How to Become a Powerful Prayer Warrior: A Comprehensive Guide

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16(NIV)

A powerful prayer warrior knows the heart of God and the great plans he has for them. Through prayer, they can unlock the hidden things of God. So, how do you become a powerful prayer warrior?

Becoming a powerful prayer warrior starts when you understand your authority in Christ. You need to pray in power and use prayer as a weapon to overcome evil with good.  

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn what it means to be a prayer warrior. We will also discuss the characteristics of a prayer warrior. And how to become a powerful prayer warrior.

Who is a Prayer, Warrior?

A prayer warrior is someone who is committed to a life of prayer. They are connected to God intimately and are consistently learning more about him through prayer.  They choose to fight their battles, whether spiritual or personal, through prayer.

Do you have someone in your life that you consistently reach out to when you need help praying?

If so, that person is a prayer warrior. And you should be grateful that you have such a person. You may find posts of prayer warriors needed in your neighborhood and online and think it is a joke.

But people are searching for someone who can pray for or with them. Prayer warriors are people who will gladly stand in the gap for others who need prayers. They fight spiritual battles and intercede in prayer when prompted by the Holy Spirit.

They are bold warriors who hold on to the promise of God. And fight through prayer until there is a physical manifestation of God’s promises.

Anyone can become a prayer warrior. It is not for special people. You only need to practice and be consistent with your prayer life for you to become one.

How do you know if you are a Prayer Warrior?

Since we are called to a life of prayer, then all of us should be prayer warriors. But some Christians have unique abilities to pray, and that is why they are called prayer warriors. So how do you know whether you have this unique ability?

You’re a prayer warrior if:

  • You’re always inclined all the time.
  • You always observe significant answers to your prayers.
  • Always receives prophetic insights concerning issues you pray about.
  • Experience a deep sense of satisfaction in prayer.

What is the Difference between a Prayer Warrior and An Intercessor?

An intercessor is a person who fulfills the need of praying for other people. We pray intercessory prayers when we are intervening or standing in the gap on behalf of other people in the world. An example of intercessory prayer is Jesus’ prayer in John 17.

On the other hand, a prayer warrior engages in spiritual warfare against the enemy. Prayer warriors carry a larger prayer burden than intercessors.  They pray for larger groups of people, and they cover different kinds of prayer needs, unlike intercessors.

At times intercessors act as spiritual watchmen. They usually notify prayer warriors about an impending spiritual attack. This enables both intercessors and prayer warriors to stand together and fight against the enemy.

The world needs both intercessors and prayer warriors.

We need intercessors to intervene in specific matters happening in the world.  We also need them to encourage prayer warriors to keep on fighting, especially when the battle is intense.

Prayer Warriors are needed in the world and church because;

  •  The spiritual battle is for real, and it doesn’t get easier.
  • The church needs people who are willing to watch and pray until the purposes of God prevail on earth.

Also Related: Top 32 Spiritual Warfare Books that will change your life.

What are the Characteristics of a Prayer Warrior?

Submissive to God

Honestly, it is difficult to become a prayer warrior when you’re not willing to submit to God.  Prayer is not just about telling God all your problems.  It is also about submitting to God’s will and doing what He expects you to do.

At times God may wake you up in the middle of the night to pray for someone. Other times he might tell you to pray for someone or about something you don’t like.

God told prayer warriors in Bible to do difficult things. For example, he told Prophet Ezekiel to cook using waste (Ezekiel 4:2). He also told Hosea to marry a prostitute.

If you’re not truly submitted to Him, it will be difficult for you to become a prayer warrior.  That is why submission is an important character that every prayer warrior should have.


Not every problem that we face in life is demonically inspired.  At times we go through things because of our own mistakes or because God wants us to learn something.

We also need to understand that not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is a child of God. Some people hide behind Christianity to fulfill the agenda of the kingdom of darkness.

A prayer warrior is discerning.  They can easily tell if something is from God or not. They can also easily tale whether they are fighting in their own strength. Or they are leaning on God when facing a spiritual battle.

Prayer warriors discern the voice of God and also depend on it.

Place their confidence in the Lord

Prayer warriors know that it is God that is working through them. They know that even though God is sovereign heh partners with man to expand his kingdom on earth. So they put their confidence in the Lord and not their gifts, talent, or other people.

Many people are being taken advantage of, and some are being manipulated because they want prayer. But all of us have been given authority by Jesus.

We can also become powerful prayer warriors if we set our minds to it. And it all starts when we place our confidence in God and not ourselves or others.


In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus told his disciples the parable of the persistent widow. She kept going to the unjust judge to find justice.

Even though the judge did not care about anyone or fear God, her persistence caused him to grant her justice.  Jesus then went ahead and encouraged them to pray persistently until God answers their prayers.

A powerful prayer warrior is like the persistent widow. Other people may give up along the way. But they will continue to stand in faith and hold on to the promise.

It does not mean that they don’t feel discouraged. They’re human beings, too, so there are times that they battle discouragement.

But they will get back up and continue to fight in prayer until the answer manifests. Persistence is an important characteristic that every powerful prayer warrior should have.

Why? Many challenges come up when we engage in spiritual warfare that requires persistence.


Admitting that we are wrong is not something that comes easily to us human beings.  We can see this clearly in the story of the fall of man. Although Adam and Eve had messed up, they didn’t take responsibility for their actions.  Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent.

A prayer warrior needs to have a repentant heart because there is no one righteous.  We all make mistakes, and that means even as a prayer warrior, you will make mistakes.

You need to turn to God and ask for forgiveness quickly. The Bible says that God does not listen to the prayers of sinners (John 9:31).


As we have already seen, one needs to be patient to be a powerful prayer warrior.

There are going to be times when God will not answer your prayers immediately. Or the way you expect Him to.  This may be because of various reasons.

It could be that He told you to do something, but you didn’t.  Or maybe he’s dealing with your heart so that you can mature up as a Christian.

Patience is important in the life of a prayer warrior. Some people may not be open to waiting upon God’s timing. As a prayer warrior, you need to encourage them to do so.

There are also times the enemy will attack you from every side. You need to be patient for you to withstand everything that comes your way.

They serve others through prayer

Just because someone promised to pray for you does not mean that they will. But the same cannot be said about a powerful prayer warrior. Prayer warriors see praying for others as a service to the Lord.

They know that God expects us to pray for others, and a prayer is an act of love for other people. So when they tell you that they will pray for you, they will do so.

And even if they forget when God reminds them about your request, they will not brush it away. Instead, they will make it a point to pray for you.

Be an intercessory prayer warrior who engages in spiritual battles on behalf of others. You need to be willing to serve others truthfully.

Duties of powerful prayer warriors

Study the Bible

The deeper you go in the word of God, the easier it becomes for you to pray. And the more you have intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

A powerful prayer warrior should make it a point to study the word of God each day.  It does not mean that they have to read the whole chapter of the Bible in one sitting.

Prayer warriors not only study the Bible but also look up to the Holy Spirit for guidance.  They understand that it is important for them to pray according to God’s will. And that is why they ensure to make bible study part of their daily routine.

Listen to God

When prayer warriors go to their prayer closet, they’re not just going there to talk to God and share their problems or wins.  They understand that prayer is communication between them and God. So they actively listen to the voice of God to know His heart. And what He wants them to do in that given time or season.

It is, therefore, their duty to be intentional about hearing God’s voice during prayer time.  They also listen to what God is telling them as they study their Bible.

Worship during Hardships

The Bible says that we shall go through tribulations. But we are encouraged to be of good cheer for Jesus has already overcome the world (John 16:33).

The truth is hard times will be there. We cannot run away from them. But we need to learn how to be of good cheer even in such times.

Prayer warriors worship God through hardships. It is something they need to be intentional about. The enemy will attack them as he tries to block them from praying for themselves and others. So they need to be worshippers.

Powerful Prayer Warriors Speak Life-giving Words

Can we be honest it’s difficult to encourage someone when you don’t see a way out for them?  It’s even more difficult for us to stand with them in prayer.

Sometimes we may find ourselves at a loss for words when we’ve to pray for someone who is suffering.  Job’s wife saw how much her husband was suffering, and she told Job to curse God and die (Job 2:9).

We point fingers at Job’s wife because of what she told her husband.  But maybe if we were in her position, we would do the same.

Prayer warriors are supposed to speak life-giving words into hopeless situations.  Since they know and understand that God is faithful. And whatever they’re praying for his according to His will.

They will speak words that align with God’s word instead of what they see physically.  Since they’ve been praying for a while, they know the great lengths to which God can go to save his people. They will encourage and pray for people even if the rest of the world will give up on them.

How to Become a Prayer Warrior

Surrender your life to Christ

It may seem obvious, but it is good to point this out first because some people may overlook it.  We do not want to find ourselves in situations like the sons of Sceva.

They tried to bind demons by Jesus, whom Paul proclaimed, yet they were not believers like Paul (Acts 19:11-20). The man with the evil spirit jumped on them and beat all of them up.

Spiritual warfare is a very serious thing. Satan knows that it is only those that are submitted to Jesus that have authority over him. We cannot fight him in our strength.  We need to be submitted to our Lord Jesus Christ for us to win spiritual battles.

If you have not given your life to Christ, you need to do this first before you can start engaging in spiritual warfare.

Know what Prayer is

Prayer is communication between our heavenly father and us. When we pray, we talk to God about our life and also listen to him.

Another important thing that we need to understand about prayer is that it is not reserved for special people.  Anyone who is truly submitted to God can pray, and God will answer their prayers.

Even people who are not fully submitted to God do pray at times, and God answers them. How much more those that serve God in spirit and truth?

You don’t need a specific person to lay their hands on you for God to answer your prayers.  Yes, you need help because we are in a battle, and sometimes we become weary.  But we can pray, and God will listen to us.

As a prayer warrior, you need to write your prayers and the answers or revelations God gives you down. Writing down your prayers will help you to be consistent. Your prayer journal will also come in handy when you’re feeling discouraged.

You can go through it and see the great things God did for you in the past when you are discouraged.

Understand Spiritual Warfare

A powerful prayer warrior needs to know what spiritual warfare is before engaging in it.  The sons of Sceva thought they could command demons out of people like Paul. They did not understand what spiritual warfare is, and when they tried to do deliverance, they got attacked.

Prayer warriors need to understand that two kingdoms are fighting for our souls (Ephesians 6:12). One is the kingdom of darkness, and the other is the kingdom of God.  But you are the one who chooses which Kingdom to belong to.

Just the way we have the military, that is how the kingdom of God has it on warring angels.  The kingdom of darkness is also organized. It has demons who fight strategically against the Children of God.

Knowing this from the very beginning will help you know where you belong in this fight and how to go about spiritual warfare.

Know your commander

The commander of our kingdom is God.  He is a spirit, and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). It’s through the death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ that we have the authority to fight against the enemy.

We need to be submitted to God and accept his son Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. We also need to understand that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit work together. That they are three persons that exist in one God.

God is powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present.  He created man so that we can have a personal relationship with him. Prayer warriors understand who God is because he only reveals himself fully to those who seek him diligently through prayer.

Knowing who God is will save you the trouble of falling for the lies of the enemy. He loves lying to us about who God is, just like he did in the garden of Eden.

It is also important to know God because it is so that we understand his will for our lives. You don’t want to pray outside God’s will because you will not get what you are praying for.

Know your Enemy

There are Christians who don’t want to know anything about the devil. They would rather act like the enemy doesn’t exist. But we cannot run away from the truth: the devil exists and does not love us.

God has given us weapons to fight against the attacks of the enemy.  Knowing this will help you to know the right strategies to fight against his attacks.

Another thing that you should understand about the devil is that he’s very organized.  He does not work alone. He has demons who follow his orders.

See, the devil cannot be everywhere at once. That is why he works with demons who help him fulfill his plan.  Another thing we need to understand about the devil is that he is not all-powerful.

Just the way we are created beings is the way the devil is also a created being.  So he is not powerful like God.

Understand your Authority

Jesus defeated the devil at the cross.  So anyone who gives their lives to Christ and remains in him has authority over the devil.

We need to use the authority that Jesus Christ has given us to fight against satan. If we try to use our own strength or knowledge, he will beat us black and blue. He has been in this game longer than us.  And so he knows the right strategies to use against the children of God.

Know the Weapons of Warfare

You cannot use a knife to defend yourself against someone who’s pointing a loaded gun at you.   And in the same way, you cannot fight the enemy without knowing spiritual weapons.

Since our battle against the enemy is not carnal, the weapons we use are not of this world.  God has given us different weapons to fight against the kingdom of darkness. Knowing these weapons and how to use them is very important.

In the Book of Ephesians 6, we are given a list of weapons in what is commonly known as the armor of God. Other weapons like praise and worship are very effective when fighting against the enemy.

Spending time in the word of God will enable you to understand how these weapons work. And how you can use them effectively against the wiles of the enemy.

Live a Holy Life

If you want to become a powerful prayer warrior, then be intentional about your spiritual walk.  What this means is that you have to live a holy life.  Do not live in known sin and engage in spiritual warfare.  The enemy will defeat you because sin will give him easy access to you.

You will mess up from time to time, but you need to be quick to repent.  As we’ve already seen, prayer warriors are quick to repent.  It is not because they’re weak. It’s because they know that sin, if not dealt with, will block them from being effective prayer warriors.

Pray without Ceasing

It may seem obvious, but prayer warriors need to be open to the idea of praying all the time.

What this means is that you need to be ready to pray whenever God prompts you. God can prompt you at any given time and anywhere.

You may be seated in a restaurant, and you get a prompting from God to pray.  You may be deep asleep, and God wakes you to pray.  Knowing this from the start will enable you to do it the right way. And to be quick to listen to the Holy Spirit.

How do you Encourage Prayer Warriors?

As we have already seen, prayer warriors are people like us. They get discouraged at times. We need to encourage them in such times. But how do we encourage them?

  • Pray for them and let them know that you are praying for them.
  • Send them encouraging bible verses, music clips, and messages frequently.
  • Call them and spend time with them.
  • Send them gifts, for example, books about prayer.
  • Share our testimonies with them, especially if they have been helping us pray.

All in all:

A powerful prayer warrior is someone who willingly commits to a life of prayer.  God will not force anyone of us to become a prayer warrior.  We need to desire and be intentional about it.

Understanding the characteristics and duties of a prayer warrior will enable you to know what is expected of you.  Prayer warriors need to understand the difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. And how each kingdom works.

It is also important to understand what spiritual warfare is. And how to engage in it. God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, especially when it comes to prayer.

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