There is no better way to start your day than involving the Holy Spirit. Morning prayers align our hearts and minds with God before heading out.
By praying early in the morning, we adhere to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:33 (NIV) – But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
The way we start our day determines how it will end. More so, what we do in the morning has a significant outlook on our mood throughout the day.
Starting our day with prayers enables us to live and walk with God’s grace. Living under God’s grace improves our mood and appearance during the day. And by the end of the day, when we reflect on His goodness, we’ll feel satisfied.
Every day comes with its opportunity. What we do each day determines the outcome of our future. So what better way to plan our future than with God’s guidance?
As mentioned earlier, praying early in the morning aligns our hearts with God. With that, we’ll be blessed with wisdom, discernment, and understanding to make wise decisions that will not mar our dreams.
Therefore, it’s very significant to commit your day to His reliable hands.
This article on Praying Early in the Morning: 75 Powerful Benefits will open your mind to the many advantages of early morning prayers.
Knowing this will increase your level of sincerity and seriousness in praying early in the morning daily.
Why Pray Early in the Morning?
For clarity’s sake, we’ll briefly discuss the common reasons praying early in the morning is important.
It’s the best time to get instructions from God.
This is especially instructions on how to plan your day. Remember that praying in the morning means you’re dedicating the rest of your day to God.
In turn, He would speak to your heart on what to do during the day. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice, in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3 (NIV).
Laying our request before the Lord is the first step to achieving greatness; hence, why praying first thing in the morning is important.
It’s Christ-like.
As Christians, we are called to be more like Christ. We are to emulate the lifestyle of Jesus, such as praying early in the morning.
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Mark 1:35 (NIV).
Jesus understood the significance of early morning prayers. Therefore, as Christians, we should take a cue from this.
Prayer gives us hope for a better day.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you don’t feel the need to get out of bed? It might be that all hope seems lost, and there’s nothing to look forward to.
However, early morning prayer might just be a solution to it. I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. Psalm 119:147 (NIV).
Praying early in the morning is important because it brings hope for a new day. Likewise, it motivates and encourages us throughout the day that the Lord is with us.

Why Jesus Prayed Early in the Morning
This act of devotion was recorded in Mark 1:35 – Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (NIV).
Every phrase in this act has its significance. First, it says; Very early in the morning, while it was still dark. This act did not occur while others were awake but during the very early hours of the morning.
This was before other people, or things demanded His attention. Only then could He fully concentrate on His prayers and get what He wanted.
Next, Jesus got up;- Perhaps no phrase holds much more significance than this. When His Spirit woke Him up for prayers, He obeyed.
This is one of the most difficult things to do as humans; even though the spirit is willing, the flesh is often weak. Notwithstanding, Jesus understood early morning is the best time for an encounter with His Father.
Then, Jesus left the house and went off to a solitary place – There’s something about seclusion in prayers.
Jesus always left His natural environment to find a place where He could have uninterrupted communication with His Father.
Hence, He needed to abandon His comfort zone where He could easily get distracted to accomplish His purpose in that hour.
Most importantly, He prayed – this was His goal. He wanted to commune with the Father. He needed His Father’s blessings before heading out each day.
Jesus Knew that without His Father’s daily blessings and approval, He wouldn’t accomplish His mission on earth. This was His source, the place He drew power to perform wonders during the day.
There are many lessons to gain from Jesus’ commitment to early morning prayers in Mark 1:35. But most importantly, it shows that there are benefits of praying early in the morning. Even Jesus knew it!
Also Related: Morning Prayers for May 2022: 31 Powerful Prayers.
Praying Early in the Morning: 75 Powerful Benefits
- It’s an avenue to commit our day into God’s hands.
- God’s grace will abound with us throughout the day.
- Praying early in the morning shields us from the evil of the day.
- Prepares our minds for God’s plan in our lives.
- Equips us spiritually to overcome the numerous temptations of the day.
- Positions us to take delivery of the day’s blessings in all aspects of our lives.
- Makes us strong for whatever we might encounter during the day.
- Takes away all past weariness and pain
- Prepares our hearts to receive from the Holy Spirit.
- Early morning prayer is the best form of devotion to the Holy Spirit.
- Safeguard our future and God’s goodwill for us.
- Prevents us from having ill-fate and bad experiences during the day.
- Gives us the wisdom, understanding, and discernment to face the challenges of life.
- Strengthens our faith and acknowledges God’s presence in our lives.
- Praying early in the morning renews our spirits and minds for a new day.
- Attracts the abundant blessings of God.
- Brings God’s guidance and protection over our loved ones.
- Helps align us to God’s will
- Assists us in developing a healthy relationship with God.
- Helps us gain a full understanding of God’s loving nature.
- Provides answers
- Helps us to accept God’s will
- Provides us with direction in our lives.
- Invites the Holy Spirit into our daily activities
- Assists us in becoming more like Jesus
- Helps us recount God’s past provisions, thus increasing our faith in His plans for us.
- Removes past sorrows, distress, and troubles of this world.
- Helps us to draw closer to God, thereby understanding His ways.
- Brings healing to our souls, minds, and body.
- Improves our mood and attitude
- Deliver us from the plans of the devil.
- A means to express gratitude to God.
- Voices our dependence on God, thereby relieving us from fear.
- Open our eyes to see visions covering both the physical and spiritual realms.
- Gives us hope for a better day.
- Helps us seek God’s mercy and grace in our lives.
- Boosts our spirit, mind, and body to face the challenges of a new day.
- Nourishes our spirits
- Elevates us above all of our challenges
- Gives us the strength and courage to overcome challenges.
- Releases us from anxiety.
- Deepens our fellowship with God.
- Assists us in setting our minds on God.
- Deals with pride and increases humility.
- Changes the outcome of the day.
- Makes us spiritually strong
- Heals and comforts our pain, suffering, and sorrow.
- Makes us daily recipients of God’s blessings.
- Keeps us rooted and grounded in the will of the Lord.
- Delivers us from sin and afflictions of the devil.
- It’s an avenue to commune with Christ.
- Changes our focus in life.
- Ushers us into God’s presence
- Brings peace of mind and provides answers to questions.
- Gives us the grace to cope with stress
- Liberates us from past sins.
- Glorifies God above all things.
- Opens closed doors.
- Breaks the yoke of evil and brings us to the light.
- Repels earthly desires and focuses our attention on God.
- Protects us from unknown dangers.
- Transforms us into better persons.
- Attracts divine assistance.
- Boosts our mental and physical health to face the day.
- Reveals our deepest desires.
- Neutralizes stagnation and regression.
- Helps in manifesting our spiritual gifts.
- We receive revelations through early morning prayers.
- Brings favor from God.
- Helps us to gain a productive day.
- Turns around situations in our lives for the better.
- Empowers us spiritually
- Connects us to the Heavens for deliverance, blessings, and guidance.
- Brings joy, success, and fulfillment.
- Opens our hearts to receive the Holy Spirit and His numerous gifts.
What Happens When We Don’t Pray Early in the morning?
We Bear Unnecessary Burdens –
When we fail to commit our activities to God’s hands, we may experience restlessness during the day, and our responsibilities may seem more burdensome.
However, when we pray, we allow the Holy Spirit to eliminate our difficulties and replace them with peace. This is why the Bible says you should Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV).
We become vulnerable to the devil –
Failure to pray in the morning leaves us vulnerable to the plans of the enemy. It gives the devil the chance to exact his evil intentions over us.
More so, we’ll fall easily to temptations. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV)
We become easily discouraged –
We become easily discouraged by the challenges of life when we fail to pray in the morning. Even so, our troubles become bigger, physically, spiritually, and mentally – especially when our plans fail and weariness sets in.
Hopelessness becomes inevitable without prayers because only God has the power to solve our problems.
Unhappiness –
As Christians, we experience peace of mind in a healthy relationship with God. One of our main sources of joy is communicating with God through prayers.
However, if we don’t communicate with Him, we cannot enjoy the benefits that come with answered prayers. The consequences, in the end, are our unhappiness, sorrow, and worry, among others.
Switches our focus to temporary things –
If we don’t maintain daily prayer life, especially early morning prayers, we may forget about the most important things in life.
Instead of seeking the kingdom of God first, the first thing that comes to our minds early in the morning is chasing after earthly things.
And at the end of the day, we are left with nothing to show for our efforts. This is the reason Paul challenges us with these words in Colossians 3:2 (NIV).
Praying early in the morning can be termed a spiritual breakfast that’s helpful in getting us through the day.
This also serves as part of the fulfillment of what the Scripture instructed us to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. (NIV).
It is common to get frustrated, distracted, or lose focus, especially early in the morning.
Regardless, we should try everything humanly possible to seek God’s guidance and protection before heading out. When we pray each day, we become resilient against the temptation to sin.
Consistency is also important for this daily ritual. We should endeavor to be more disciplined in the aspect of making sure you pray early in the morning.
Set reminders or join a prayer group; just do whatever it takes to stay consistent in this godly habit. Be like Jesus, who takes early morning prayers seriously!
Now that you have seen the benefits of praying early in the morning in this article: Praying Early in the Morning: 75 Powerful Benefits, I hope they serve as motivation to be consistent with early morning prayers.