Prayer and Fasting: The 17 Best Books

Do you know prayer and fasting help restore or strengthen your intimacy with God as believers when observed together?

Additionally, these spiritual disciplines rekindle our love for God when we begin to experience spiritual coldness.

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We also receive spiritual empowerment and guidance when we wait upon Him.

So, are you looking to revamp your love relationship with God? Or do you need a fresh fire? I have created the 17 best books on prayer and fasting to help you achieve this.

What are the Benefits of Prayer and Fasting?

Prayer and fasting have numerous benefits that will impact you spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Here are some key benefits of prayer and fasting:

  • Spiritual Growth:

Prayer and fasting create an environment for spiritual growth and transformation. They deepen your relationship with God, increasing your faith, trust, and intimacy with Him.

  • Increased Focus on God:

Through prayer and fasting, you intentionally set aside time to seek God’s presence and focus your attention on Him. This helps you align your heart and mind with His purposes and priorities.

  • Seeking God’s Guidance:

Fasting can help quiet the distractions of the world and enhance your ability to hear God’s voice. It allows you to seek His guidance, wisdom, and direction for important decisions and life situations.

  • Breakthrough and Deliverance:

Prayer and fasting can lead to breakthroughs in areas where you may have been struggling. They can bring freedom from spiritual strongholds, addictions, and unhealthy patterns of thinking or behavior.

  • Spiritual Discernment:

By spending time in prayer and fasting, you develop greater spiritual discernment. This enables you to recognize God’s voice, discern between truth and deception, and make wise choices aligned with His will.

  • Emotional and Mental Clarity:

Fasting can have a positive impact on your emotional and mental well-being. It helps to reduce stress, increase mental clarity, and bring emotional healing and stability.

  • Humility and Dependency on God:

Fasting cultivates a sense of humility and dependency on God. It reminds you of your reliance on Him for strength, provision, and guidance, fostering a deeper trust in His sovereignty.

  • Spiritual Refreshment and Renewal:

Prayer and fasting provide a space for spiritual refreshment and renewal. They allow you to disconnect from the busyness of life, recharge your spiritual batteries, and experience God’s refreshing presence.

  • Intercession and Praying for Others:

Fasting can deepen your burden for others and increase your effectiveness in intercessory prayer. It enables you to pray with greater fervency, compassion, and authority for the needs of others.

  • Physical Benefits:

While the primary focus of prayer and fasting is spiritual, there can also be physical benefits. Fasting promotes detoxification, improved digestion, increased energy, and weight management when done responsibly and under proper guidance.

It’s important to approach prayer and fasting with a sincere heart, seeking God’s leading and guidance. Remember, the true value of prayer and fasting lies in seeking God’s presence and aligning your heart with His purposes.

Below are 17 Best Books on Prayer and Fasting.

  1. The Power of a Praying® Wife Book of Prayers By Stormie Omartian.

With over 28 million copies sold in the Power of a Praying® series, Stormie offers praying wives a selection of powerful prayers.

Small enough to keep in a pocket or purse for quick conversations with God, this little prayer book will assist you in unlocking the enormous power of prayer in your marriage.

The book’s honest, insightful, and life-transforming prayers will also encourage your heart as you seek God’s plans and purposes to manifest abundantly in your husband’s life.

  1. The 40 Day Soul Fast: Your Journey to Authentic Living By Dr. Cindy Trimm.

Dr. Cyndy Trimm presents to readers 40 Day Soul Fast: Your Journey To Authentic Living, which is an eight-week study of the soul’s life.

Meanwhile, she walks readers through the practice of spiritual fasting and the process of living more authentically.

Additionally, it is a transformational piece that will take you on an inward journey to more excellent spiritual health, success, and happiness as you learn to live from the inside out.

  1. The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations By Anne Graham Lotz.

The Daniel Prayer by Lotz is a book on the power of prayer that will burn deep within your soul, erupt through your heart, and pour words powered by the Holy Ghost from your lips.

Additionally, this Spirit-inspired book that will make you quiver with spiritual electricity contains powerful prayers.

However, these prayers are not your everyday kind of prayer. They are prayers birthed under pressure, grief, heartache, and desperation.

More so, the powerful content will trigger a sudden revelation of hope in your heart. And provide you with answers to prayers and miracles that outweigh your expectations.

Further, Anne Graham Lotz invites readers to join her in a thrilling discovery of prayer that works.

In sum, this book will help you pray effectively for your nation, your families, and yourself.

  1. Tony Evans Speaks Out On Fasting By Tony Evans.

In this magnificent book on fasting, Tony Evans asks the following questions:

  1. How badly do you want an answer from God?
  2. Do you want deliverance from that destructive habit urgently?
  3. How badly do you want to save your marriage?
  4. Do you need it enough to give up food or some other gratifications?

He urges you to come before the Lord with prayer and praise in fasting. In his words, fasting is a way to create a special link with God when you desire a spiritual breakthrough.

He also refers to it as an appropriate response to difficult situations, relationships, physical and emotional needs, challenges in ministry, or those times we need specific guidance or direction.

Summarily, fasting can help you get in touch with God without any distractions; pursue His grace; step onto the path of humility, and accomplish spiritual victory.

  1. The Power of a Praying® Mom: Powerful Prayers for You and Your Children By Stormie Omartian.

Stormie Omartian’s heart once again resonates for you as a mom who needs to lift your kids to the One who knows them better.

Put together in this little, but powerful book are prayers in pairs; one set is for you (mom), and a corresponding one for your youngsters.

Such as your children’s relationship with God; their health, growth in faith, friends, and family, and so much more.

Scripture verses and blank lines have also been provided in this book, so you can write prayers that are both specific and personal to you and your family.

Lastly, this lovely book can be a powerful reminder of how the Lord works through praying mothers and how covering your kids in prayer will give you peace in all aspects of their lives.

  1. Revival Starts Here: A Short Conversation on Prayer, Fasting, and Revival for Beginners Like Me By Dave Clayton.

Revival Starts Here is a pointed and short conversation about the way biblical fasting and prayer can prepare the way for a fresh and powerful revival in our churches, cities, nation—and beyond.

In this book also, Clayton lights a signal fire as he beckons on the 21st-century church to return to God through fasting and prayer. If you are a believer who longs to experience revival, then this book is for you.

  1. Atomic Power with God, Thru Fasting and Prayer By Franklin Hall.

Atomic Power With God Thru Fasting and Prayer is a short but spirited book by evangelist Franklin Hall.

He explains how prayer during fasts can heal the body and soul and bring those who practice it greater spiritual power.

In the book, Franklin Hall also describes how he got introduced to prayer and fasting through friendship with an Oklahoma family accustomed to it.

According to him, he fasted and prayed with them during a big revival, and scores of people were healed of different kinds of afflictions and infirmities.

Hence, he became convinced of the power of prayer and fasting and began to preach its efficacy strongly as he traveled

  1. A Hunger for God: Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer By John Piper.

Do you have that hunger for God?

As John Piper puts it in this book: “If we don’t feel strong desires for the manifestation of God’s glory, it is not because we have drunk deeply and are satisfied.

Instead, it is because we have nibbled for so long at the wrong table. Our souls are stuffed with little things, so there’s no room left for an infilling.”

According to him, if we are filled with what the world offers, then perhaps a spiritual fast might express or increase our soul’s appetite for the Lord.

He also explains that between the dangers of self-denial and self-indulgence is the path of pleasant pain called fasting. It’s this path that Piper invites readers to travel in this inspiring book.

Lastly, he states that it’s when the Lord is your biggest yearning that He will become the center of everything in your life. According to him also, it’s when you are most satisfied in God that He will be most glorified in you.

Also Related: 20 Books About Prayer That Will Improve Your Prayer Life.

  1. E.M. Bounds on Prayer By E. M. Bounds.

In this book, E. M. Bounds illustrates how God has answered the prayers of people since the beginning of Bible times. He also reveals how readers can:

  • Have direct communication with God
  • Overcome Satan and his hold on prayer
  • Maintain a prayer life that produces results
  • Obtain all that God has for you and
  • Discover all the possibilities of prayer

M. Bounds provides rich teachings on the only effective hindrance against evil powers that prevail all over the world.

Through this book also, readers will discover how to have an effective prayer life and how to know the fullness of divine power.

  1. The Fasting Prayer By Franklin Hall.

Franklin Hall’s The Fasting Prayer provides readers with great insight into the fundamental and biblical teaching of the faith, just as Jesus taught.

He reveals how you can obtain the faith that removes mountains (spiritual barriers) and receive spiritual gifts.

  1. Andrew Murray on Prayer By Andrew Murray.

In this unique book, Andrew Murray provides biblical guidelines for effective communication with the Lord.

First, readers will discover essential keys to developing a vibrant prayer life; these include how to:

  • Petition God courageously
  • Receive clear direction from God
  • Abide in Christ
  • Intercede for others effectively
  • See your unsaved loved ones come to Christ
  • Overcome discouragement and temptation
  • Experience God’s continual protection
  • Be victorious in prayer

Every believer can enjoy the benefits of prayer.

Through this book also, you will discover how your devotions can express transformation so that you can realize the fullness of God’s love, joy, peace, and power to operate in your daily walk.

In sum, the principles presented in this book will alter your prayer life for good!

  1. 40 Days of Fasting and Prayer Guide Book By J. E Charles

In 40 Days of Fasting and Prayer Guidebook, J. E Charles offers readers guidance as they engage in seasons of consecration to God. It also answers the following questions:

  • What is fasting?
  • Why fast?
  • Why pray?

The above questions are addressed in this book. Meanwhile, the author also added a chapter on the benefits of fasting.

This book will help you consecrate and dedicate yourself to God’s purposes for you. It will also take you on a transformational journey that will lead you to experience joy, victory, and freedom.

  1. Fasting And Prayer Journal: A Queens Guide To Winning Through Fasting And Prayer By Misty Goodwin.

This simple prayer and fasting guide will help you develop a deeper relationship with God, experience breakthroughs, and win in life.

The author also takes readers on a journey that changed her life over eight years ago. This was when she hit a rough spot in her marriage and was in dire need of a breakthrough in her life.

According to Misty, while she was praying on a certain day, God asked her to go on a 21-day fast even though she had never fasted more than three days before then.

Because of how desperate she was for help, she researched to discover how to fast, and that fast changed her life forever when she finally did.

Meanwhile, while still observing the fast, she got a breakthrough on the 15th day. Hence, she has continued doing that every year.

She ended the book with these questions: Are you ready to Win at Love and Life? God, through this spiritual transformation, will bring you life-changing results.

  1. Fasting and Prayer: The Secret Fasting Technique That Produces Results By Francis Jonah.

According to Jonah, true prayer and fasting have always produced great results. They have also been a powerful tool in the lives of Christians for centuries.

In his words also, the reason many believers yielded to the practice of waiting on the Lord in those days is the kind of results they got when they did.

Additionally, in this book, Jonah thinks that many are praying and fasting today, but they are not doing it like the believers of old did to get results.

Hence, this book seeks to restore this. So, readers will learn a time-tested way of fasting and praying that will bring powerful results in their lives.

  1. A Call to Prayer By J C Ryle.

In A Call to Prayer, J. C. Ryle observes that private prayer is the most important.

Yet the most neglected of all the Christian disciplines. So, he delivers this passionate call to private prayer.

As ever, he is practical, direct, soul-searching, and clear. But warm and encouraging, instead of sentimental.

  1. Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study By Barb Raveling.

Taste for Truth is a 30-day Bible study and hands-on help to renew the mind.

Readers will be taking off the lies that make them overeat. Instead, they will be putting on the truth that will make them want to eat with control.

More so, this book is a companion Bible study to the book “I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat),”

In sum, the author encourages you to go to the Lord for help to break free from the control of food.

  1. The Essentials of Prayer: How Christians Ought to Pray By E. M. Bounds.

The Essentials of Prayer is an inspiring book that challenges you to first make sure you are ready to pray.

It also provides Bible references on when and how you should pray.

Bounds examine powerlessness and its causes. But he also includes instances of answered prayers to give real hope to those who feel like God is not answering their prayers.


These 17 powerful books on prayer and fasting will assist you tremendously in deepening your relationship with God, especially if you make this a regular practice in your walk with Him.

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