Prayers That Get Results: 13 Steps to Praying

Prayer remains one of the most powerful weapons of spiritual warfare God has given us. With it, we wield so much authority as believers.

The truth, however, is that there are prayers that get results. While some can leave you wondering along this line, why haven’t my prayers been answered? Especially after you have prayed for a long time without receiving any answer.

Honestly, there’s no one way to pray, but there are indeed prayers that get results. All that’s required is one understanding of how not to pray amiss. Two, knowing the steps to pray while maintaining an intimate relationship with God, who answers prayers.

In this article, I will take you on a walk through prayers that get results: 13 steps to praying. The steps I will share with you have helped me develop a more powerful and effective prayer life, and I hope they will assist you in accomplishing a better feat in yours.

Here Are Prayers That Get Results: 13 Steps to Praying.

  1. Know the God You Are Praying to.

Prayer is simply having a conversation with God. First, you should note that it’s impossible to converse with God if you don’t know who He is.

Hence, it’s crucial to establish a relationship with God by accepting His gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, before you begin to pray; that’s if you desire results and are not yet saved (born again).

Romans 10:9 says, If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (NIV).

This brings you into a relationship with God and makes you qualified to come boldly to Him in prayer. Hence, knowing God is the first step toward ensuring your prayers produce results.

  1. Abide in Christ.

The next step after establishing a relationship with God is to abide in Christ, whom you have accepted. This means growing in your relationship with Him. God promised that when we call, He will answer us. However, one problem that makes our prayers ineffective is that we do not abide in Christ after repentance.

Instead, we live according to the dictates of our flesh. And not in accordance with God’s precepts. God is interested in us growing in our relationship with Him.

That’s why John 15:4 says, Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me (NIV).

When this happens, our prayers will constantly get results because our supplication will flow from lives that are aligned with God.

  1. Begin Your Prayers with a Heartfelt Expression of Thanks to God.

The third step to every prayer is to begin your prayer by sincerely appreciating God with words of gratitude. A heartfelt thanksgiving to God is always a great conversation starter. Like a parent, God loves to see that we have grateful hearts.

As we take the time to extol Him for what He has done in the past: the answered prayers, healing, grace and surmounted impossible situations, our prayers are bound to produce results. Also, our faith in believing in God for even greater answers to prayer increases.

So, think about His goodness toward you; come before Him with a heart of worship even when you are at your lowest. Our ability to defy our challenges and thank or praise God despite what we are going through often moves God to grant us quick answers to our prayers.

You can create a list and keep it by your bedside or table to reference when you pray; by so doing, you will be able to list the things you are thankful for. Lastly, thanksgiving opens the gates of heaven. Hence, it should always be a part of your prayer.

  1. Ask for Forgiveness.

The next step in prayers that get results is seeking forgiveness of sins. 1 John 1:9 says, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (NIV).

God wants us always to confess and repent from our sins and not make excuses for them or try to justify them. So, acknowledge all your shortcomings and ask God to forgive you.

This opens heaven over your supplications. James 5:16 reminds us that if we want our prayers to be heard and receive answers, our hearts must be right with God and one another. Otherwise, our prayers will not be heard.

  1. ASK: Tell God Your Need.

The fifth step is to bring your request before God: telling Him what you need from Him. God speaking in John 16:24, said Until now, you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask, and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

Nevertheless, we often hesitate to seek our needs, especially our little daily needs, from God, thinking He shouldn’t be bothered with minute things.

Many of us only bother God when we have big challenges. And for some, this is when they have explored other options, and they didn’t solve the problem before they resolve to pray.

The Scripture tells us that during Jesus’ time on earth, bread was a staple food — one of the most things one could easily purchase then. Interestingly, the Bible states that Jesus did not hesitate to ask God to provide it.

Likewise, God expects us today to always ask because He wants to grant our requests. James 4:2b says, You do not have because you do not ask God. So, ensure that you don’t hesitate to ask God for what you need when you pray.

Be explicit in making your requests known to Him because your Heavenly Father delights in answering the prayers of His children.

  1. Pray With Faith.

Faith is believing, having confidence, and not doubting when you pray. James 1:6-8a(NIV) – But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

7: That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8: Such a person is double-minded. One requirement to prayers that get results is praying with faith: not doubting any of your prayers or God’s ability to answer them. Mark 11 exemplifies what praying with faith can accomplish for us.

Verse thirteen of Mark 11 started with Jesus cursing the fig tree. He simply spoke to the tree and got the desired result: the tree dried up. The rest of the chapter saw Jesus using that incident to teach His disciples about faith.

He emphasized the need to believe without doubting when we pray. The basis of this faith is that God can’t lie. As such, we rely on what His Word says, not the circumstances confronting us. Only then can our prayers be effective and produce results.

So, as you pray with faith in God’s Word, your prayers will produce wonderful results. Circumstances will be changed; you will receive healing, breakthroughs, and mighty deliverance because you didn’t doubt.

Related: How to Get Your Prayers Answered: A Helpful Guide.

  1. Pray the Scripture.

Prayers that get results must involve Scriptures. God’s Word has power and is one of our greatest spiritual weapons. Jesus used it (despite being the Word Himself) when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness after His 40-Day fast (See Luke 4:1-12).

He defeated Satan with the authority of the Scriptures. So, use God’s Word and stand on it when you pray.

The Bible declares that God exalts His Word far above His name, and He cannot lie. Whatever He says, that’s precisely what He will do. So, pray the Scriptures if you want your prayers to receive incredible answers.

  1. Ask for God’s Will.

The eighth step is to ask for God’s will when you pray. The Lord’s Prayer is where Jesus role-modeled a heart of submission and obedience to God’s will over His. This is evidenced in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Hours before Jesus’ crucifixion, He once again prayed, “Not my will, but yours be done.” Sometimes, not knowing what to ask when difficult situations arise can be challenging. But one thing you must always ask for in your prayers is God’s will and plan for you. The safest place anyone can be is in the center of God’s will.

  1. Forgive Others.

At the heart of prayers that get results are genuine forgiveness and love. As we commune with God, His love gets shed abroad in our hearts. A crucial requirement for prayers that get results is that we forgive those who have offended us.

Though this can be sometimes difficult, you must intentionally decide to let go and forgive completely because that is what the Scripture instructs in Mark 11:25 – And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

Unforgiveness does not only affect our relationship with God; it also hinders prayers.

If you find it difficult to forgive those who have hurt you, you need to ask the Holy Spirit to help you release the pain and hurt.

He will fill your heart with God’s love, replacing every bitterness and resentment that has occupied your heart as you surrender to the Holy Spirit to renew your inner man.

As you forgive others and express your love for them, this paves the way for your prayers to produce results. So, make your love walk a priority so that you see the best in others.

This godly love will also motivate you to pray for them, resulting in changes in their lives while receiving answers to yours.

  1. Memorize Scriptures.

The tenth step is the memorization of God’s Word. This is because one of the essential keys to prayers that get results is praying God’s Word. But how can you understand your spiritual authority in Christ as explained in the Bible or pray Scriptures when you have little or no knowledge of it?

The only way to pray effectively with God’s Word is to become intimately familiar with the Bible. Spending a few minutes each day with God’s Word will add authority and strength to your prayer. Through continued memorization of the Word of God, we truly abide in Christ and set our hearts on Him.

When we do this, we move from ignorance to having deep knowledge of God’s Word. This is not just experiential knowledge. But a revelation of Scriptures deep in our spirits comes to mind when we pray and make our prayers powerful.

To pray in faith and have your prayers produce results, you must know and stand on God’s Word and know what it says about different issues. Only then can you be confident that God will answer your prayers.

  1. Persevere in Prayer.

Persevering in prayer is the eleventh step. It is one thing to pray, it is another to keep praying until you get answers to your prayers. Luke 18 talks about a widow who wouldn’t give up on her right even when she knew she might be unable to get justice because she was dealing with a corrupt judge.

The Bible says she persistently continued asking him to give her justice. She refused to be denied and did not give up. In the end, the judge did the right thing, and her persistence paid off. As Christians, we have a Heavenly Father who is more than willing to answer our prayers.

God is not like the unjust judge; He will certainly answer. Sometimes quickly; at other times, He answers according to His timing. The most important thing, however, is to persist in your prayers.

Yes, there might be obstacles like the adversary who does everything he can to block the answers to your prayers. But you must persist. You could have it deep in your heart to pray, but then you are not sure about what you should pray. Asides from the above, persisting in prayer is a command.

Luke 18:1Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up (NIV).

Ephesians 6:18 – And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people (NIV). 1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray continually (NIV).

  1. Listen and Watch Out for Signs.

The twelfth step is learning to stay quiet, listen, and watch out for signs after praying. Often, when we pray, many of us barely take any time to listen after praying.

Seldom will God speak to us audibly, but you can watch out for signs. Afterward, try to be aware of any changes in your life. Especially the opportunities that will present themselves.

If you have asked for guidance securing a new job, watch out for new acquaintances and job opportunities. While at it, you must put faith into action. Even as a devout Christian, you still have the free will to choose your own path.

Hence, you are responsible for making the right decision under God’s direction. If you have asked for a job, look for one. If what you asked God for is for your children to behave better, do your part as a parent and teach them how to behave well.

  1. Give Thanks in Advance and When You Receive Answers.

Remembering to thank God when you receive an answer to any prayer is the last and final step to praying. Just like a human is happy that you showed appreciation for what he gave you,

God also loves it when we return to Him with grateful hearts for the answers to our prayers. Therefore, you should incorporate thanking God in advance and ascribing all the glory to Him for an answered prayer when it comes.

Prayer is critical to our Christian walk. This makes it absolutely necessary to spend time in prayer to receive answers to prayers and experience God’s presence. Through this powerful spiritual discipline, we draw from God’s abundant supply of the resources we need in life.

As we grow in God’s grace, this becomes even more evident, especially to those around us. If your prayers have not received answers, I urge you to incorporate the above 13 steps to praying prayers that get results, and you will experience a change in the narrative of your prayer life.


One of the main purposes of prayer is to ask and receive answers from God, who has promised us in His Word that He will answer our call. Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know (NIV).

As we pray for ourselves, intercede for others, and receive answers to these prayers, we become witnesses of the wondrous things God can do in the lives of His people. Therefore, I encourage you to use the insights in this article: Prayers That Get Results: 13 Steps to Praying to make your prayers effective.

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