Why should We Pray to God Every Day?

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1Thessalonians 5:16-18(NIV) 

We need to pray to God every day, so you have heard. Prayer is essential and should not be taken lightly. But if we are, to be honest, most of us struggle to pray.  It is not that we do not want to pray.

We have a deep desire to be prayer warriors, but for some reason, we can’t find the right words when we try to pray.

Pray to God Every Day

For some of us, there are seasons when our prayer lives are up. But there are also seasons when the last thing we want to do is pray. Knowing the importance of praying every day is the key to developing a consistent prayer life.

In this article, we are going to look at why we should pray to God every day. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll look at prayer differently. And by God’s grace, you’ll make it a daily habit.

So let’s begin: Why We Should Pray to God every day.

1. Praying every day is an Act of Obedience.

We have been told several times in the Bible to pray always with all kinds of prayer (Ephesians 6:18). Prayer is part of the Christian life. It is something that the children of the kingdom of God are expected to do by God.

Our heavenly Father does not tell us to pray when we feel like it. He tells us to pray and expects us to do it.

We don’t talk to our family members when we feel like it. We speak to them despite how we feel. The same is true about talking with God.

See, you cannot claim to be walking in the ways of the Lord if you’re not spending time in prayer.

Praying every day is an act of obedience to our heavenly Father.  Though you may not feel like praying every day, you should still do it because you love God.

2. The Result is an Unseen Battle Raging on in the Spirit.

Most of us don’t like engaging in battles. But unfortunately, we cannot avoid the battle that is going on in the spirit realm.

Two kingdoms are fighting for your soul that is the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.  We cannot pretend that these battles are not going on as long as we’re in this world.

God has given us an option to choose which kingdom to belong to.  That we belong to the kingdom of God does not stop the enemy from attacking us.  When you choose to be in the kingdom of God, you become a target of the enemy. He is determined to kill, steal, and destroy you.

Praying everyday acts as a weapon against the enemy. God is gracious. There are battles he fights for us, even though we don’t ask for help. But that doesn’t mean that we should ignore prayer.

It’s through praying every day that we enable the angels of the Lord to the war on our behalf. When we pray to God every day, we invite Him to fight on our behalf. And dismantle every trap that the enemy has set before us.

Also Related: Why Do Christians Say The Lord’s Prayer?

3. Praying every day is an Act of Dependence on God.

Fathers are supposed to take good care of the children and lead them in the way that they should go.  But for that to happen, the children need to be fully dependent on their Father.

There needs to be a mode of communication through which the Father can instruct his children. And the children can share their thoughts and desires with their Father. Prayer is a channel that God has provided to his children to communicate with him.

For any relationship to be stable, and strong communication needs to be continuous. It is for this reason that God commands us to pray every day. He knows that we cannot do things effectively without him.  We need his guidance for us to handle the issues of life and live according to His precepts.

It could be that you grew up in a home where communication between you and your Father was difficult. Some of us have never had any kind of communication with our earthly Father.

So we do not know what it’s like to have a great relationship with a father. This has made it difficult for us to relate to God.

But here is the thing: God gave up his son Jesus so that we can enjoy a father-child relationship with Him (John 3:16). He wants us to be free with him and know that he loves us so much. God is ready to listen and help us with all the challenges that we are facing. Turn to Him daily in prayer and let God heal those wounds.

4. We Fall short of God’s Glory.

Although we’ve given our lives to Christ, we fall short of God’s glory from time to time.  That is why we need to be in a continuous mode of prayer. It’s through prayer that we confess our sins to God and ask him to help us live holy lives.

The truth is we cannot live righteously without depending on Jesus.  He is the good shepherd that guides us in the way that we should go.

Jesus, our great advocate, is seated at the right hand of the Father. He is representing us before God (1John 2:1).  Jesus knows what we go through daily because he went through the same trials and temptations.

We need to pray every day so that Jesus can help us in our weaknesses and strengthen us. Being in constant communication with God will help you to continue living in a way that is pleasing to Him.

5. Praying every day is a Sign of Adoration.

The main reason why God created us is so that we can worship him.  Though sin corrupted us and worshipping God is a great struggle, we need to adore our heavenly Father each day. We need to praise and worship God for who he is. It’s good to turn to Him in our time of need. But our main reason for prayer should be to worship Him.

Adoring God is for our own good. It leaves us feeling content on the inside because it is what we are wired to do.

When we allow other things to cloud our minds and take first place in our lives instead of God, we end up being miserable. But when God comes first in our lives, we become fulfilled even when things are not working for us.  As a matter of fact, we go to bed looking forward to the next day.

We look forward to the next day so that we can spend time adoring God.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

6. To Gain Understanding of God’s Loving Nature.

Let’s be honest; there is no way you’re going to understand who your friend is if you do not spend time with them.  It is through communicating with others that we know who they are.

The more we spend time with someone, the easier it becomes to know someone’s character. We know how they speak, when they are happy, and their nature.

The same is true about God.  Most of us think that just because we’ve given our lives to Christ, the Christian life will happen automatically.  Then there those of us who think that if we do certain religious acts, we will be right with God.  But that is not the way it works.

We need to really understand who God is.  It is by knowing and understanding God’s loving nature that we are able to trust him fully.

Knowing God’s loving nature also helps us to do great exploits for the kingdom of God. How is that? We serve God, knowing that he loves us despite our flaws and what we do.

7. Praying Everyday Helps us to Know God’s Character.

It’s good to read your Bible and spend five minutes in prayer each day before you go to bed. But it’s better to surrender a portion of your time in prayer so that you can know who he is.  When we pray, it should not be about telling God what we need from him only. At times it is good to go before God so that we can know his character. (Jeremiah 33:3) 

The truth is most of what we know about God is what other people have told us about Him. We need to understand that some of the things that we know about God are not exactly true.  So how about we take time to know who God is for ourselves?

It is only by knowing his true character that we shall have a great relationship with our heavenly Father. Knowing God’s character will also enable us to become the mighty men and women of God. How? We shall start to behold his real character as we pray to God every day and go about our daily lives. And this will cause us to become like Him.

Also Related: 13 Reasons Why I Believe in the Power of Prayer.

8. To find Direction in Life.

Different portions of the Bible describes the Lord as our shepherd (Psalm 23:1).  One of the most exciting things about sheep is that they are always fully dependent on their shepherd.  They follow the shepherd’s voice. They know that when the shepherd is around, everything is okay.  They will have food and water, and he will protect them.

We are God’s sheep, and that means we need to be fully dependent on Him.  It is only by relying on him that we are able to know which direction to take in life. Be it in our relationships, business, or education.

Prayer enables us to put God at the center of it all so that he can show us the way.  If you are a student, invite God into your studies so that he can show you the way to go. If you’re into business, ask God to show you which direction to go with your business.

We need God at the center of it all to show us how to walk in his purposes. This can only be done when we pray every day.  It’s by spending time in God’s presence that we hear his voice and know what to do each day.

When you wake up each morning, spend some time before God. Ask him to show you what to do in each area of your life, be it health, family, or finances. If there is an issue that is stressing you, surrender it to Him. Ask Him to show you what course to take.

9. Praying every day is an Act of Service.

We are commanded to help one another by God. One way and may I add, the best way to help others is to pray for them every day. It is good to offer help financially, emotionally, and being there in person. But we are humans, so we are limited. It is only God that can deal with the hearts of people.

So the best way to serve others is to pray for them. This doesn’t mean you neglect physical help. When a person needs help, start by praying for them first. It’s through prayer that God will give you a word of knowledge and word of wisdom on how to help others. It is also through praying for others that God is able to come through for them.

To sum it up.

We need to pray to God every day if we want to enjoy our relationship with God. I know that it’s a struggle sometimes for us to get the right words to say to God. But when we start praying, everyday prayer will become fun and something that we look forward to.  Our heavenly Father has given us prayer as a channel through which we can talk to Him.

In the Bible, it’s the people who spent time in prayer that did great exploits.  Even though Jesus had a busy schedule, he spent time in God’s presence every single day. And that’s why he accomplished his purpose within three years.

Let us imitate our Lord by making praying every day a lifestyle. When we spend time in prayer, we shall know the purposes of God and bear great fruits for the kingdom. Not just that, but our lives shall glorify God’s name.

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