Prayers for Blessings and Prosperity: 13 Powerful

Why must we pray prayers for blessings and Prosperity? The Prosperity Prayer is essential and helps a lot in the difficult times that we all face in life.

We leave the house early every day to work and earn a living for our home and feed our children.

But as much as we are honest and hardworking, there are times when the money is not enough, or we accumulate debt.

It seems that there is something that never lets us get enough money to have a peaceful financial life.

Sometimes this can be a negative thought, which makes us always have a defeatist mind and never have a good financial life.

To free your mind from these problems and ask God for help, follow these 13 prayers of Blessings and Prosperity. If you pray these prayers very well, it will illuminate your ways!

What Does the Bible Say About Blessings and Prosperity?

The Bible speaks of Prosperity, finances, blessings, and wealth, although some people don’t know. From the Old to the New Testament, more than five hundred Bible verses speak specifically of money.

The lack of understanding on this subject has given rise to many distortions among Christian teachings. That is why it is essential to understand the genuine concept of blessing and Prosperity in the Bible.

Jesus himself spoke of money or wealth during his earthly ministry. Almost 1/4 of the Sermon on the Mount addresses the financial area in some way.

Many of Jesus’ parables also have some financial logic in their narrative. First, the Bible shows that real Prosperity, in every sense, is a gift from God. This means that God is the source of wealth!

At Pentateuch, we find this truth. Moses claims that God gives the strength necessary for someone to acquire wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

The chronicler describes King David praising the Lord and confessing that all wealth is under his control (1 Chronicles 29: 10-14).

Through the prophet Haggai’s ministry, God Himself declares, “Silver is mine and gold is mine” (Haggai 2: 8).

13 Powerful Prayers for blessings and Prosperity.


Prayers for Blessings and Prosperity.

Pray 1

O God, creator of this immense universe, I am here to invoke you in favor of my financial life. From the top of my head to the soles of my feet, envelope by a current of wealth.

Pour on me the gift of blessings and Prosperity so that I can see your glory and proclaim your existence wherever I go.

And may the angel of money visit me and put the spirit of luck in my hands so that everything I touch will prosper.

You are the gold and silver owner, so come from the four corners of the world to make me a blessed one and of many possessions.

By the power of the name of Jesus Christ, I raise my voice and prophesy that blessings and Prosperity will come in all directions from this moment on.

From now on, my destiny is sealed because I am a child of God who created all the riches of the world, and I will become prosperous. In Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen.

Pray 2

Heavenly Father, you said what we ask in your name shall be given unto us. I decree upon my life today that lines are fallen for me in pleasant places.

What the world needs and desires, I recognize and accomplish. The abundance of my mind has no obstacles or limits. Nothing can stop my inspired creativity.

The superabundant power of God’s life energy overcomes any obstacle and overflows on the world, blessing and prospering everyone and everything through me.

I am the source of all wealth. I am rich in creative ideas. Humanity seeks me and rewards me. The world loves me. I am wanted wherever I go. I am valued.

What I have to offer is intensely desired. What I have to offer brings a rich reward. Through my vision, the whole world is blessed.

Through my clear reasoning and my firm purpose, extraordinary new values gain expression. I now declare my blessings and Prosperity, NOW and forever. Amen

Pray 3

Oh! Creator of the world. You said: ask, and you will receive. Although you are on a high, in Your Divine Glory, bow your ears to this humble creature to satisfy my desire.

Hear my prayer, Oh, Beloved Father, and make me a blessing to my world.

You are the God of divine supply, supply all my needs, according to your riches in glory. O Lord, I rejoice in your strength and glory in joy at your aid.

I come to you today, confident in your power. Transform my name into a blessing and cover me with joy in your face. In Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen.

Pray 4

Heavenly Father, blessings and Prosperity come from you.

You are the Lord of all things, so I pray today: You, who have strength and wealth in your hands,

bless the work of my hands because it is your hand that has the power to give everything greatness and solidity. (1 Corinthians 29:11-12).

Make me walk in your ways, Lord. Let my land give its products, and the trees in my fields be loaded with spiritual and material fruits.

Keep my enemies out of my ways. Multiply my crops, results, and profits, and not reject my soul. In Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer to break the chains of greed and love of money.

Pray 5

Lord, I decree this day that I will not be anxious about life because life is more than food and the body more than clothes.

If you dress the lilies and feed the field birds, I will also be protected by you, and I will never lack the necessary goods for life.

Free me from greed, anxiety, and the love of money, the root of all evils. Let Prosperity come to me, and may I use it with wisdom and love.

I am a magnet that attracts wealth. All forms of blessings and Prosperity come to me. I deserve the best things in life. In Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for blessings and Prosperity upon your work

Pray 6

Father, your word says, if anyone will not work, neither shall he eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10). I have come before you this day to bless the work of my hands.

Decree blessings upon my work and business. I love the work I do, and I’m well paid for it. Enjoy dealing with the money I earn.

I save part and enjoy the rest. I live in a Universe of love, abundance, and harmony, and I am grateful for that.

Committed to opening myself to the unlimited Prosperity that exists everywhere. I use the money I earn for things that make me happy. Allow the greatest possible Prosperity to remain in my life.

I radiate success and Prosperity in my place of work, always. Life satisfies all my needs with great abundance.

Change my thoughts of poverty into thoughts of Prosperity, and my finances reflect that change. I am happy with the financial security that is constant in my life. Amen

Pray 7

Father, in the name of Jesus, I decree that I am deeply admired and well-paid wherever I work. Today is a beautiful day.

Money comes to me in both anticipated and unexpected ways. My business is blessed. I have unlimited choices.

I express gratitude for all the good in my life. Each day brings new and beautiful surprises. Abundance flows freely through me. Right now, there is a lot of wealth and power at my disposal.

I deserve the best and accept the best now. Free me of all resistance to money and allow it to flow happily into my life. I am a magnet that always attracts a lot of money.

My goodness comes from everywhere and everyone. I accept all the Blessings that the universe will make available in my life, today and forever.

Life satisfies all my needs with great abundance. I deserve everything right, not a part, not a little bit, but everything that is good!

I am grateful for all the good things that life has offered me, and my attitudes reflect this gratitude.

As I have decree today, so shall it be for me in Jesus name

Prayer to Release Blessing and Prosperity

Pray 8

Heavenly FATHER, It is YOU who gives me the power to obtain wealth. Establish your covenant of blessing and Prosperity in my life, in the name of Jesus (Deuteronomy 8:18).

I break and cancel all enemy assignments against my finances in the name of Jesus. I break and cancel all the curses of poverty, lack, debt, and failure in the name of Jesus.

As I seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all other things will be given to me in addition and abundance (Matthew 6:33).

The blessing of the Lord over my life enriches me, and it is followed by no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).


Pray 9

I rebuke and cast out all spirits of the cankerworm, palmerworm, caterpillar, and locusts that eat my blessings, in the name of Jesus (Joel 2:25).

Lord Jesus, you teach me for my profit; lead me in the way I should go. You are Jehovah-Jireh, provide for all my needs. You are El Shaddai, the God who is more than sufficient.

Prosperity and riches are in my house because I have fear in You and delight in Your commandments.

I am blessed when I come home and when I go out, blessed in the city, and everywhere I go. By your mighty hand, Lord, make my way prosperous every day (Isaiah 48:15).


Pray 10

Jesus Christ, You made yourself poor so that I would be made rich (2 Corinthians 8: 9). I meditate on The Word day and night, and everything I do prosper in Jesus’ name.

Peace is within my walls, and Prosperity is within my palace. I prosper through prophets and the prophetic ministry. I believe in God’s true prophets and prosper in the name of Jesus.

The God of heaven makes me prosper. I live in the Prosperity of the king. Thanks to your favor Lord, I am a prosperous person.

Lord, by your mighty hand, release the wealth of the wicked into my hands, in the name of Jesus. Amen

Prayer for Freedom from Restrictions

Pray 11

Father, let your judgment come over every restriction of your blessing and Prosperity upon my life.

Open the windows of heaven in my life and cause me to receive more than I have enough room to receive.

There are no holes in my bag in the name of Jesus. The eater is reprimanded, and his assignment canceled, for my sake, in the name of Jesus.

All nations will call me blessed, and I am a land of delight. My doors are open for the nations’ wealth to come into my life in the name of Jesus permanently.

I refuse to allow the angel of blessing to leave without blessing me, in the name of Jesus (Genesis 2: 6).


Pray 12

I have severed the ties of RESTRICTION and command the global financial system to release for the benefit of my family and for my benefit,

the wealth and resources that rightfully belong to us, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I ask that GOD, the Father, send me his angels to ensure this confession’s complete success now.

Release my faith and say it is fulfilled in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His shed blood, AMEN! (Deuteronomy, 8:18).

Prayer of Thanksgiving for Blessings and Prosperity

Pray 13

Lord, I thank You that You lifted me out of misery to reposition me in a place of plenty.

My floor is full of wheat, and my wine vats and oil overflow. You have done wonders with me; I eat and am satisfied.

God fills me with all kinds of graces so that, always having in all things enough to satisfy all my needs, I still have in abundance for every good work.

My head is anointed with oil, and my cup overflows. You lead me into the land flowing with milk and honey, O Lord.

You have positioned me in a land without failures. Thank you, Lord Jesus (Deuteronomy 8: 9).

In conclusion

Meditate for a while on the following prayers and make up your mind to practice them.

Pray in tongues for about 15 minutes as you declare these prayer points. The God I serve will give you a testimony. Amen

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