Prayers for Cleansing and Protection: 15 Powerful

Prayers for Cleansing and Protection are very essential in our walk with God. This is because our righteousness is as filthy rags before God.

Hence, we can never boast of being spiritually clean except God, himself cleanses us.

And as we become clean, God’s hand of protection is naturally extended to us. This is clearly the reason I have prayerfully written 15 prayers for cleansing and protection.

God’s protection can offer real relief in the face of many unpleasant things that we all need protection from.

Below Are 15 Prayers for Cleansing and Protection.

Prayers for Cleansing and Protection: 15 Powerful

  1. Prayer for Forgiveness & Cleansing.

Psalm 51:1-2: Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

Dear Lord, I know that I have sinned against you on several occasions. But I am deeply sorry for all my wrongdoings.

Your word says in Proverbs 28:13 that, he who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.

Therefore, Lord Jesus, I come openly before you to confess and renounce all my sins that are becoming overwhelming. Please forgive me for my iniquity and cleanse me from my sins.

Cleanse me spiritually and emotionally so that the weight of guilt can be lifted from my heart. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer for Cleansing of Ungodly Thoughts.

Romans 12:2 – Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Dear Heavenly Father, I am deeply sorry for all the unholy thoughts that have constantly been running through my mind lately.

Your word in 1 John 1:9 tells me that if I confess my sins, that you are faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

Lord, forgive me, remove every ungodly thought that resides within me. Purify my thoughts and make me righteous again. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer for Protection.

2 Timothy 4:18 – The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Dear Powerful God, thank you for being my hiding place. I look to you for safety because I know that there is no better protector than you.

There is also none that stands undefeated like you, that is why I call you Jehovah-Nissi. I ask that you protect me from troubles and wiles of the enemy.

Keep me away from harm’s way and surround me constantly with your hedge of fire. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer for Spiritual Cleansing.

Psalm 51:7 – 8 – Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the provision of deliverance and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Lord, I am currently experiencing spiritual dryness, my appetite for your word and zeal to pray are fast declining.

Search me and cleanse my spirit from every form of defilement or contamination that is responsible for this. Release the blood of Jesus to purge my spirit, soul, and body, so that I will be spiritually whole and vibrant gain.

In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

Also Related: Top 32 Powerful Psalms for Protection.

  1. Prayer for Protection from Mind-attack.

Luke 6:8 – But he knew their thoughts, and he said to the man with the withered hand, Come and stand here. And he rose and stood there.

Dear Holy God, I surrender my heart and mind to you for protection from every form of mind attack. Keep my mind from evil thoughts and other thoughts that are not edifying.

Steer it away from the influence of evil imaginations. Take every one of my thoughts captive to your obedience. Put a hedge of protection around my mind.

Help my thoughts to dwell on what is pure, good, true, and positive. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer for Cleansing from Dream Pollution

2 Corinthians 7:1 – Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.

Dear Lord, thank you for the provision of the blood of Jesus. Cleanse me from the effect of negative and satanically manipulated dreams.

Cleanse me from every demonic pollution and the spiritual contamination that emanated from these negative dreams. Purge me thoroughly from every satanic pollution or defilement so that I will be whole again.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

  1. Prayer for Cleansing from Bad Addictions.

Galatians 5:24: And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Dear Heavenly God, please cleanse me from the bad addictions that I am struggling with. Help me to fight old urges I may still have.

Encourage me with Your loving presence and lead me on until I am completely cleansed. Keep me away from things, places, and activities that will expose me to my weaknesses.

Protect me from people who might capitalize on my vulnerability. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer for Protection & Sustenance of Spiritual Life.

2 Thessalonians 3:3: But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being my powerful defender. I know that without your help, protection, and sustenance, I might easily be swayed.

Therefore, I ask that you protect and sustain me spiritually. Lord, I pray that my whole being—spirit, soul, and body—be preserved blameless until Jesus comes.

Thank you because I am confident of the fact that you have granted my request. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

Also Related: 7 Powerful Prayers for Protection And Guidance.

  1. Prayer for Cleansing from Presumptuous Sin.

1 John 1:9-10: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.

Dear Heavenly Lord, I have been living an unholy life lately and have grieved the Holy Spirit badly. And I know that I am unworthy to be part of your family because of my rebellious’s ways.

I have realized my mistakes; I acknowledge my sins too. According to your loving-kindness and tender mercies, I pray that you cleanse me from every presumptuous sin that I have committed.

Wash me with the blood of Jesus and make me as white as snow. Cleanse me, create a clean heart in me, renew a right spirit within me, and restore me into fellowship with you.

Teach me how to live according to your precepts from now on. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer of Protection for Over Home & Family.

Psalm 140:4 – Keep me safe, LORD, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devise ways to trip my feet.

Dear Lord, you are our rock, our fortress, our shield, and our high tower. Thank you for your divine protection over my home, family, and even loved ones.

I pray that you make my family and I dwell in your secret place and under the shadow of your wings. When evil comes calling, may it see the blood of Jesus and pass over my home.

I ask for your round-the-clock protection over our lives. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer of Protection from Attack on Finance.

Psalm 23:5-6: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you because you have been Jehovah Jireh, my great provider. Your word tells me that when we sow a seed you will multiply it.

I pray that you keep my finance and the source of it away from the eyes and attack of the evil ones. Even as you continue to bless me financially, protect everything that I do so that the devil does not find his way into my finance.

In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer for the Cleansing of Health.

1 Corinthians 6:19 – Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own.

Dear Good Lord, my personal physician, and healer. I know that it is your will for me to prosper and be in health.

Therefore, I pray that you cleanse my physical body with the blood of your son, Jesus. Protect me and everyone associated with me from strange sicknesses and diseases.

Search me thoroughly and cleanse me from any ailment or disease that is hidden in my body, waiting for a certain time to manifest. Cover me daily with the blood of your son Jesus.

In Jesus ‘name, I have prayed. Amen.

Also Related: 15 Powerful Prayers for Protection Against Enemies at Work.

  1. Prayer for Protection from Enemies.

Psalm 59:1 – Deliver me from my enemies, O God; be my fortress against those who are attacking me.

Dear Gracious God, my preserver, protector, and shelter from the rain. Please protect me from the enemies, keep me alert to recognize their evil intentions.

Do not let any of their evil effect or triumph over my life. Protect me from all their devastating attacks and help me to rely only on you for my safety and protection.

I believe and trust that you have heard me. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer to Seal Your Protection.

Psalm 12:5 – Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise, says the LORD. I will protect them from those who malign them.

Dear Mighty God, thank you for ensuring my safety from the adversary who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.

I declare by faith that no weapon formed against me will prosper and I condemn any tongue that will arise against me in judgement. Divine protection is my heritage, so I ask that it be evident in my life both physically and spiritually.

In Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

  1. Prayer of Thanks for God’s Cleansing & Protection.

Psalm 5:11 – But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Dear Lord Jesus, you are the ever-gracious, loving, and merciful, how I praise you for being my advocate and for always protecting and defending me from the accuser of the brethren.

I thank you for the forgiveness of all my sins, for cleansing me, and for granting my request for protection as well. I pray that you cause me to grow deeper in the knowledge of you.

Make my life to be a living sacrifice, separated and holy unto you. And may you be glorified always in my life henceforth. I am Jesus’ name, I have prayed. Amen.

In conclusion

There are innumerable bad things happening all around us that make prayer expedient for true protection and safety.

It is generally an undeniable truth that the world is not a safe place to live in without God on your side.

Therefore, the above powerful prayers for cleansing and protection will help you get started on your journey to get spiritually and physically clean, as well as to receive divine protection from the attacks of the enemy.

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