Powerful short prayers can move mountains. In other words, you don’t necessarily need to pray long prayers to get the desired result.
The Bible says that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. What this then means is that it’s not the length of your prayer that makes it effective, but how well you do it.
As someone observed, when you work, you work but when you pray, God works.
Therefore, if you desire God’s deliverance from hard times and His blessings, you should be committed to prayer.

Don’t be scared at the thought of prayer because of the misinformed notion that each prayer session needs to last for hours. In fact, Jesus once rebuked the Pharisees because they loved making long prayers.
A short prayer made with understanding and insight will yield tremendous results.
That said, I have created prayers for hard times: 25 powerful short, so you can prevail over the difficulties in your life.
Below are Prayers for Hard Times: 25 Powerful Short
Prayer for Hard Times.
Heavenly Father, thank you because you are not unaware of what I’m currently going through. You know of my struggles with various needs and struggles, and I ask that you please help me.
Your word tells me that if I ask, I will receive, if I seek, I will find, and if I knock, the door will be opened to me. So, here I am asking that you help me out of the challenges surrounding me.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Prayer for Peace During Hard Times.
Our Father in heaven, thank you for the gift of life even though I am going through so much right now. The devil is trying to misguide me amid these troubles with unholy and unedifying thoughts.
Holy Spirit, I ask that you fill my mind with your transcendent peace no matter what comes my way.
Keep me firmly rooted in you; in all, remind me that you have overcome the world and as such I’m at liberty to enjoy divine peace.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Prayer for Trusting God in Hard Times.
Dear Lord, I’m going through a season of difficulties coupled with loneliness. None of my friends and family seem to even care.
If truth be told, my faith, zeal, and commitment to you are fast declining. Therefore, I ask that you help me trust you even more in this situation.
Please remind me that you are always with me so I can take comfort in this truth.
Help me to stay strong and not lose my mind as I go through this phase. May this season make me better and not bitter.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Morning Prayer for Hard Times.
Everlasting God, thank you for today, even though I’m not excited when I remember the issues I have to deal with daily.
Please assist me to lay down all the burdens that are weighing me down. Today, help me to respond promptly to your invitation to cast all my cares on you who care for me.
I have carried these burdens in ignorance for so long but today, I choose to lay all of them at your feet with the hope that I will find rest and comfort in you.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Powerful Prayer in Difficult Times.
Lord Jesus, my spirit is crushed and broken because of the overwhelming issues confronting me. I don’t know what to do about any of them except turn to you in prayer.
Let your mighty hand of deliverance overshadow all my problems today. By faith, I declare that it’s well with every aspect of my life from today.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for a Family Going Through Hard Times.
Father Lord, the Scripture tells us to intercede for one another. Right now, I have a burden to pray for the ______ family who are experiencing all kinds of turbulence in their home.
Step into every aspect of their lives and sort out all their needs and problems. Above all, prove yourself in their lives.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for a Friend During Hard Times.
Glorious God, I approach your throne of grace with boldness on behalf of my dear friend who has different issues confronting him.
Hence, I ask that you relieve him of his problems and cause him to enjoy your goodness for a change.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
Powerful Short Prayers for the Body.
Dear Lord, thank you for your power that is mighty to save. I ask for your mercy and forgiveness over everything contrary to what I have said or done to my body.
I rededicate my body, spirit, and soul as your temple.
In Jesus’s name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for Boyfriend Going Through Hard Times.
Faithful God, I commit my beloved boyfriend into your hand. I feel sad knowing that I can’t do anything to help him even though he’s going through a lot. But blessed be the Holy Spirit who reminded me that I can pray.
Therefore, I pray for him. Alleviate his problems and bless him.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Also Related: 10 Steps For A More Powerful Prayer Life.

Prayer for Comfort During Hard Times.
Abba Father, my strength is failing; even my knees are weak from suffering.
Your word tells me that in moments of weakness, you are my strength. You also promised me in your word that you will renew my strength like the eagles.
So help me never to faint or grow weary even as you go through the water and fire with me because that’s what your word says.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Prayer for Couples Going Through Hard Times.
Dear God, I seem to have reached the end of my rope in this marriage. I’m at an emotional breaking point right now because of endless conflicts.
I feel lost, hopeless, and disturbed. I have also tried everything I know but nothing seems to make the situation any better.
So, dear Father, this is me surrendering everything to you for help. If you don’t help me, no one else will. Therefore, I look to you for divine intervention in my marriage.
Thank you because I believe you have heard me.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for Daughter in Hard Times.
Father Lord, the situation my daughter is in seems to be hopeless. I know she wants to hold on to her faith at this time, but her strength is failing; please strengthen her.
Help her to believe in your word and your name again. Also, restore her hope and faith. Above all, let your blessed hope guide her heart and spirit in Christ and keep it firmly rooted in you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Faith During Hard Times.
Gracious God, I ask for your help in putting my trust and faith in you more than ever before even in this tough time.
Forgive me for the times I expressed doubt and trusted in my own strength and ability.
From now on, increase my faith in you and help me to keep growing daily in your strength.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Powerful Short Prayer for Dealing with Evil Reports.
Sovereign Lord, your word tells me that the righteous man is not afraid of evil tidings. His heart is steadfast in trusting you.
I claim the Bible’s promises now. Even though I have just received some bad news, my heart will remain steadfast and I will also maintain my trust in you, dear Lord.
As I do so, make all things begin to work together for my good.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
- Prayer for Hard Financial Times.
Awesome God, you are the one that provides for the birds of the air and clothes the lilies.
Even without toil, they are well catered for; the Scripture also tells us that we are worth more than the lilies and the birds. Therefore, I ask that you end every financial lack in my life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Hard Times at Work.
Almighty God, I’m experiencing severe anxiety and stress from work. Worry and fear have also taken over me due to the many targets and responsibilities that I have to keep up with at work.
In the name of Jesus, I receive grace, wisdom, and strength to pull them off and I refuse to worry anymore.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen
Powerful Short Prayer for Providence and Divine Direction.
Abba Father, I request that you open the eyes of my understanding, just as you did for the church in Ephesus. May I see your real purpose in everything that I go through from now on.
Lord, I may not have the ability to make the greatest decisions based on my limited insight. So I ask for the knowledge of what you want me to accomplish in life and at all times.
Thank you in advance for the answer to this prayer.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Hard Times in a Relationship.
Dear Lord Jesus, my relationship needs your healing touch. I look to you not only for inspiration but also for help to revive and make it blossom.
Assist my spouse and me to surmount every obstacle currently standing in our way. Most importantly, turn every issue we are having right now into a stepping stone in our relationship.
In Jesus’ name Amen.
Prayer for Hard Times in Life.
Glorious God, please forgive me for the times I murmured and complained about how things are in my life.
I have realized that complaining doesn’t help and I also understand now that murmuring is in fact a grievous sin against you.
Therefore, I ask that you please forgive me for murmuring and deliver me from its consequences.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Prayer for Hard Times in Marriage.
Lord, I’m practically in a dilemma. I don’t know what to do or which way to go. It seems every choice will land me in a worse place.
But I know you have a way out for me because you know what is best for me even in this marriage.
Hence, I have come to you for help. Please change the narrative in my marriage and make it as blissful as you intended marriage to be from the beginning.
In Jesus’s name, I pray, Amen.
Also Related: 7 Prayers for Guidance and Protection.
Prayer for Help in Hard Times.
Heavenly Father, thank you because you are a Good God who still divinely intervenes in the lives of His children.
I beseech you to also reach out to me in your mercy. I’m in dire need of your help and no one can help me if you don’t.
So Lord, please step into my situation and offer me the help that will end all my troubles in a day.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Strength During Hard Times.
Omnipotent God, thank you because there’s no limit to your power and there’s absolutely nothing you can’t do. I feel tired and worn out from all the things I have to do.
But your word says that “I can do all things through Christ who strengths me.”
Therefore, Lord, I ask that you please imbue me with your strength and make me strong physically and spiritually.
In Jesus’s name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for Challenging Times.
Holy God, troubles seem to be my lot lately; the challenges that confront me daily are becoming overwhelming.
Therefore, I ask that you take my hand and pull me out of this deep pit of suffering, trials, and tribulations because I can’t stand it anymore.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for My Son Going Through Hard Times.
Loving God, the devil is scheming day and night to finish my dear son. But I know he is safe in your arms.
So, I ask that you arise and defend him from his foes and the adversaries troubling him.
Grant him rest from all the battles he has been fighting.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for My Husband in Hard Times.
Heavenly Father, I commit to my husband who is going through overwhelming and exhausting challenges. Your word assures us that if we call upon you in our distress, you will answer us.
Therefore, I beseech you to deliver my husband from his many troubles on this day.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Challenges should not overwhelm us because we have a God who answers by fire.
The truth is that the issues of life only persist when we stay quiet and suffer in silence, instead of crying out to God for intervention.
Hence, I urge you to get up and speak destruction upon every unpleasant situation in your life with these Prayers for Hard Times:25 Powerful Short.
Thank you so very much for these prayers and for your website. I believe that I have been under Spiritual attack. I feel abandoned by my family and my Husband. I have been lacking in my prayer life and basically singing to praise The Lord and saying The Lords Prayer.
Thank you for helping and assuring me. I pray for God to Bless you and your ministry greatly, and thank and praise God with all my heart.