a quality education. However, his grades are not encouraging. I fear this may affect his chances in life; therefore, I seek your mighty hand to deliver intellect from the hands of spiritual robbers.

Lord, help him do better. Please do not allow him to settle for less out of frustration. Instead, help him seek academic excellence just as he strives to do in other activities. Above all, give him the wisdom to balance sports and education so none will suffer.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Related: Prayers for Parents: 15 Powerful Uplifting.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child’s Future.

Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV) – Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

All-Knowing God, before you formed my child in the womb, you already knew him. You mapped out his purpose in life, and I believe you ordained him for a life of greatness. So, I ask that you contend with the forces seeking to derail him from the path of destiny.

Father, hold firmly unto my child and don’t let him be deceived. In the name of Jesus, I align him with his divine purpose. By faith, I decree that he will not excuse himself from his glorious future, nor will he be robbed of it by any dark power.

In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child’s Marriage.

Romans 9:15 (NIV) – For he said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.

Everlasting Father, you made it a life-long covenant when you instituted marriage. However, today there are cases of divorce rising daily because many get it wrong from the beginning. I don’t know if my child has done the same.

However, in the mighty name of your son, Jesus, I declare that my child’s marriage will not be part of these rising statistics. So, Lord, I ask that you deliver her marriage from the destructive forces assigned by hell to destroy unions.

In the name of Jesus, I decree that my child’s marriage is delivered from manipulative powers. Her marriage is protected in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, dear Father, because my child and her partner will enjoy their marriage, and you will, in turn, bless their home with peace, joy, and fruitfulness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer from the Spirit of Rebellion.

Romans 8:2 (NIV) – Because through Christ Jesus, the law of the spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

Abba Father, the children you have given me and I are for signs and wonders. Therefore, I bind every rebellious spirit at work in his life. I bring them under the Lordship of Christ and to the obedience of His word.

In the name of Jesus, I cast down every vain imagination. Bring his mind and heart to the obedience of Christ. And I ask that he will no longer be a slave to sin and death but a minister of truth and righteousness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for my Child’s Finances.

Deuteronomy 15:6 (NIV) – For the Lord, your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations; none will rule over you.

Heavenly Father, thank you because you have given my child the power to make wealth. You said he will lend to many and will not borrow. I know that his life right now is not reflecting this promise. But I trust you because when you make a promise, you always watch over your word to perform it.

Lord, my child’s problem is not that he is not earning much; hence, I have reasons to believe the enemy is at work. Break the curses of failure and poverty in his life. And the backbone of any dark power working against his finances.

Teach him financial intelligence and good money habit. Give him self-control and deliver him from unnecessary and impulsive spending.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayers for My Child’s Healing.

Psalm 91:7 (NIV) – A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

Lord Jesus, my child, has been battling an ailment. I can no longer bear to see the pain and look of despair and hopelessness in his eyes. Therefore, I come to you in faith, asking that you deliver and heal him.

Dear Lord, thank you because I know you have heard me and restored his health. I receive this miracle with thanksgiving and praise.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child from Demonic Oppression.

Philippians 2:9-10 (NIV) – Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on earth and under the earth.

Sovereign Lord, there is no relationship between darkness and light. Neither is there any fellowship between Baal and Christ. Therefore, I ask that you deliver my child from every demonic oppression.

Your word says that our bodies are your temple, dear Lord. This means that there is no space for demonic activities in his life. Therefore, by mentioning the name of Jesus, let every sinister power bow in his life. Let every tongue that has risen against him be condemned in judgment. I declare my child-free.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child’s Husband.

Obadiah 1:17 (NIV) – But on mount Zion, there shall be deliverance; it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will possess its inheritance.

Almighty God, I want to appreciate you first for guiding my child in prayerfully choosing the right life partner. Even though the enemies try to lay siege on their marriage by manipulating her husband, I know they shall both prevail.

I commit _____ into your hands, and I ask that you deliver him from _______. Set him from and let him go so their marriage can experience lasting joy. Please help him turn a new leaf from now on. Give them both the grace and wisdom to seek your help when trouble hits.

Thank you because my child’s husband is delivered, and their marriage shall experience sweetness once again.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Deliverance Prayer for My Child in Labor.

Isaiah 66:7 (NIV) – Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pain comes upon her, she delivers a son.

Compassionate Jesus, I know my child who is currently in labor is terrified about childbirth. Deliver her from the fear of dying or losing her baby in the name of Jesus.

I silence the voice of death and fear in her. Let her your reassuring voice alone be in the midst of the noise in her mind. I declare that her baby will come with ease.

Father, release unusual strength and grace into her right now to push her baby out safely.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Acts 16:31 (NIV) – Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved- you and your household.

It is God’s will that we experience the fulfillment of His promises with members of our household.

These prayers of deliverance for my child will help you get started with aligning your child to God’s will.

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