Prayer for God’s help will help you to face life’s battles every day and be victorious.
I love the LORD because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!Psalm 116:1-2
In Psalm 116, we find David crying out for help from God. Not only do we find a prayer of desperation, but we discover that God is bending down to listen to him.
God is hearing the prayer of help. Later in the Psalm, it is revealed that God saves David from death and despair because he cried out to the Lord and the Lord heard him.
Likewise, we too can cry the same cry to Him and He is ready to hear and help us through, let this Scripture passage be an encouragement to you; that God is listening to your prayers for help, and that he will show His mercy in the midst of hardship.
Below are 15 Powerful Effective Prayers for God’s Help prayers to pray to God in any circumstances.
Daily Prayer for God’s Help
Heavenly Father, I am in need. Oh God, I cry out for your help! The storms in my life are unrelenting and I’m drowning.
However, I will lift my eyes to you, the creator of heaven and earth, for you are the source of my assistance.
Lord, please save me, keep me safe from wickedness, and deliver me from this conflict. Because you are my guardian, protector, and savior.
You keep an eye on me at all hours of the day and night, guiding my feet and pointing me in the right direction.
You are faithful and true, O Lord, you are my hope and my help. I pray for all of this via your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer For Help in Time of Need
Loving Heavenly Father, You created all things and by Your power, all things hold together. I hope that You will help me get through this tough moment in my life, according to Your abundant kindness.
Lord, You are aware that I am dealing with issues at home and in my family, as well as financial and relationship issues, all of which appear to have struck me at the same moment.
I’m at a loss for what to do, but I’m keeping my eyes on You since You promised to be my assistance in a time of need.
Strengthen me by the might of Your power and help me not to look at the circumstances of life but on You. Because Your strength is made perfect in my weakness, I know that Your grace is adequate.
Lord, I pray that instead of being overwhelmed by everything that is going on, You will take my life, every bit of it, and cover it with Your wonderful grace.
Lord, I know You are capable of doing the impossible in our lives and doing far more than we can ask or imagine. I cast all of my worries on You, for You have promised to carry and assist me in my time of need. In Jesus’ name. Amen,
The Prayer for the Help on Comforts
“Dear God, some days feel too hard. At every turn, I’m aching, struggling, and fighting anxiety and worry. But you haven’t left me to fend for myself in the thick of it all.
Please forgive me for doubting Your presence. Please forgive me if I mistook you for someone else. Please forgive me for thinking I know how to do things better. You are completely dependable. You are all-knowing and all-powerful. You can do it.
No matter how difficult a problem appears to be, you are Lord over it. You are Healer, and you will never let the pain I am experiencing now go to waste. With You, anything is possible.
I pray for those who are grieving today as well as for myself. Anything is possible with You. I pray not only for my own grief but also for those who grieve today. I beseech You to console those who are grieving.
As you remind us, the enemy will never be able to take us out of Your hands, so I pray for the calm of Your presence to cover our minds and thoughts. Amen.”
A Prayer for Help During Illness
“Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, at this time of illness, I turn to You.
Dearest Comforter of the Bereaved, with Your gentle love, relieve our anxiety and sadness and grant us the grace and fortitude to bear this load. We entrust our concerns to You. We beseech You to heal Your servant once more.
Above all, allow us the grace to accept Your Will even when we don’t understand it, and restore our health so that we can praise your name forever, in Jesus’ powerful name. Amen.”
Prayer to God for Help over strength
Your hand sent the stars into space, and now it reaches down with a soft touch to me, Creator God. I don’t have the power to deal with the circumstance I’m in, so please uphold and strengthen me with your holy right hand.
I’m at a loss for what to do; please assist me. You say I don’t have to be afraid or worried because you’re my God and you’ll always be there for me.
Help me to recognize your presence in the midst of my difficulties so that I might draw strength from you. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for God help on Victory
You are my strength and my song, Heavenly Father. No matter what my circumstances are, you are deserving of all my admiration.
When I consider Jesus’ death and resurrection, I realize that the greatest victory has already been gained for me.
I pray that I will have faith in that victory and will live my life in the light of your love, regardless of what is going on around me.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, help me to overcome and grant me the grace to be victorious over death, sickness, and absolute financial freedom. Amen.

Prayer for God Help in surrendering your life to Him
Dear Lord, it is my intention to give everything that I am and all that I strive to be to you. I welcome Your Holy Spirit to reside within me by opening the deepest recesses of my heart.
I offer you my entire being, including my heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. My past, present, and future troubles are all surrendered to you. I request that You rule over every part of my existence.
All of my hurt, pain, concern, doubt, fear, and anxiety are surrendered to You, and I ask You to cleanse me with the blood of your son Jesus Christ. You never fail to assist your fellow citizens.
We’ve seen you act in love toward your children throughout history. You hear and respond to their cries for help. You do not turn your back on them when they fail and turn away from you.
Give me a steady mind and calm as I place my trust in you through this difficult time. I will not crumble like a sandcastle with you, but I will stand steady with my feet firmly planted on you, the everlasting rock.
And grant me the grace to love, obey, and serve you for all eternity, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to God for Help from Fear
Nothing is unknown to you, Eternal Father; you know my history, present, and future.
Please reassure me when I’m worried about what’s ahead of me by reminding me that you’re going ahead of me. Because you will always be beside me, I will never be alone.
You have pledged not to let me down or abandon me, and you have kept all of your promises. Remove my fear and replace it with trust in your limitless love. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for God defense
You, Lord, my rock and redeemer, know everything there is to know about me. You have called me by name and freed me from my iniquity. I am your property.
You are with me while I go through the ups and downs of life. You claim I won’t be swept away by the flood or destroyed by the fire. In every aspect of my life, you are my Savior.
You provide me with all I require. You have given me the breath with which I am praying my prayer. Assist me in relying on you and defending myself against enemy attacks. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for God help for Peace
You, Lord Jesus Christ, are the Prince of Peace, and you breathed your peace on your followers.
In this time of trouble, I ask that you give me your peace. Would you please remind me when I am anxious that your word says I do not need to worry, but that I should pray to you in all I do?
My heart and mind will be protected by your tranquility, which is beyond comprehension. Please grant me that tranquility at this moment. And may your serenity rain down on my life, my family’s life, and every aspect of our lives.
You are the life’s wellspring of all hope. My situation is far from calm right now, Lord, yet your peace is not the serenity that the world provides.
Your calmness is capable of transcending the scenario in which I find myself. You stated you could take away my dread, thus my heart is tormented.
Give me your serenity and allow it to transform my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I can’t see a way out, but I’m sure you can. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for God help for His presence
You, my devoted Father, have never abandoned me. Despite the fact that I have often drifted away from you, you have always remained by my side.
Whatever life throws at me, I will not be shaken with you by my side. Assist me in keeping you at the center of my life, guiding me and safeguarding me from evil.
Would you refresh my soul to continue praising you as I experience the brokenness of this world? There is no God like you, and you deserve all of my adoration. Thank you, Jesus, and I pray in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen
Prayer For Help When Being Falsely Accused
Lord, please help me and save me from those who want to destroy me.
Lord, show me what You want me to do. Lord, I want to trust and obey You, resting my tired soul on You rather than relying on my own strength, because I can’t accomplish anything.
I come to You on my knees, begging You, Lord, to be my champion and protector. Lord, I’m in a lot of trouble because I’ve been wrongfully accused, and no one seems to want to help me or to be able to help me.
And Father, some have even turned their backs on me and are accusing me falsely Lord, You know the truth, and I pray that You will uphold my honor.
Please, Lord, have mercy on me and assist me. I pray that You will turn Your heart to me and have mercy on me.
In times of hardship, You are my Advocate and Helper, and I beg that You would quickly rescue me. For the sake of Your holy name, show me Your goodness, since I trust in You. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Powerful Prayer for God’s Help Every Day
Abba, Father, Holy Spirit, Comforter, and Counselor. God, the One True and Triune God, all glory to You. We live and breathe because of Your strength and authority.
You alone, ideally positioned in our current time and place, have purposed our life. May we always be aware of Your power and grace.
I come to You today in thanks for our lives, our benefits, and the hope we have in You because of Christ. Holy Spirit, as we seek the Father’s holy and perfect plan for our life, truly conveys the content of our hearts today and always.
Today, we confess our sins, the ways in which we fall short, the recurring strongholds that we are unable to overcome, and the unwillingness that has entrenched itself in the corners of our hearts.
Father, extinguish indifference from our souls and reawaken in us a new awareness of the power of prayer, of Your Word, and of who You are.
Bring us closer to You, renew us, and teach us to pray to You tenderly and openly at all times. Bless and cure the physical and mental wounds we carry.
Prepare us for the challenges ahead, and let me take my time to appreciate the moments of praise I receive from You.
May we constantly feel your presence and follow You. Teach us to pray powerful prayers for our own lives, as well as for those whom You have placed in our lives to intercede on our behalf. Bless our world with love, peace, and harmony. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer for help In Times of Weakness
Jesus, Lord, I pray that You would hear my request, since I am weak and powerless, and I have no one to turn to in my hour of need but You.
I’m so lost and alone that I’m not sure which way to go. My body has gotten so frail, and my eyes have turned red from crying, and things have become so tough for me, that I beg You to show me mercy.
Keep me from sinking and giving up, I pray. You are my God, and I have placed my faith in You. Lord, You promised to be with me in my times of need and to carry me when things became too difficult. You promised to carry me, so I’m asking for your assistance.
I am Your servant, and I have placed my trust in You in the past. I ask that You come to my help in my time of need and carry me in Your loving arms. All-day long, I lift my heart to You, Lord, trusting You to aid as You have promised. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for God Help for inner healing
Heavenly Father, Almighty, and everlasting Lord, I come before You now in great need of Your mercy. You are my soul’s doctor and physician. I sincerely request that You send Your healing power into all of my inner wounds.
I release all areas of unforgiveness to You, especially those painful past situations where wrath and bitterness have festered, harming my physical health. I release the totality of my injuries into Your merciful hands.
I condemn all types of rage, bitterness, and resentment, and I command that any evil spirit that has entered my body as a result of a lack of forgiveness leave right now and go straight to my Lord’s feet; I was formed by Your might.
Every breath I take, every morning when I wake up, and every hour of every day, I am under Your control. I beg You, Father, to touch me with that same strength. You can certainly recreate me if You created me from nothing.
Rebuild what’s been shattered. Allow the warmth of Your healing love to travel through my body, regenerating any diseased regions so that my body can work as You intended.
Restore my mental and physical health so that I can continue to serve You for the rest of my life. Amen.
‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand… For I, the LORD your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’ Isaiah 41:10,13
This verse encourages God’s people to be steady in their belief that God is their helper and Savior. When we set our gaze on the truth that God will support us in times of need and adversity, we have nothing to fear.
Later in this chapter, God promises that He would supply even in the most severe of circumstances. “When the poor and needy search for water and there is none, and their mouths are parched from thirst,” the Lord says in verse 17, “then I, the LORD, will answer them.”
The same thing applies to us, God is always there to help us through every challenge that comes our way. And as you ask Him for Help, He will be listing to you and answer all your prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen