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Morning Prayer Quotes: The Best 15 Awesome

Morning Prayer Quotes: The Best 15 Awesome

Morning prayer quotes will inspire you to begin your day engulf in God’s presence.

Praying in the morning refreshes you and helps you connect with God before getting into your day.

Jesus started his day with prayer. Mark 1:35 tells us, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

Morning prayer quotes derived from the Bible will prepare you for the rest of the day.

Billy Hallowell says that starting the morning with prayer helps people keep an eternal perspective amid life’s chaos. That prayer reminds us of God’s power in both good and bad times.

Robert Velarde says one key reason we pray is that God commanded us to do so in his word. That if we are to be obedient to his will, then prayer must be a part of our lives.

Morning prayer quotes will remind you of God’s promises to you.

Below are 15-morning prayer quotes to get you started.


I will not let anxiety overwhelm me. I will trade it in for the peace of Christ in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7).

Lord, thank you for a wonderful morning today. You have given me life and I want to enjoy it daily. I bring my cares before you today so that I will not be anxious over them.

My trust is in you because you are the only one who can help me deal with anything that comes my way.

Fill me with the peace of Christ to guard my mind and heart. My desire is to bring peace to my surroundings and allow you to work in the hearts of others.

Help me be at peace each day because you are always with me and will never forsake me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

I will draw on the strength of God every morning because he is my salvation (Isaiah 33:2).

Lord, I will seek you every morning because you are my hope and strength. I don’t know what today holds but I ask you to give me the strength to make it through anything.

Save me from unforeseen dangers and direct my steps. When I down lift me up and help me stand.

Strengthen me to overcome the attacks of the enemy. Give me victory over the plans and schemes of the enemy.  When I am weary, give me the strength to keep going.

Help me to overcome all the power of the enemy.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

I will meditate on God’s unfailing love in the morning and share it with others during the day (Psalm 143:8).

Lord, you have showered me your unfailing love and shown me your kindness. You have taught me what it means to truly love others with the love of Christ.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.

I thank you that I do not have to do anything to earn your love, you have freely given it to me. I entrust my life to you because I can trust you to always take care of me.

May I always abide in your love and share it with others throughout the day.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Also Related: 85 Prayer Quotes that will Improve your Pray Life.

God is my source of help for he never fails (Psalm 46:1).

Lord, your word gives me comfort and strength and helps me face each day. You are my refuge and strength and I can call upon you whenever I need your help.

I don’t have to fear trouble because you have promised to deliver me from it.

As my ever-present help, show me how to navigate each day and how to deal with unpleasant situations. Be my refuge in times of trouble because I know you will never fail me.

Hide me beneath your wings and protect me from the enemy.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

My light will shine today before everyone I come across (Matthew 5:16).

Lord, you have made me the light of the world because I believe in Jesus. Help me shine my light in the world today so that others can see you through me.

May my light bring others closer to Jesus and believe him for their salvation.

Let me not walk in darkness because you promised that if I am in Christ, I will always be in your light. Help me, to be honest, and transparent with others and show them how to live according to your commands.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

I will never run out of God’s compassion because it is new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Lord, I praise you for you are a compassionate Father. Your compassions are new every morning and they never fail. Thank you for always being faithful in keeping your word to me.

Show me your compassion when I fall short of your glory.

I thank you that you don’t give me what my sins deserve. Instead, in your compassion, you forgive me and cleanse me from unrighteousness.

Help me to always remain in your unfailing love and enjoy your presence daily.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The Lord will hear my voice in the morning, I will pray and wait expectantly (Psalm 5:3).

Lord, hear my voice every morning as I bring my requests to you. You are a God who hears and answers prayer. Help me to always listen to your answers after I pray.

Show me how to discern your voice throughout the day so I can distinguish it from that of the enemy.

As I do my devotion every morning, teach me to patiently wait on you to speak to me. I want to be in your presence always.

Where you are, there is plenty of joy and I want to experience it as I live each day. Give me a cheerful heart today.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Morning Prayer

Photo by Madison Nickel on Unsplash

Weeping may endure for a night but rejoicing will come in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

Lord, thank you for your favor that lasts a lifetime. In Christ, you no longer show me your wrath but the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Wipe away my tears and heal my broken heart. It is only you who can heal me and restore me to wholeness.

May I rejoice tomorrow because I trust in you? Give me something to rejoice over so I can forget the doom and gloom of the past.

Let each new day bring your joy into my heart and peace in my mind. Fill me with the hope that I may wait for you without losing heart.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Every morning I will sing of your strength O God (Psalm 59:16).

Lord, I praise you for you are my strength and source of comfort. You give me hope and you direct my steps daily.

I will sing of your love every day and worship you in Spirit and truth. Your name is above all names and you are my hope and salvation.

I can rest each day because in your presence there is joy and gladness. You are my provider and I lack nothing.

Give me strength for the day and be my refuge in times of trouble. I glorify and magnify your name O Lord. There is none greater than you.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I will pray to God in the morning and cry out to him for help (Psalm 88:13).

Lord, thank you for the gift of life you have given me. You have given me good health and a sound mind. May my prayers be pleasing to you each morning.

Listen to my cry for help because you have promised to rescue me from anything that threatens to destroy me.

Give me hope for tomorrow because you are the one who sees the end from the beginning. Restore everything I have lost to the enemy and redeem my wasted years.

Wipe away the pain in my heart and heal me. Make my heart whole again and help me guard it for the issues of life flow from it.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

God’s justice is available morning after morning (Zephaniah 3:5).

Lord, you have said in your word that your throne is founded on justice and righteousness, and I believe it.

This morning I ask for your justice in situations where others have treated me unfairly. You dispense your justice morning after morning without fail.

Help me be patient as I wait for you to establish your justice in my life. I can always trust in your goodness day after day.

Each morning I look forward to spending time with you because I know my day will be full of joy and peace. Refresh me each morning.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

My spirit longs for the Lord in the morning (Isaiah 26:9).

Lord, my soul yearns for you in the night but my spirit longs for you in the morning. Mornings with you feed my spirit and strengthen me to face everything the day brings.

Help me set my mind on the things of your Spirit so that I will live a victorious life.

Your words are Spirit and life and I look forward to hearing them each morning. I long to feed on the bread of heaven before I start my day because I know all will go well.

Teach me your ways so that I will walk in righteousness and obey your commands.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Also Related: How to Get Your Prayers Answered a Helpful Guide.

The word of the Lord is new each morning (Ezekiel 12:8).

Lord, my mornings are supercharged because you give me a word that refreshes my spirit. Give me a word that I can hold onto during the day as I go about my daily duties.

Wash me with the water of your word and cleanse me from any unrighteousness.

I enjoy it when I receive a word from you because it reminds me you are always with me. Send your word today and heal me from all that breaks my heart.

May your words come alive each time I meditate on them. Let them give me life daily.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

 I will come to hear you each morning, O Lord (Luke 21:38).

Lord, I always walk away full after spending time with you in the morning. Help me to wake up early each day to listen to you and behold your majesty.

Prepare my mind to receive from you so that I will hear you clearly each morning.

Remove any distractions that will hinder me from hearing your voice in the morning. Help me clear my mind from any clutter that will compete with your voice.

Show me how to hear you as I go about my day so I can fellowship with you.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The Lord will satisfy me with his love every morning (Psalm 90:14).

Lord, thank you for waking me up every morning and giving me a reason to live. You have a purpose for my life and I always look forward to fulfilling it every day.

Satisfy me with your unfailing love in the morning and take away my spiritual hunger. I will sing for joy and be glad because you are my Savior and Lord.

You have said that if I keep your commands I will abide in your love. Fill my heart with your love and show me how I can share it with others today.

Help me to show love to my family, friends, coworkers, and others I come across in my day.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

You can create morning prayer quotes from Bible verses and declare them as you work or interact with others.

Morning prayer quotes Devotional Books

  1. God is With You Every Day by Max Lucado
  2. The 40 Day Soul Fast by Cindy Trimm
  3. Streams in the Desert Morning and Evening by L.B. Cowman
  4. Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer
  5. Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham

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