Prayers for Strength during Difficult Times!! Who has never experienced difficult and challenging moments?
Indeed, to a greater or lesser extent, all of us have been through some dire situation.
Heavy, striking, and embarrassing stories and cases leave deep emotional marks. This negative emotional charge can cause different reactions to each person.
When times are tough, and fear threatens to lead us into trouble, we turn to God to ask His heavenly power to help us in our situation.
Seeking help in any of the following prayers will give you the strength, hope, and encouragement you will need in difficult times.
Here are 17 powerful prayers for strength during difficult times.
Prayer for strength and courage in difficult times
Pray #1
God of the Heavenly Host, my Father, You are by my side. Even in a valley shrouded in a scary ghost of death, You are by my side, giving me every breath I take.
In this time of strife and shadows, I need Your strength. Father, strengthen me with Your Spirit. Give me the strength to resist the enemy’s slings.
I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Pray #2
I have nothing to fear with you on my side. I will be strong and courageous even in difficult times.
Terrified or discouraged because the Lord, my God, will be with me wherever I go. I don’t need to figure it all out. You know the best plan for my life.
Show me your supernatural power, teach me to walk in faith. I choose to have confidence in your ability to overcome all obstacles in my life.
Like Joshua, you will give me the land and every place where my feet step. “Through you, we push back our enemies; through your name, we trample on our enemies.
In Jesus’s name, I pray, Amen.
Pray #3
My father, if I fall, support me and lift me. I give you all my problems, and I will trust, because only with the Lord can I win. I overcome this moment with the power of Psalm 91:
Blessed Jesus, in the comfort of your Love, I present to you the memories that haunt me, the anxieties that perplex me.
The despair that scares me, and my frustration at my inability to think clearly.
Help me discover your forgiveness in my memories, know your peace in my anguish, touch me, Lord, and fill me with your light and hope. Amen.
Pray #4
God of all consolation, help me with my problems, look at me with the eyes of your mercy.
Console me with the feeling of your presence; protect me from the enemy; give me patience in my affliction.
Restore me to health and guide me to your eternal glory; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Also Related: 25 Powerful Short Prayers to Pray During Hard Times.
Prayer for strength when you feel abandoned
Pray #5
Loving Heavenly Father, You loved me with immeasurable Love. You are Love.
I pray that my inner being – my soul – will be strengthened by a love that is wider than I can understand, deeper than I can imagine, and more than I could ever know.
While encouraging and encouraging me, let me know more fully the mystery of the gospel revealed in my life.
I pray in the Love of Christ. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for strength for difficult times at work
Pray #6
Eternal God, I pray that everything will work out for me when I enter my workplace.
I pray that even if I don’t like my job or even if it is difficult, you allow my mind to focus on doing a good job.
Father, I pray now that I work as if it were for you instead of people because you are my strength.
Most Holy God, the omnipresence of strength and mercy, give me today the immensity of your love and presence in every step of my workday.
In this difficult moment that I face today in my work, I know that I will overcome the barriers and continue fighting only with your help. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Pray #7
Your sacred cloak covers me and keeps me from fear of defeat and doubt of victory.
May the Holy Spirit shine within me. Allow me to feel your presence in me to nourish myself with the strength that I need so much in my work today through your greatness.
I ask most of you in this prayer to hear your voice through my heart, guiding me in the best decisions that I need to make in this challenging time.
Your word is a weapon. It is the power and the instrument to achieve unimaginable miracles.
I know that my faith in you, dear father, breaks down barriers and makes me believe that the best is yet to come.
Pray #8
My father, if I fall, my father supports me and lifts me; I give you all my problems, and I will trust, because only with the Lord can I win.
If I’m downcast, give me the highest dose of the power of the Holy Spirit. Righteous God, I know you came to save your people from life’s challenges and to offer us compassion.
Therefore, Lord, I will trust you, and I will not fear, because you, God, are my salvation. In this work situation, I declare that You are my daily strength and my guide. In you, there is victory.
So, Father, I say this prayer of thanks, knowing that You will always make the right path for me. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Pray #9
Heavenly Father, I pray for this hardship that I face with a colleague and co-worker. You know from the heart that I want to live in peace, understand and take care of everything I find.
Lord, please give me wisdom moment by moment as I work alongside them to not harbor heartbreak and insecurity and maintain my position in a kind and authoritative way.
Lord, I confess my insecurities of feeling that I am not safe from being criticized behind my back.
Cleanse me every day of these concerns and help me address my concerns with integrity within my work.
Lord, take me, my co-workers, and this situation to a place of reconciliation to resolve the problem so that we can work in peace.
Father, thank you that surround me with your Love. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for strength to overcome trials
Pray #10
Most sweet and most loving Lord, you know my weakness and the misery that afflicts me; you know how incredible are the pains and the pains in which I lie.
You know how frequently I am oppressed, tried, distraught, and full of anguish. I come to you to be helped, comforted, and relieved.
I speak to the one who knows everything and knows my every thought; to the one who alone can fully comfort and help me.
You know what I mostly need and how poor and suffering I am. Here I place myself in front of you, destitute and naked, asking for grace and begging for mercy.
Refresh my hunger; warm my coldness with the fire of your Love. Illuminate my blindness with the light of your presence.
Turns into an occasion for patience everything that weighs on me and hinders me.
Lift my heart to you and don’t let me succumb under the weight of evidence.
Prayer for strength for difficult financial times
Pray #11
Lord our God, In the name of Jesus your Son, we ask for your mercy and your interference, as we currently suffer financial problems that afflict us.
Help us to face this economic crisis in the best way and be victorious. Increase our faith and give us the strength to help the needy and the helpless, as many people suffer from dishonest and greedy people.
May with your grace, we can fight and pray to improve our lives. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Pray #12
Merciful God, we know that your Love is infinite and that you care about all areas of our life. In this time of financial insecurity, help us trust that all our security is in you.
Merciful God, we ask that you give our home the wisdom to cope with this current economic crisis. Please help us protect our children, provide for their needs, and give them hope.
Open up new opportunities for us and provides the resources we need to live with dignity. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for strength In case of unemployment
Pray #13
Lord, you give a man to collaborate in the work of your creation. But today I am out of work.
I looked for some and will look for more, but I did not find anything. I feel empty, useless. Save me from discouragement. In forced leisure, keep me available to help.
Awaken my imagination to new possibilities in me and around me. Rekindle my hope. Develop my energy. Make me keep confidence in you and in myself.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for strength In case of failure
Pray #14
I tried to succeed. I did everything to improve my situation. The opposite has happened.
I failed this exam, which would have allowed me to progress, or we preferred to give advancement to another, or even I ultimately failed in this endeavor.
Lord, I am calling you. Soften my bitterness. Don’t let my confidence crumble. Give me the strength to start over, otherwise or even elsewhere, if necessary.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for strength in time of betrayal
Pray #15
Lord, a loved one (a friend, my spouse…) betrayed me.
The friendship (Love) that lit up my life is scorned, trampled underfoot. And my heart is bleeding. I feel like everything is falling apart around me.
Lord Jesus, Give me the strength to overcome this difficult time. I ask for your courage, strength, and hope. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for strength in time of weariness
Pray #16
Disgust and weariness give me a taste of bitterness this evening. Your comfort, Lord, seems so far away.
I worked, struggled. I come to throw at your feet the weight that overwhelms me.
It is derisory, no doubt, compared to the sufferings of the world. But this weight is mine; it weighs on me now. You whose burden is light, help me carry with you, support others, and support myself.
Do not allow the little flame of hope to ever go out, deep within me. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for strength during an illness
Pray #17
You put in me the passion for living and moving forward.
When nothing is going well, and I say, “What’s the point of fighting?” I can still turn to You, pray to You and ask You to help me.
Give me a passion for living and moving forward. You chose me to make life triumph. You cannot let me down.
Lord, be my comfort, bring me this breath of hope that will sustain me all day.
You are my companion waiting for better days. With You, I will resume the road of life. And without end, I will proclaim your Love.

Prayer for Strength when there is a Family Crisis
Heavenly Father, our family, is facing many challenges right now. There’s a lot of conflicts, and I’m afraid that we may break up like other families.
Our children no longer listen to us, and all we do is fight. Please bind us with chords of love. Help us to remain strong in times of adversity and to let offenses go.
May we set our differences aside and start to relate in a way that is pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Strength in Times of Persecution
O Lord, you told us that we shall face tribulations in this world, but we should be of good cheer. But Lord, it is hard to be of good cheer when others keep mocking and slandering me.
Father, please strengthen me in my inner being so that I can stand firm in the faith. Fill me with joy amid persecution so that I can be of good cheer through it all.
In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Also Related: What Does the Bible Say about Praying Daily?
Marital Problems
Almighty God, my rock and strength during difficult times, I come before your throne to cry for my marriage.
Lord, we are on the verge of going through a separation or divorce. I don’t want this to happen.
I want my family to remain together, but I know I cannot do it with my own strength. Give me the strength to keep on fighting even when things get hard.
Strengthen me so that I can handle things in a mature way and not out of bitterness. Help my partner and me to remain grounded in you despite everything that is happening around us.
In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Battling Anxiety and Depression
King of glory, you tell us to be anxious for nothing. But to present our requests known to you.
I come before your throne of grace today full of anxiety and depression. I am tired of battling with these depressive thoughts about my life.
The weight that I carry in my heart is heavy, and it seems like I will not make it through.
Lord, please help me. Remove this burden from my heart. Help me to remain strong to the end despite all the lies that the enemy is feeding my mind
. Help me to fight the good fight of faith. And to remain grounded in your word even when all I want to do is quit. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Prayer for Strength During Divorce
Father God, my heart is breaking, and I feel so lost and weak.
I never thought that there will come a time where I would have to divorce my spouse. But dear Lord, it is happening, and I feel like I cannot go on.
My dream of having a family that is closely knit has been shattered right before my eyes.
As I go through this difficult time, Oh Lord, help me. Strengthen me so that I can keep on trusting you even when I do not understand.
Hold my hand and show me your ways that I may not depart from you this season. Remove pain and disappointment from my heart and help me start over.
In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Health Crisis
Oh, Lord, I am in so much pain right now, and I feel like giving up. I am weak and weary, and I don’t know if I can stand firm.
Heavenly Father, be merciful to me and take away this pain. Give me the strength to fight this disease so that I can be able to enjoy divine health.
Strengthen me, Lord, so that I can stand firm in your promises until healing manifests in my body. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Business Failure
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I want to thank you for giving me the ability to produce wealth.
Lord, as I opened up this business, I was very hopeful that it would be successful, but now it is on the verge of collapsing.
And I do not know what to do or where to turn to. I have tried everything, but my business is failing, and I feel so discouraged.
Lord, I come before you because you’re my only source of strength during difficult times. Hold me with your righteous right hand and strengthen me.
Give me wisdom so that I can follow the right path to revive my business. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Workplace issues
Dear Lord, I am facing a lot of opposition at my workplace. The people I work with have decided to make my life hard.
It‘s becoming hard for me to work as unto you because I have to prove myself to them.
Lord, I come before your throne to ask for supernatural strength so that I can face these challenges with courage.
May I rise above all the attacks set against me and do a job that is pleasing to you.
Father, give me the strength to overcome bitterness and to become salt and light at my workplace. I pray this believing and trusting in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer for strength when grieving
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I come to you in my hour of pain. The loss of my loved one has left me feeling numb and weak inside.
Father, you tell us not to grieve as unbelievers in your word. But Lord, this is so hard for me.
I am angry in my heart, for I do not understand why my loved one had to die, especially at this time when I needed them most.
Comfort my heart and strengthen it with your love. Give me the courage to accept what has happened and to live knowing that I’ll see my loved one in glory when my time comes.
May your joy, O Lord, be my strength. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Prayer for Strength when Rejected
Father, I am hurt, bitter, and lonely right now. The people I trusted the most in this world have rejected me. They have turned against me and are mocking me.
It pains me so much, and I just feel like hiding from the rest of the world. Fill me with courage so that I can take one day at a time.
Lord, help me to focus on your love and not the rejection that I’m going through. In my time of weakness, remind me that you’re always with me.
Give me the strength to face everything that is being thrown at me. And cause me to triumph in everything. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Loss of a Home
Dear Lord, you are my strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.
Give me the strength to be patient with what you have planned for me in this season. Hold my hand so that I can remain strong as I adjust to my new life.
Help me to live boldly even though I have lost my home. Remind me that you are always with me in my time of doubt.
Open supernatural doors so that I may find another home. Not just any home, but one that exceeds my expectations. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Prayer for strength to do the right thing
Father God, it is challenging for me to do the right thing, especially in these difficult times. I find myself compromising so that I can fit in or escape the difficulties that I’m facing.
Lord, you did not promise us an easy life. You have told us in your word that we shall go through trials and tribulations.
Jesus, help me to remain grounded in the word and plans you’ve for me. Especially in times when all odds are against me.
Hold my hand and help me to make the right decisions that bring glory to your holy name. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Also Related: Why Should We Pray to God Every Day?
Haunting Past
Oh Lord, I feel like I’m losing my mind because the enemy keeps reminding me about my haunting past.
Every time I try to move forward, I’m taken ten steps backward by guilt and shame of my past.
The Bible says that if we confess our sins God is faithful to forgive us. Help me to walk in that forgiveness. And to live the abundant life that Jesus died so that I can have.
Give me the courage to move forward. And the strength to fight against and rise above my past mistakes. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Strength in the New Direction
Dear Lord Jesus, starting life in a new direction is so hard for me. I keep battling with the fear of the unknown.
I’m scared that I will not be as successful as I have been in the past. And for the hurdles, I have to face in this new direction that you’re taking me.
Strengthen me so that I can walk in a way that is pleasing to you.
Help me to walk in obedience and love so that I may not stray from your ways, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Strength in time of Confusion
O Lord, your word says that you are not the author of confusion. But I’m struggling with confusion right now, and I don’t know what to do.
I feel vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy in this time of confusion. That is why I’m running to you, my source of refuge. Cover me with your wings and give me strength during this difficult time.
Strengthen me in my inner being so that I may not be scared of all the lies of the enemy. May I continue to stand firm in your word so that I can see the manifestation of your promises?
In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Battling Fear
Father God, many bad things are happening around me, and they’re causing me to become fearful. Lord, please calm my thoughts and emotions with your unconditional love.
Help me to stop living in fear. And to start living courageously even when I see bad things happening around me.
Help me to trust that you are always watching and protecting me from all the bad things that are happening. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Prayer for Strength in Times of Loneliness
Heavenly Father, you tell us in your word to be strong and courageous. But I am feeling lonely and fearful.
Although I know that you’re always with me, there are times I find myself doubting. Please come to my rescue and strengthen my heart so that I can find completion in you.
Father God, engulf me with your love and lift my head high in my loneliness. Let your presence manifest in my life so that I can commune with you continually.
In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
To sum it up:
We can never run away from difficult times, for they are part of life. Instead of being depressed, ask God to strengthen you during difficult times so that you stand firm in the faith.
God loves us so much, and he is willing and ready to help us in our time of need. But we need to ask him for help.
Turn to God in prayer and believe that he will show up for you in a mighty way. Understand that, at times, he may not take the situation away. But he’ll take you through it.
As you use these prayers, know that there is no one way of asking God for strength during difficult times.
These prayers are meant to guide you, especially in those times when you cannot find the right words. Remember to ask the Holy Spirit for help when saying these prayers.
Hi Brenda, I am sorry to hear of your situation, but rest assured I will be praying for you. Please believe that God is faithful and nothing is impossible for him to do.